Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy

Reading guide: I have been collecting a classic copy that was widely circulated in the advertising copywriting circle of the capital many years ago Ogilvy&Mather inside Copywriting training Information.
If you look at the classic things from time to time, you still feel that they are worth chewing carefully. The views in them are still impressive, and people still don't talk hard, and don't show any affectation. Every word is based on experience.
Briefly share with you that dry goods still have to be collected and looked at frequently, and there are always new gains.
writing The case is always submitted at the last minute. What's the problem?
Many times, we complain that our subordinates or colleagues are not working well. The problem is often not in the level but in the communicate On.
If the boss often shakes his head, it means that he has not communicated clearly in advance; If the process of copywriting is often interrupted, it indicates that there is a lack of guidance in the early stage.
How to solve it?
We must communicate clearly in advance, and oppose allowing copywriters to act freely without guidelines and goals.

 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy

After that, give the creators freedom, take their hands off the back of the copy, do not keep any restrictions, and give them time and encouragement.
Emotion, can not fake.
If you don't like writing, no one wants to read. Be positive, not negative.
Put yourself in the product, use your life or the life of others you know activation Your copy.
If something touches you, you have a great opportunity to touch others. Wisdom is often something that hinders emotion.
Five steps of copywriting.
1. Collect
Copywriting is the process of discovery, rather than desperately thinking about ideas. Understand the product in depth, and never start writing unless there is too much to say.
Talk to the person concerned before writing a copy. The copywriter should first consider consumers rather than products, and keep all information at hand.
2. Mastication
To be efficient, remember: when thinking, do not write; When writing, do not think. If you are really ready to write, you should not have to think again.
3. Throw it away
Avoid the temptation to start writing, do something else, and let the things in the copywriting briefing settle down.
4. Dart out
The thorough understanding and fermentation of all materials, like a full load of energy, can make the copywriting inspiration gush out of control.
5. Inspection
Reflect on the creative briefing and follow the perception rather than just the creative briefing.
 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy
In addition, wait to write. Are your selling points reliable?
If the product is worth paying for, it must have noticeable features. Although we often think that it is not outstanding, it is actually just a poor expression ability.
The selling point is just like a grain of rice in the seam of the table Pick it out Don't write before.
Write a copy, just afraid of who you think you are!
If a product is sold successfully, it is not our credit, but we have not buried it.
Consumers are definitely not fools, especially when buying expensive things. Unless the product moves him, how can he pay?
Face the reality, copywriting cannot change the nature of unsalable products.
What the copywriter has to do is not cover up the product and not delay the product. Do not conceive and create strategies with a strong sense of advertising mission. It is easy to lose control of perception and fall into the trap of self positioning.
Title, decide whether to continue!
After reading the title, most readers will decide whether to continue reading because they are interested or not.

 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy

5 rules for success title
1. Attract consumers' interest
For example: I improved my memory overnight!
2. Provide the latest information (news)
For example: standing up drum washing machine.
3. Attract consumers' curiosity
For example, why are men always seven years younger than women?
4. Suggest a convenient and fast way
For example: give me five days, I will give you magnetic personality charm, let me prove to you (free)
5. Credible
For example: 35480 yuan in two years.
13 Experiences in Writing Advertising Titles
 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy
Use subtitles to lure the enemy in!
Before you start writing the text, think about the basic structure and use the subtitles to make it easy for readers to browse.
Don't let others be too tired to read the text after they accept your title. We should have a comprehensive plan to lure the enemy in depth, and use subtitles to guide them to read in depth.
Why is the beginning of the text so difficult to write?
The human brain is like a machine, which works most efficiently when the temperature gets higher. When you start to sit down and write, your brain is cold.
That is to say, when you sit down to draw a beginning for the text, it is like driving over mountains and mountains without turning on the engine.
How to overcome this "cold brain" phenomenon?
 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy
A less radical approach is to assume that the consumer is in front of you and speak to him in his language.
Speaking can help you express yourself in spoken language. It can capture your thoughts faster than writing, Imagine that you are recommending a product you have selected to a friend, say it several times, and then write it down.
The reason why we write hard and boring is that we turn it into a speech instead of a speech conversation
Talking with friends is not an interview. You should allow yourself to have a speech problem and be wordy. Write as many as possible. Write all the questions first, then edit and condense them.
 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy
There is a psychological barrier in many copywriting, that is, they are always dissatisfied with what they have written, and often stutter as a result. My trick is not to stop and change, but to keep writing. I don't want to change the article in a few minutes.
In addition, Put the most amazing and persuasive facts at the front.
The so-called good play is bullshit later. It's better to let the readers know what is going on as soon as possible. Who will read the second paragraph? Otherwise, there will probably be no readers left.
The pitfalls of copywriting theory.
The first trap: to think that easy to understand is to cater to the public
Things you know often inspire confidence more than things you don't know, and things you don't know can only generate awe and guess about strength. Readers have no time to admire you and then identify with the product.
Ambiguity is always a refuge for low-level copywriting.
The second trap: relying heavily on adjectives
It would only be a mistake to write with phrases and simple and powerful words, and live on adjectives.
Use less adjectives, more verbs and nouns, so short and reliable.
The third trap: formal statements are more fluent
You should know that your readers are sitting on the toilet, casually looking at the phone.
Time is precious. You should have a sense of speed in writing.
 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy
Readers process information while receiving it and reflect the results.
If you write a torch that can make consumers reflect the concept of red, don't include "red".
Because consumers will Secondary reception , and react to "red", the two "red" will produce a fatigue signal, which is the generation process of garbage image.
The fourth trap: simplicity
Conciseness has nothing to do with [the amount of content to be expressed]. It depends on [whether the arrangement of all elements is logical]. It is not for the purpose of deleting content.
There is no so-called long copy, only too long copy. A two word script is lengthy if it is incorrect.
 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy
Yes, readers It's "reading" the copywriting!
Therefore, you should first be a reader and read the text aloud.
This helps to check the rhythm of the words and the fluency of the text.
And reading aloud is a kind of embarrassing test. Imagine standing in front of the whole family and reading aloud the written text, still feel proud?
When you are writing, you should listen attentively, hear the target say yes, say yes, and go on!
 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy
Use your copy as a visual element.
The copywriting must be able to think with visual imagination, especially the copywriting of print advertising, which is not to write the copywriting, but to create an image conducive to the transmission of information.
This image looks comfortable, and the copywriting is also comfortable to read. The best copywriting often has a high degree of visual imagination
Sometimes the best copywriting is that there is no copywriting. There are many copywriting that have been misunderstood due to the emphasis on visual thinking.
 Common sense of internal copywriting training of Ogilvy
All right, let's consider the above remarks.
Again, everyone has his own point of view. Those who do not believe in others do not belittle themselves.
At the end of this training material, remember——
If you want to be a well paid copywriter: Entertain Clients
If you want to be a good copywriter: Please yourself
If you want to be a great copywriter: Please readers
In my opinion, it may be that the copywriting should be done first by others and then by yourself.

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