Ten minutes to understand the Basic Cultivation of Copywriting

Publication: copywriting, everyone's basic skills

In essence, all expressions are copywriting, all outputs are creativity, and all content is advertising

1. Re understanding advertising: what is more important than fun?

Good creativity is not equal to good advertising

Advertising is about influencing others and making changes.

Creativity can make advertising better

2. Making changes: how to make aliens eat chili

Three forces that change behavior: push, pull, and pressure

Advertisements always want people to be willing to change their behavior


The change of people's behavior always starts from the change of their internal cognition

Therefore, people first change people's cognition, and then make them change their behavior - this is the usual "action path" of advertising.

How to make aliens eat chilli?

Change your opinion: Come to the earth without chili peppers.

Change feeling: It's delicious to see people eating chili every day.

Change of opinion is usually "convinced" or "inspired"

Changing behavior is usually "infected" or "impressed".

Can change change people's behavior?

Changing behavior is the ultimate goal of advertising, but most advertisements are often unable to reach the goal in one step and directly change behavior; To be able to change people's views or feelings is effective advertising.

3. Clear strategy: what is the first step to becoming a professional suitor?

Before advertising, make clear three questions:

Who will sell the product to?

Why did they buy it?

How can they realize this and decide to buy my products?

Clear business objectives: what are business objectives? Are you selling more goods? This goal is not clear enough

Classic 3M model: more people use it; The original users use more; Let them spend more money

Different target copy strategies

After getting clear about the business objectives, we can find out why she is willing to be your partner?

Here is a change of perspective that is often ignored, from your goal to "her cognition"

It doesn't matter what you say, but what he hears.

What kind of cognitive change can make him change his behavior and change his choice?

It is called "communication target" in advertising terms

How to determine this goal?

Of course, to find out why he doesn't like you

Then first try to change his opinion or feelings

Conclusion: The business goal is to choose a "consumer behavior change you expect"; The communication goal is a kind of "cognitive change that can lead to such behavior change".

Communication target serves business target

4. Identify objects: how to chase 30 girls at the same time

Target consumers and target audiences

Target consumers and target audiences may not be the same group

For example, selling diamond rings has different customs and advertising language

The second step after selecting the target group is to get to know them, understand them, and look at them with heart rather than image

Misunderstanding: age, gender, education, income and other external characteristics have become increasingly unable to represent a person's consumption status

  • How do you describe your target group?

More important than external characteristics is their internal cognition

Mental image: refers to the "cognitive commonality" of a person or a group

The difference between image and mental image, such as describing a group of people

Image: 50 to 80 years old, stable economy, healthy body, first and second tier

Mind image: old people who want to improve their lives but cannot find suitable products

  • How to find the mental image of the target group?

It is the only way to put yourself in the other's shoes, observe and experience from their perspective.

"Empathy" ability is an ability that needs lifelong cultivation and is worth cultivating.

5. Core experience: how can you impress others

Just as falling in love cannot be ranked by assets and appearance, consumption decision-making is also very complex and diversified, and it is not enough to talk about interests only.

Sometimes, the core interests closely related to the product may not be what really impress people about the product or brand.

We prefer to call it "core experience". Compared with interests, it is broader and more emotional.

For example, if you want to make a hole on the wall, there are 1002001000 punching machines. Different people will have different choices for different purposes. Although the core interests can be consistent, the core experience is different. Some people may want to show off.

The core experience is defined as the unique experience that a product brand can provide that is valuable to consumers or users.

  • How to spread around the core experience?

1. See what experience or value you need.

2. Compare with competitors.

3. Consider whether the target population needs it.

There is no standard answer. It depends on what kind of people you are facing.

It is half a success to find the most unique and moving core experience.

The core experience has a life cycle, which needs to be updated constantly with the change of the competitive environment and consumer demand

6. Brand value: who says there is no love without reason?

The most basic and original function of the brand: to be remembered and recognized

Advertising is to change the behavior by changing people's views or feelings. Change your opinion and feelings to encourage and trigger preferences. Cognitive preferences will trigger behavioral choices. When such preferences accumulate and solidify, they become brand loyalty.

Some are based on product advantages, solidifying brand preference: good air conditioners, Greezao

Some are based on feelings: just do it

The ultimate truth of brand building is to change the objective preference into the subjective preference.

For example, when a girl says she loves you, you ask her what she loves you for? If he says specifically, it is not you that he loves. If he does not say specifically, it is you that he loves.

Brand function: default dependency; Preference; Relative premium

People establishment is a personal brand, which is constantly built, improved and strengthened.

7. What is Insight: "Mind wandering" is to follow whose "heart"

Wandering is not to follow one's own heart, but to follow others' heart. It is to let your content go to others' heart.

The essence of distraction is to arouse the audience's resonance and empathy.

Resonance is different from empathy. Resonance is rational, and it is the identification of views and opinions; Empathy is the introduction of emotions and feelings

For example, when you watch a movie, if you agree with the views in the movie, it is empathy, and if you are moved, it is empathy.

The difference between empathy and sympathy: the same thing is to watch a movie, saying that this woman is too poor, and our women are too poor.

  • What brings resonance and empathy?

Through insight, it refers to some truth or fact that has not been discovered or has been forgotten by everyone.

For example: Li Jiaqi sells skin care products, from "her husband is very hard" to "buy her husband something cheap"

Differentiation: interesting facts, positive cognition, accurate insight

  • How to distinguish:

Interesting fact: "Oh, really? I didn't know it before"

Correct cognition: "Oh, yes, that's it"

Good insight: "That's right“

Two effects of insight: strong novelty and instant identity

Insight is the source of persuasiveness, appeal and communication.

Whether wandering, moving, or piercing your heart, it is because the person who created the content understands your heart

Once you develop the thinking mode of looking for insight and summarizing insight, you can see a lot more clearly than others.

8. Discovery insight, are you Li Zongsheng or Wilde?

Difference between seeing, observing and insight

Insight is the secret commonness of a group of people's cognition or behavior, or the truth behind it

Insight must be aimed at a group of people

Insight is not invented, but discovered

Explicit insight: You have that idea in your heart. The posture has never been accurately expressed. Someone has accurately captured him.

Penetrating insight: something that makes you "suddenly realize" when you hear this.

Insight where to dig?

Explicit: Try to explore the gap between people's cognition and expression. Everyone knows that, but they can't say it, and they can't say it accurately. If you say it, you will become.

Insight: explore the gap between the truth of human nature and universal cognition.

Wonderful expression rhetoric is just expression ability, not insight.

9. Subdivision insight: why "win or not win"“

Advertising is not necessarily for target consumers

Taking the ice bucket challenge as an example, the roles can be roughly divided into three types:

Spectators, participants, and people who donate money directly affected by these communications.

An advertising campaign should not only consider target consumers, but also have onlookers and participants.

According to different group identities, we have different insights: social group insight, participation group insight, and consumer group insight

The reason why we won't win is that we didn't recognize the difference between these three insights

10. Creativity: Are good ideas hatched?

Creativity is "touched" by core experience and three different insights

Idea is an idea: an idea and method to solve problems

To find an idea and a good process, we should not randomly combine some elements to try to find interesting results by chance, but should stimulate effective solutions to problems through regular collisions.

11. Optimization statement: how to turn stone into gold

Turn big into small: great momentum, small more sharp. Advertisements are made by mass media to each audience, so it is more important to be sharp.

Turn the Far into the Near: Try to establish relevance, and another way is to "use dialect instead“

Change abstract into concrete: situations, emotions, stories and numbers are all tips for changing abstract into concrete

12. Optimization: How to Turn Stone into Gold 2

Change complexity into simplicity: short, simple and straightforward

Turn blandness into excellence

All moving moves, the ultimate goal and underlying logic are to turn what you have into what you have.

13. Breakthrough view: how to go beyond cliches

From "statement" to "opinion“

Opinion is the reason for the audience to change their cognition

An expression of this reason, opinion, emotion, or something

”What is the difference between "good saying" and "good looking method"?

For example, from we are not afraid of snow and ice to we are afraid of snow and ice, so we strive to overcome

”The good saying "is a more moving way of expression, and the" good-looking method "is the reason that can make you change your cognition. It comes from accurate insight.

Every new view will generate many opinions

14. Creative method: What is the most powerful beggar like?

The last lecture talked about the dimension upgrading from statement to view, which is the dimension upgrading from view to method

It all depends on insight

Statements, opinions and methods constitute the idea pyramid

Method Market value can promote new "behavioral change" and "cognitive change";

”"Opinion" refers to the reason that contributes to this cognitive change and is to be transmitted to the target group;

The saying is the expression found by "reason"

Saying serves the view, so that the view can be better accepted; Opinions serve the method. In order to realize this method.

15. Idea pyramid: have we missed brain platinum?

Brain Platinum Reform: It is believed that it is the most suitable health care product for gift giving.

Although it is a health care product, it is sold as a gift

Perception of brain platinum: gift first brain platinum

Brain platinum, the recipient will like it

16. Understanding tonality: why should we "please others"“

Tone is an external and perceptible style and personality. Change people's feelings, often beyond the effect of persuasion; It can create "unreasonable likes" on an irrational level, which may precipitate into solidified preferences.

17. Tone Truth: What? Is there a reason for vulgarity?

Truth 1: The tonality depends on what you want to feel under the audience's psychology. The bigger the advertisement, the better.

Truth 2: The elasticity of tonality, not everyone is so sensitive to advertising tonality.

Truth 3: Whether tonality plays a great role is also related to product category; Different groups have different elasticity to different products.

18. Context change: Are you the one who wears mink at sea?

Different people, different contexts, different times, different interpretations of tonality

To design tonality for a group, we should start from their "mental image"

19. Interaction source: What should we do if no one pays attention to you?

Nowadays, communication is inseparable from the interaction between content and audience.

The design of interaction is mostly to plan and guide the audience's "cognitive journey"“

What is a cognitive journey: it is the thought path of users to see this content, which is excavated from the psychological level of users.

20. Motivation: How to become an excellent title party?

Three motivations for stimulating user interaction: relevant, beneficial, interesting and expectant

”Behind the title "Party", there is accurate insight into the audience.

21. Call to Action: Is it possible to claim the certificate on the same day?

Brand advertising focuses on arousing consumer demand, which is the manufacturing of preference; Effect advertising focuses on arousing consumer behavior, which is the realization of preferences. The two work together.

If you have a good brand awareness, reduce the price; If not, you need to demonstrate, reduce the price and improve the conversion.

22. Sales Principle: Do you really think it is easy to set up a stall to sell goods?

Four Persuasion Skills of Effect Advertising: Attraction, Trust, Attraction and Action

It is not planting grass, but pulling grass. It must be a strong, instantaneous desire on the spot;

The force generating steps of effect advertising: use attraction to achieve stay, use trust to ensure trust, use temptation to stimulate the heart, and use action to guide the attempt.

23. Hourglass: Don't be silly, but brainstorm

Brainstorming is a tool with strict steps and detailed rules. It does not mean to throw out scattered ideas at random, misunderstand and misuse them.

24. Thinking path: what does it depend on without "brain hole"?

Two ways of thinking creatively: start with the end and connect with imagination

Starting from the end is to start from the problem to be solved, and use a series of "how can I" to deduce layer by layer to form a solution.

Imagination depends on "exhaust one by one", using a series of "if's.. What will happen "to guide thinking.

Methods and opinions should be produced by "starting with the end" as far as possible, and the principle of saying should give priority to the method of exhaustion of "imagination".

25. Auxiliary tools: Do you have your arsenal?

Six weapons to assist in the production of creativity: map, color, book, pen, wine and brain

Six good habits of creativity: logic, multiple collisions, extensive reading, frequent recording, inspiration and deep thinking

It should be tested after thinking about creativity, rather than doing very harsh screening at the same time.

26. Clarify the goal: why can't we just focus on the "bright future"

The criteria for good creativity should be relevant, original and impactful in terms of works; From the perspective of communication effect, it should be persuasive, infectious and communicative.

27. Judgment criteria: there are right and wrong in addition to "good and bad"

28. Proposal steps: Do you want to stop the performance? Why

A proposal is not a performance or a speech. It is to take your proposal and communicate with a group of people waiting to resolve the problem.

More effective proposals: description of questions, disassembly of questions, description of answers, disassembly of answers

29. Six working attitudes of advertisers

Do not rely on inspiration, do not have to work hard, do not fight against customers, do not advertise dogs, do not be unreasonable weirdos, do not work for applause and trophies

Creativity comes from long-term practice, accumulation and countless times of meditation.

Advertisers must maintain their understanding of ordinary people and their empathy with most people to find insights.

30. Six things to learn from advertising

Use touch to make changes, use past insight to think in terms of position, solve problems through dimension upgrading, replace brainstorming with "creative hourglass", maintain an open attitude, and use creativity to realize value added.


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