[Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

Source | Official ID Writer Yu Ji
Title Source | Pexels


No matter how creative and creative, copywriting should be expressed in words in the final analysis.

As for writing skills, countless literary predecessors have made many summaries. These writing skills are not only common in literary works, but also very common in commercial copywriting.

This article will take a look at the rhetoric skills commonly used in advertising copy.

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


Metaphor is the most common rhetorical devices one of.

First, it can convey the product benefits or brand connotation intuitively and concretely. Second, when your metaphor is unexpected and reasonable, it will make the copywriting sentence have great tension.

1. There is a monster in the world that breaks up parent-child relationship, called growing up—— Qimei LCD TV

2. Clothes are the most moving language—— Taobao Women's Clothing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

3. Love is the baggage that accompanies us all our life—— CCTV Spring Festival Public Service Advertising

4. Everyone is a river. Each river has its own direction. Each river rides the wind and waves with its own attitude—— NetEase News

5. Heart is the biggest battlefield in life—— Maya Coffee

6. We used to stick to our parents like glue, but time is a dissolver—— A real estate copybook

7. The most important car in the world is my father's shoulder—— Zhonghua Automobile

8. The smell of your mother is a signpost for you to go home—— Fotile

9. It's like a child, you can't understand it until you have it—— Porsche

10. Simplicity, the first order of architecture—— Champagne Town

11. To conquer oneself, the heart is the wildest mountain—— Go wild

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

12. Clothes are always the last beautiful environment of this era—— ZTE Department Store

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

13. Home is our lifelong greed—— CCTV public service advertisement

14. The biggest storm that I have passed is my love with you—— Jia Zhangke's Children in the Jianghu

15. People are eager to be understood, so as to spend the life of the sea, and the lonely people have their own sea—— Tencent Video

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


Personification is also a common technique in copywriting. Some express a certain feature of a product or brand in a personalized way, and some directly compare a product or brand to an adult.

1. It takes ten years for a good grape to travel three millimeters—— Great Wall Red Wine

2. How many rugged, one by one—— Philips electric iron

3. The stomach knows best where home is—— Go home for dinner

4. In an era of abundant bread, the most hungry is often the spirit—— Vanke "specially built for you"

5. There are no abstinence consumers, only the department stores of the Puritans—— ZTE Department Store

6. Memory lost its way and found it with love—— Alzheimer's Disease Association

7. Being a man is like shaving. You have to be careful in advance and retreat—— Philips

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

8. Some roads can not take you to places, light can, - create sub culture

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

9. In every era, people who will learn will be rewarded quietly—— Suntech Educational Institution

10. In this world, people who do not change are severely punished—— Suntech Educational Institution

11. Let curiosity no longer be lonely—— Zhihu

12. Opportunity can not escape, it is always you who can escape—— Kunlun Mountain Mineral Water

13. It's ugly, but it can take you where you want to go—— Volkswagen Beetle

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

Symmetrical sentence pattern

Symmetrical sentence patterns are also very common in copywriting. Of course, we can also use higher order "antithesis" and "antithesis", but copywriting does not have to be too particular about parts of speech and tone. Only sentence pattern symmetry can achieve good results.

1. You may not be outstanding, but you must be different—— 104 Bank

2. No one is born like this, but we insist every day—— keep

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

3. If you are used to stepping on the red carpet, you will dream of the flagstone road—— From Vanke Rancho Santa Fe

4. There are more and more entertainment and less and less friends who are distracted—— Tmall Global Beverage Festival Advertising

5. One second, you are the son of your father. This second, you are the father of your son—— Xitie City Watch

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

6. Don't leave the wine in the cup, don't keep your words in your heart—— Luzhou Laojiao

7. Sleep in the mountains and live in the human relationship—— Airbnb

8. It is better to stand side by side here than look up elsewhere—— Tencent Weibo

9. The day is slow and the sun is scattered—— Sunshine Palm Garden

10. Time makes classics, and time makes eternity—— Valentino

11. Most people know, few people know—— Porsche

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

12. When you leave, you become an adult from a foreign country; When you return, you become a child in your hometown—— WeChat red envelope

13. Once I fell asleep while chatting, but now I can't sleep when I think about it—— Tencent Video

14. Childhood is fun, and adulthood has wine—— Luzhou Laojiao

15. When I was a child, I was not afraid to explore; When you grow up, you should have courage every step forward—— Sogou map.

16. Lead the trend in one's life, rarely follow the trend—— Vanke

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


Using allusions is a common technique in Chinese writing. For example, Xin Qiji's works are famous for their good use of allusions.

In business copywriting, using allusions case There are also many references. Of course, the "allusions" here are a wide range, not only anecdotes or archaisms, but also classic lines, lyrics, popular words, etc.

1. Listen, the night rain has cut the spring leeks. Don't go home without getting drunk, old friend. Cheers to your friend—— Vanke, using Du Fu's "Gift to Eight Guards"

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

2. When it tastes strong, it is home—— Go to the kitchen and make use of Liang Shiqiu's Hometown When the Taste Is Strong

3. If you don't shop for three days, your soul will be detestable—— ZTE Department Store, using "Memories of Huang Luzhi's Speech", "If you don't read for three days, you will feel tasteless and disgusting"

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

4. Fast as wind, slow as forest, powerful as fire, steady as mountain. With confidence, we can let the heaven and earth go—— Mercedes Benz, using sentences in Sun Tzu's Art of War

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

5. I will go home sooner or later—— Audi New Year Copy

6. More and more women, "You don't need to teach me for the rest of my life"—— Tmall Queen's Day

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

7. Who comes from mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, but is limited by day and night, kitchen and love—— Go to the kitchen and quote Heartbreaking Jokes and Long Daydreams

8. Perseverance means everything -- every guest, quote "To the Earl of Wolfe Karkroyd"

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9. Sitting on the stone, watching the tender dragonflies on the reed leaves, I felt completely at ease, like a child sleeping in a cradle—— Vanke quoted Lao She's "Thinking of Peiping"

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

10. The house we are most familiar with is always the most intimate—— Vanke quoted Lao She's "Thinking of Peiping"

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

11. In summer, it's hot everywhere, but this jar is cold—— Vanke quoted Lao She's "Thinking of Peiping"

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

12. You are not a guest in your dream. Come back, don't miss the reunion—— Vanke, citing Li Yu's "Waves Washing Sand"

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

13. Because you are not afraid of the cold wind, it doesn't matter if you are muddy all the way—— jeep, Everyone has a song Li Zongsheng

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

14. Seize every minute of your life and go all out to the top of your heart—— jeep, Everyone has a song Li Zongsheng

15. The spring flavor is just right, and I don't eat it from time to time———— Hungry? Xingxuan, "Don't eat every now and then" from The Analects of Confucius

16. Dust returns to dust, I return to myself—— MINI Automobile

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


The truth is that the end of the last sentence and the beginning of the next sentence use the same words (sounds) or words, so they are more catchy in phonology.

1. The poor are rich because of books, while the rich are expensive because of books—— Yonghan Bookstore

2. The world is no bigger than between you and me—— WeChat

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

3. Being beautiful is capital, and spending money beautifully is skill—— Full Union Economic Aesthetics

4. Dad hit me, I hit it. Violence can be contagious, stop domestic violence immediately—— Public service advertisement against domestic violence

5. The darling of the world, the darling of the darling—— Benz

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6. This year, we don't accept gifts for holidays, but we also accept gifts for brain platinum—— Brain platinum

7. There must be a way to the mountain, and there must be a Toyota—— Toyota

8. Anyone who is photographed must be like everyone—— Konica

9. Big petrification is small, small petrification is small—— Ads for curing lithiasis

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


Rhythm, that is, the last one or two words of two sentences have the same vowel, which is one of the simplest techniques to make sentences have a sense of rhythm.

Look more at "China's New Rap" or "China Poetry Conference" to quickly improve this skill.

1. All introverts in the world are talking to the wrong person—— Mo Mo

2. Those who really like you are available 24 hours a day; Those who want to see you off will be on their way—— Didi Travel

3. For the next generation, we decided to pick up this bag—— Taiwan Federation

4. There is no way in life in vain. Every step counts—— New Balance

5. Without prejudice, they are left with infinity—— Taiwan 104 Human Resources Bank

6. Good things come naturally when a horse with a human head is driven—— Remy Martin

7. Everything is accessible, but love is priceless—— MasterCard

8. Use creativity to eliminate stereotypes, and use cross-border methods to eliminate routines—— Ten Thousand Ways to Create X David

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

9. Come and come, go to an interesting climax, and cure the old boredom—— Dongqimen Public Account

10. It's better to start and experience again than to remember in situ—— Land Rover

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

11. A pair of good friends, two good beers—— Asahi

12. The innocence in others' eyes is all my galloping with dreams as horses—— Huawei Maimang

13. Send her a big garden. She refuses flowers from countless boys for you—— Binjiangnan

14. As long as we are with you, love is everywhere—— Binjiangnan

15. Pay for you and care about every amount—— Alipay

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


The use of numbers is not strictly a rhetorical device, but because of the symbolic nature and accurate calculation of numbers, it can shine in the text.

1. Put 1000 songs in your pocket—— iPod

2. Life is only more than 76000 meals, sweet and sour, bitter and hot are all tastes, and each meal is worth being treated carefully—— Baidu take away

3. Walk slowly along the 80000 square meter original lake and among the islands in the lake, and learn from the wetland. In the 60000 square meter mountain park, it is as calm as a spring, and keeps moderate silence with trees—— Guangyao City

4. May all 25 years old people in the world be 5 years old who have been sleeping for 20 years. May we all know the world but not the world—— Tencent video "To Page"

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

5. The 14 square meter rental house can accommodate the ambitions and dreams of the early 20s—— 58 Local

6. When I was young, it took 9 steps to jump house, and when I grew up, it took only 1 step to build a house—— Tuba rabbit

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

7. Every year, more than 100000000 sharks are slaughtered by human vanity—— ACAP

8. My 10 million wayward, you can always smile—— wyeth

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

9. People who can't dream at the age of 20 are helping others realize their dreams at the age of 30—— A property

10. Xiangpiaopiaopiao milk tea sells more than 700 million cups a year, and the cups can circle the earth twice when connected—— Hong fluttering milk tea

11. Don't wear high-heeled shoes of the 21st century, and follow the route of the 20th century grandma—— Xu Shunying

12. It has been 522 years since the last discovery of the new continent—— MINI

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13. 99% of MINI are my partners—— MINI

14. When 1+1>2, you are the greatest mathematician—— Toyota, Mother's Day copybook

15. Kobe's starting point is not 28000 points, not 15000 points, but like everyone, he starts from scratch—— Nike

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

The same use of contradictory words

Due to the difference between the two meanings of words, the simultaneous application of antonyms can leave a huge feeling space for readers and increase the tension of the whole sentence.

1. Self discipline gives me freedom—— keep

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

2. If someone expels me, someone welcomes me—— Watercress

3. Tell a joke. Don't cry—— Donkey gets water

4. In order to realize your dream, sometimes you have to give up your dream first—— Red Star Erguotou

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

5. The favorite clothes are often marked with the most annoying price—— ZTE Department Store Copy

6. The faster the world, the slower the heart—— China Telecom 4G

7. Make no noise, make your own voice—— Buick

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8. I have spent a lot of time working for her, and this is the only part of my childhood that can accompany her—— IQIYI

9. Not a certain height, not suitable for such low profile—— Vanke

10. If you are used to stepping on the red carpet, you will dream of the flagstone road—— Vanke

11. No pain, no pleasure—— Red Star Erguotou

12. Traces are perfect—— Vanke

13. The darker it is, the clearer my goal is—— Mini

14. Your little life is a great event worth recording—— Quick hand

15. The faster you run, the faster you stop—— Mini

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


Loopback is to make the main elements of a sentence turn upside down and surround, resulting in smooth phonology and incisive semantics.

1. Clothing is a kind of smart politics, and politics is a kind of smart clothing—— ZTE Department Store

2. If you don't manage money, wealth will ignore you—— Money Weekly

3. It doesn't matter where you go, it's important to go—— Go

4. A great opponent makes a great opponent—— bmw

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

5. It is not reality that supports your dreams, but dreams that support your reality—— Peking University Star Diary

6. Pain is impassable, and general is not painful—— A drug

7. The more forward you go, the more difficult it is; The harder it is, the more forward you go—— Benz

8. Ordinary change will change ordinary—— TaoBao

9. It's OK to drink more water—— Drink more mineral water

10. He who steals his heart has been stolen—— Benz

11. If you have a "hobby" to write, writing will become your hobby—— Like pen

12. Wanjiale, happy Wanjia—— macro

13. Be yourself, do it yourself—— Taixin Bank

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


The progressive here and the turning point to be shared below are all about the relationship between sentences. Progressive means that the next sentence takes the meaning of the previous sentence and moves forward.

The turning point is the fact raised by the next sentence, which is different from the previous sentence.

1. The more appreciative, the more appreciative—— Hennessy

2. The more you see, the more you want to see—— Zhihu

3. I'm afraid of people who read. In particular, people who are still reading—— World Culture

4. Tea is good, tea is great—— Dayi Tea

5. The truth proves everything, and you prove the truth. Time changes everything, you change time. Power controls everything, you control power. Grade everything, you grade—— audi

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

6. Life is more than life—— Remy Martin

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

7. The only difference is that they are different everywhere—— Apple 6S

8. The inventor of the automobile, invented the automobile again—— Benz

9. It's hot in summer. Love should take advantage of it—— Haagen-Dazs

10. The furthest distance in the world is when I look at you and you look at the road—— audi

11. The dream of youth is finished in youth—— No. 101 Night Dream Tram

12. It is a great event for developers and a good thing for all people—— Macbook

13. The head teacher said, "If you read again, I will read you again."—— dawn

14. The important thing is not to have everything, but to be right beside what you want—— Skoda Auto

15. Living, there are traces of living—— Vanke

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


1. Cartoons can be replayed, but childhood cannot be replayed—— Huashu STB

2. Nothing is easy, but the persistence will not be too bad—— Hujiang Online School

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

3. It's easy to give up, but it must be cool to persist—— Jieyou Grocery Store

4. The important thing is not to enjoy the scenery, but to become a scenery—— Fotile

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

5. Some people are waiting to be changed by the world, and we are already changing the world—— OFO

6. The opposite of great is not failure, but not to spell—— Nike

7. No matter how serious you are, you can't become a style—— jeep

8. I worked so hard not to get married, but to avoid having to—— Jingdong Finance

9. No one is a workaholic, just unwilling to lose—— Ali nail

10. I always wanted to have my own space in the past, but it is difficult to meet in the future—— Leisure fish, graduation season copy

11. It's always said that I can't calm down to read, but how can I calm down without reading—— Netease Snail Reading

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

12. Later, we had everything but us—— Poster copy of Later Us

13. Even family members should continue to be lovers—— BenQ projector

14. It's ugly, but it can take you where you want to go—— Volkswagen Beetle

15. Don't expect to be invincible, just want to surpass yourself—— Nike

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

16. Saving money is the right way, not in Quanlian, but on the way to Quanlian—— Full Union Economic Aesthetics

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

Play with words

This technique, strictly speaking, should be called "word analysis", that is, to take apart a fixed word and use it to interpret a common word from a new perspective.

But in my opinion, this method of use is actually more like playing a game of reversing a word.

1. I used to be a dreamer. My dream is gone, only homesick—— Tea is tea

2. The stronger you are, the more you like a strong opponent—— MINI

3. Don't waste any water except sweat—— Nike

4. We pushed the cup and changed it, but we didn't confide in each other—— Life Is But 76000 Meals, Baidu Take away

5. Childhood is precious, and the happiness of childhood is not expensive—— Coiling net

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

6. Previously nothing was feared, now nothing matters—— Red Star Erguotou

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

7. Your world will never be bounded—— Ford Motor

8. You are sleepy every day because you are trapped by life—— South Fund

9. It's hard to say everything and drink it all at once—— Red Star Erguotou

10. In your opinion, some walks are just for the road -- Guangyao City, Mr. Lake

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

11. When you are not optimistic, you should look good—— Tmall

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

12. When I left home, I began to go home—— Homecoming Villa

13. It's better to live in clouds and fog than in clouds and fog—— Quick "Hometown Goods"

14. People who see the times are also influencing the times—— Vanke

15. Simplicity is not simple—— Lilang Business Men's Wear

16. No wealth, only home—— Shanwaishan Real Estate

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

Play with words

This technique, strictly speaking, should be called "analyzing characters", that is, deriving other meanings from the sound (homophone), shape, etc. of characters.

1. The ideal is to leave home—— NetEase cloud music

2. My constellation is bold—— Encore

3. When I left, my name was Timberland. When I came back, my name was Kick Not Bad—— Timberland

4. Earth cloth earth—— Original village homespun

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

5. How difficult life is and how choked wine is. It's not as good as thinking—— Erguotou No Wine, No Good Story

6. You ask me what kind of appearance I like most about you, and I like the appearance that you are not "scum" most—— Philips shaver

7. The two people who rely on are called "from" to the end—— Lin Xiaotong's Diamond Ring

8. As long as we are with you, love is everywhere—— Binjiangnan

9. We soon got to know each other—— Xiaofeiyang Hotpot

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11. See yourself from your bosom friend—— Taiwan tipsy

12. Good medicine is good medicine—— Zhongjing Liuwei Dihuang Pills

13. Only by opposing ourselves can we get the problem right—— tencent


 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing

15. Put all people, all people, all people, all people and one more person—— MINI

 [Appreciation] 13 rhetorical devices, 180 sentences, amazing writing


Reference/case source: all the cases mentioned above are from the brand side.


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