The product director of Xunlei teaches you 22 rules of marketing

 The product director of Xunlei teaches you 22 rules of marketing

First, tell a story about a master in the folk.
At 6:00 pm the day before yesterday, it was almost dinner time, BL UE S went to buy Zongzi at the famous Zongzi King's old shop in Guilin, ready to take it back to Shenzhen.
Everyone has some unforgettable hometown food. BLUES likes Guilin rice noodles and zongzi. It used to be that my mother wrapped dumplings and asked me to take them back to Shenzhen. Now my mother is old and doesn't want to make the old people work hard, so she goes to the old shop on the street to buy some. This is the old shop of Zongzi King in Taiping Road, Guilin. I don't need to praise them. They are very good dumplings, ranging from 3 yuan to 5 yuan each. They are excellent.
This shop has an old man who dares to sell dumplings at the gate of the Zongzi King's shop.
I have to say this is a meeting Marketing The old man.
First, I will look for places. Dare to teach others how to sell rice dumplings at the gate of the King of Rice Dumplings. There is no real talent and no such courage. Just like McDonald's, KFC is usually open. If the opponent finds a good location, follow it. It is easier to find the target user.
Secondly, the advertising words are good. The old man's calling is also particular. He said that he would pay after eating. If it was not delicious, he would pay 100 yuan. This advertisement is very honest. I dare to challenge everyone's comments. I don't think he has to pay 100 yuan.
Third, good product names. Zongzi name: grass ash water dumplings. If you like eating dumplings, you should know the origin of this grass ash water.
Fourth, and most importantly, the product is good. BLUES bought one and opened it on the spot. It tasted good, but it was much better than Zongzi King. It was also hard to judge.
Fifth, the sales time is good. The time of sales is very important. When selling dumplings, it is usually the time for breakfast and before dinner. On the way home, if you are hungry, eat a dumplings first.
Sixth, pricing. The price of Zongzi King is 3 yuan, 4 yuan and 5 yuan. The price of this man is 4 yuan.
Seventh, create a marketing atmosphere. My uncle untied the zongzi on the spot. The foam box placed at the foot of the side has been filled with slow zongzi leaves, which many people bought.
BLUES looked around for a few minutes, and the people who bought dumplings never stopped. This is an old man who can do business. There are many folk experts. In fact, many people have the same IQ. Whether a thing can be done well or not is just because they put their heart into it.
The above story is for your reference.
Recall that BLUES' first job after leaving the campus was sales. In Julong Company, BLUES worked as a system integration project for the campus network, selling solutions, campus network software, and multimedia equipment. It was also very sensitive to sales and the market. Having worked as a salesperson, and then in other positions, BLUES had a deeper understanding of human nature and communication. I don't know how many friends who subscribed to BLUES accounts have done sales work.
Extract marketing management Let's learn the 22 rules of.
1、 Market leading principle
marketing management The most important point is to create a kind of product that can make you become the "first" in the market, which is much easier than trying to make people believe that you can provide better quality or service than the product originator. In short, "first" is better than "better".
2、 Product innovation rules
When you can't be the first of one kind of product, you should try to create another kind of new product. Because potential users are always willing to accept new products.
3、 Principle of Concept Competition
In marketing, the best product exists or lurks in the user's mind as an idea, while the so-called best product that people like to talk about does not exist. Marketing is not about products, but about ideas.
4、 The law that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people
This rule comes from the "concept competition rule": it is better to get into the hearts of the people first than to get into the market first. This is because once people form a certain concept, it is difficult to change it. If they want to enter people's minds, they must choose a "stormy" strategy.
5、 Principle of concept concentration
The most successful method in marketing is to make potential users have a term or concept for the products or services provided by the company. This noun or concept must be easy to remember and catchy.
6、 Concept specific rules
A company must have its own proprietary concept to win in marketing. If a concept is formed in the minds of users by your competitors, if you want to have the same concept to win users, the result will be futile.
7、 Step positioning rule
Any product of the same kind will form a ladder of purchase order in the minds of consumers. On this ladder, the products of various brands will occupy one layer respectively, and the marketing plan of your product should be consistent with its position in the market ladder.
8、 The law of two strong contenders
At first, the position of a new type of product in the market was like a multi-level ladder, which gradually became only two levels. Successful marketers will be committed to becoming one of the top two in the market.
9、 For the first rule
If you want to win the second place, you should take the policy of market first.
10、 Variety subdivision rules
As time goes by, a certain type of product is always subdivided from a single variety into many varieties, and each subdivided variety will become a separate and unique entity with its leading brand.
11、 Long term effect principle
The long-term effects of some marketing practices are often contrary to their short-term effects, and successful marketing behaviors should show their effectiveness in the long term.
12、 Trademark expansion rule
Trademark expansion is to apply the trademark of a successful product to a new product that the company plans to launch. It will inevitably give users the impression of similar trademarks. Facts show that trademark extension is invalid.
13、 The rule of sacrifice
Successful marketing must understand the sacrifice. Successful companies do not have to be generalists covering all product lines and target markets, because generalists are weak.
14、 Rule of opposites
For any product feature, there is always another effective feature opposite to it. The successful marketing strategy is to find out the characteristics of the opposition of the leaders. Remember: it is "opposite", not "similar", so as to compete with it.
15、 The Rule of Honesty
Marketing has the following surprising conclusion: the most effective way to make your products popular is to admit your shortcomings first, because potential users will find your strengths when you admit your weaknesses.
16、 Unique strategy rule
In fact, a successful marketing strategy is not the sum total of a large number of small and superb forces. Under any given conditions, only a unique and bold surprise action can produce practical results.
17、 Law of unpredictability
When making a marketing plan, we should pay attention to the fact that no one can make accurate predictions about the future. Investigation and research can only evaluate the past most effectively, while new ideas and concepts are almost impossible to be evaluated.
18、 The principle of pride and defeat
It is almost a rule that success often leads to conceit, which leads to failure. Never forget that the starting point of all marketing plans is to seek truth from facts.
19、 Face the failure rule squarely
When faced with the reality of failure, inaction is very bad. The correct approach is to "regroup and take measures", which is the positive way to survive.
20、 Moderate publicity rule
To understand the truth of the facts, in order to develop a correct marketing plan. It must be understood that things are not as publicized by the news media, and may not conform to the facts due to excessive publicity.
21、 Control the trend law
Fashion is only a short-term phenomenon that may be used to obtain, and cannot be maintained for a long time. Successful marketing should be based on long-term trends.
22、 Financial support rule
Although creativity is the core content of marketing, financial resources are the most basic condition. Without money as a support, marketing is just a castle in the air.
Original author: BLUES, Thunder Product Director , former YY Voice, Tencent Advanced product manager

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