Baishi Interaction | The mental method of transaction, not only discount and promotion

The mental method of closing a deal is not just discount and promotion

The first two episodes of Baishi interaction introduced 365 Tiandu operate The long-term transformation group, as well as the short-term transformation group that completes the whole process of single grass planting and weeding with 3 to 4 steps, can basically cope with various transformation goals with the cooperation of other two.

However, the advantage of private domain is not only accurate transformation, but also the best field for user relations. The deepening of user relations cannot be separated from the continuous connection between brands and users. This kind of connection requires both transformational activity irrigation and various non transformational activities.

Let's talk today Task oriented community It does not aim at transformation, but focuses on improving user activity and loyalty Through small tasks, small punch cards and other activities, customers can become interested and trusted in your brand and products. At the same time, you can not only establish business relations with users in the private domain, but also communicate, interact and play together to become friends with each other.

In the past, we made a live broadcast about the task-based community. This article summarized the main points of the live broadcast, through the two spots of Yiguo Food and Xibei Youmian Village case , has broken down the playing methods of task groups in detail, and strongly recommends friends who want to deepen user relations to read and collect.

Case 1: Yiguo Food - the most popular fireworks in the world

Yiguo is an enamel pot brand incubated by Baishi in 2017. Slogan is a "good pot for simple life and easy mouth", advocating people to make life easier.

The enamel pot is called "grandma pot" in foreign countries. It is very practical and has a long service life. If it is well maintained, it can even be passed on from family to family. Speaking of this, you should soon realize that the repurchase rate of this product is very low, and the input-output ratio is very low if you just use it as a private domain.

that How to improve the re purchase of a pot that is good enough to be handed down? Our breaking point is food materials and word of mouth recommendation The re purchase of food materials is much higher than that of pot. Enamel pot is a new pot in China. Through these two ways, "Grandma pot" can also be a high re purchase category.

Now that we have two "basic plates", namely, pot and food ingredients, how can we make people continue to connect and interact with us and buy food ingredients from us?

The answer is long-term task oriented community. We have created a clocking task group called "Yi Guo Gourmet 24 Solar Terms Home for Dining", which enables members to stay active through a series of operational actions and deeply connect with Yi Guo.

 Baishi Interaction | The mental method of transaction, not only discount and promotion

Users who join the community need to go home to cook and eat 24 solar terms a year, take photos and send them to the group, and then finish clocking in.

Each group has about 100 people. The members of the group are old customers who have bought Yiguo. They have a certain trust foundation, which is convenient for deepening operations.

Each group has one group leader, three KOCs, and 3-5 small partners who love cooking and sharing in our company, who speak in their real identities. Among them, KOC is the active soul of the group, and we have selected two types of typical users: first, our mainstream customers, Baoma, who make breakfast for their children every day, have both habits and motivation; Second, the members of a small couple, usually white-collar workers, state-owned enterprises and civil servants, have relatively ample time.

Next is the group infrastructure, which is relatively simple as a whole. We focus on two points: First, the group name must reveal the brand and activity name Let everyone find you at a glance in the vast "sea of people"; Second, the nicknames of group members should add regions and preferences , which can help users quickly find the intersection and commonness of each other, thus generating more "chat topics".

Here is the key point: according to our past experience, if a user has more than 5 friends in the group, or has made new friends, his sense of security and activity in the group will be greatly improved.

 Baishi Interaction | The mental method of transaction, not only discount and promotion

In terms of group rhythm, Baishi Interactive designed three types of actions, namely, active activities, grass planting and sales transformation, according to the timeline of daily life and the first 14 days, 7 days and 3 days before the solar term.

The main purpose of daily movements is to promote vitality. To promote activity is to prevent customers from ignoring the social group, and to find ways to let them actively open the group every day or every few days, so as not to miss the important activity information released in the group.

KOC will clock in every day when going home for dinner. With their sharing, more and more customers began to exchange recipes (enamel pot recipes and other recipes each accounted for half), food photography techniques, and the selection and cooking methods of seasonal ingredients in the group. Hundreds or even thousands of multi angle, high-quality chat messages are spontaneously generated in the group every day, which greatly reduces our operational pressure. So Designing common topics among group members and selecting KOCs are two important magic weapons for active task groups.

14 days before the solar term, grass planting will be started through the experience officer activity. The key point of each issue is to recruit the experience officer of solar terms food materials. The experience officer selects products together with us through the way of "free experience+real feedback", and the whole process is timely announced in the group. As user representatives, experience officers directly enter the selection "cabinet", and have a high weight. Their selection opinions can directly "determine life and death", so they have a sense of participation and achievement, and can provide high-quality grass planting content.

Seven days before the solar term, continue to plant grass by making recipes. We will invite KOC and the experience officer to work with us to make the enamel pot recipe for the ingredients of the solar term in this issue, which can not only plant grass, but also serve, and can continue to create new topics for the group, with one stone and three birds.

Weeding by reservation or sale 3 days before the solar term On the day of the solar term and the following week, people from all over the world gathered in the small field of the community, using the same ingredients and recipes to make the same dish, exchanging ideas, jokes, and a sense of ritual. The group atmosphere reached its peak.

Such a cycle will run once every half month on average. In one cycle after another, regular customers naturally become more involved and have more word of mouth recommendations, so it is easy to re purchase ingredients and introduce new customers to regular customers.

In fact, before the event, we were not confident that how many people could respond to the call to go home for dinner every day. Surprisingly, the two groups reported more than 16000 times of clocking in at home for dinner, and 12% of them persisted for a whole year.

We summarized two key points for the success of this activity:

First, find the combination of brand category characteristics and customer needs, as well as the combination of brand concept and customer value proposition On the one hand, the product of our brand is enamel pot. The value proposition advocates simple life, slow down the pace, go home more to cook and eat, and enjoy the present; On the other hand, although everyone has bought enamel pots and is a group with requirements for the quality of life, they still have to order takeout because of their busy work. However, they still pursue their own corner of the rest space and want to go home to cook and eat - so the matter of 24 solar terms coming home to eat is an activity of Yiguo to set up a platform to help everyone realize their personal aspirations.

The second is to find ways to let users participate as much as possible. Users can participate in all aspects of the 24 solar terms clocking activity, from selecting ingredients to creating recipes to encouraging each other to go home to cook and eat. The more time and energy users invest in the brand, the higher their reputation and loyalty will be. Repurchase, LTV and word-of-mouth recommendation will come naturally. During the whole activity period, we never tried our best to yell or promote sales, but did our best to serve, cook and eat with everyone, make friends with everyone sincerely, and gain everyone's recognition by wandering.

 Baishi Interaction | The mental method of transaction, not only discount and promotion

Case 2: Xibei Youmian Village - northwest food reward taste bud

 Baishi Interaction | The mental method of transaction, not only discount and promotion

Xibei Youmian Village is the bearer of northwest cuisine, and it is also the first Chinese fast food chain in the history of Chinese catering to break through 300 brands, known as "the first brand of Chinese dinner".

Its "task" is that the user and Xibei Chef learn to make the classic northwest snack "yellow rice cold cake". After that, they can take photos to participate in the PK, and the winner will be rewarded accordingly.

Similar to the case of Yiguo, this activity has four main points:

First, the combination of brand category characteristics and user preferences Xibei's brand category features that it is good at northwest cuisine, and target users' preferences are that they like cooking and eating northwest cuisine. The integration of the two is the key point to promote user activity. If you can't find this point, the activity of fans in the group will be greatly reduced, and a bunch of wool parties will be attracted instead of precise customers. therefore We must find a suitable combination point. Users want to, and you are good at it. You two hit it off.

Second, help users learn new skills Yiguo helped everyone develop the habit of cooking and eating at home, while Xibei helped everyone GET to develop a new skill of making yellow rice cold cakes. The finished products were shared with family members, and shared with colleagues at work. I'm sure that you will get a lot of praise.

Third, UGC and PK have been done to promote activity Cooking naturally produces a large number of UGCs. From the changes in ingredients in each production step to the appearance of the final product, there is a place for drying. UGC has done a good job. The brand doesn't even bother to think about what they want to post in the group today. Users have printed pictures and exchanged ideas one by one, which has made the group atmosphere lively. In addition, if PK is awarded, everyone will be more enthusiastic and get twice the result with half the effort.

Fourth, the promotion of related products If you want to make the same taste and shape as the chef, you can buy raw materials in Xibei Online Shopping Mall. The activity also indirectly promoted the shopping mall, which will bring about some cross selling.

Today, Baishi Interactive shared two cases with you. If you can deeply understand the intention behind each operation design and action after reading them, it will not be a problem for you to have a task-based community and become friends with users.


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