Fox: in-depth analysis of the application skills of "anchor sinking effect" in marketing

about Anchor sinking effect I believe you have more or less heard of this word, which is a very famous psychological effect.

In this article today, I will publish the preliminary version of my original "anchor effect" model, hoping to help more people!

1、 Opening

In fact, anchor sinking effect is often applied to many aspects in life, but Marketing From this perspective, it seems that no one really expresses its usage clearly.

So, before I talk about the application method of anchor sinking effect, let's take two minutes to understand the relevant basic knowledge.

Because, What I'm going to talk about today may be totally different from the knowledge you learned outside, which will open your brain If you don't have basic knowledge, you will find it hard to understand what I said in the second half!

Anchor sinking means that after you have done event A, you can bind another event B through this event. When the two points A and B are related, it will push you to do the task of C

Does it sound complicated?

It doesn't matter. Let's take a look at the following picture:


This is my original model of "anchor sinking effect". You should write it down first.

According to the convention, Mr. Fox gives an example to help you better understand


Why do some women lead a bad life after marriage, but still won't divorce?

On this issue, we use the anchor sinking effect to disassemble it:

Event A: When they fall in love with the boy they like, their parents oppose and disagree;

Event B: In order to prove that he is right, after marriage, he took care of him meticulously in life. The money he earned bought him various gifts, which was better for him in all aspects, but he suffered domestic violence after marriage

Anchor sinking to event C: If you choose to divorce, everything you have done for him will go to waste, and your parents will look down on you, so you can't divorce. No matter how hard it is, you have to carry it alone

Although this is only one of the cases that lead to such problems, it is a good example for you to clearly understand this model, and it is also an event that we often encounter in our life.

Because this woman has invested "cost" before marriage, she will be very unwilling to divorce later, which will lead to "sticking to the ground" until the marriage has more serious problems

Note: There are many kinds of costs, including time cost, money cost, emotional cost, energy cost

The above example is the cost of time, money and emotion.

After understanding this example, how should we apply it to products and marketing?


2、 The anchor of marketing

Well, in the application of Internet marketing, I don't seem to have seen anyone share it online, not to mention in books

Because this model is very valuable and can control people's minds, I have been hesitating to write it. After half a day of struggling, I decided to share this basic version for free.

After all, the Internet needs to develop and the industry needs to move forward. As for how much you can absorb, it depends on fate!

In fact, if the "anchor sinking effect" is applied to marketing well, the effect is very significant.

In the advanced version, this is a psychological manipulation method that allows customers to act according to your wishes. It is a very scary technique. I hope you will not use it in doing immoral things!

This article is about my "anchor sinking model" 1.0 basic version.

Okay, let's get started!

According to the "anchor sinking model" diagram above by Mr. Fox, let's give a simple example first.

This is a case that my little sister, who sells dresses, asked me for advice before. Because the industry has always been very involved, in 2019, she thought it was difficult to do a treasure, and wanted me to give her a plan.

At that time, I talked with her for half an hour. After knowing the general situation, I designed several steps for her, one of which was applied to the "anchor sinking model".

The idea is as follows:

She sells dresses. Suppose we set a certain style of clothes as "Event A";

Then I asked her to post a series of content in the old customer group and in the circle of friends, about this: It's going to be summer, and our factory has recently designed this clothing sample, but should the pattern use a special symbol, or is it better to use a cute animal? We have been struggling

Anyway, let everyone give you advice on this dress, which is "Event B";

At this time, we linked "Event A" with "Event B", so that customers could give us their opinions on our clothes and let them participate in it.

The diagram looks like this:


When we associate the two events, and the customer has a sense of participation, we "sink the anchor" to the position of "Event C". The effect here is that the customer will be actively introduced and forwarded later.

Because this is the style they participated in making, even if the customer only said a few words at that time!

This is a little like the series of actions Xiaomi did at that time, establishing the playing method of "rice noodles", but no one has ever told you that this requires the secret of "anchor sinking effect".

Even if you read the book Sense of Participation, there is no mention of this psychological effect, so you only know a little about it, but can't apply it


Another example:

This is an excerpt from a planning case two years ago. A friend who was working on the short video platform to "cover the bowl" asked me for advice, that is, the tea set for making tea.

At that time, I gave him a simple plan. When he explained the cover bowl in the live broadcast room, he said that he planned to customize a batch of collection level cover bowls, and let everyone choose the design and style of cover bowls on the live broadcast site, so that everyone could give their opinions.

It is equivalent to letting these people in the live broadcast room participate in the design of products, that is, "Event B" in the "anchor sinking model". The cover bowl itself is equal to "Event A". The principle and the above case Similarly, detailed analysis is not required.

The advantage of the live broadcast room is that it can interact directly, and then let him focus on advertising. He will talk about this in the live broadcast room for about 20-30 minutes a night for a week.

Basically, it can cover hundreds of people. Finally, most of these participants have completed their deals, and the price of bowl covering is not cheap;

And the key point is that with this method, the retention time of fans in the live broadcast room will be longer, and they will come to watch the live broadcast almost every night;

At that time, after the third day of repeated operation, the number of people online at the same time, online duration, interaction rate and other data in the live broadcast room were superimposed, forming a positive cycle.

Because everyone is concerned about the final product of the cover bowl, after all, they have participated in it, so they all anchor to point C!

Of course, there are many details in this case, including the transaction and script designed later. In order to protect privacy, it is not convenient for disclosure, you should be able to understand

Here we mainly discuss the application of "anchor sinking model". The key point is that you need to understand the underlying logic of this model first.

Next, Mr. Fox will extend a deeper and more terrifying application technique to you!


3、 The anchor of human heart

After talking about the anchor usage of marketing, let me simply say the anchor usage of "people's heart".

The so-called "mind sinking anchor" is equivalent to the technique of "controlling the mind".

Unfortunately, I can't tell you too deeply here. After all, it's free and public content, and everyone can see it. If I am taken to harm people and do illegal things by dishonest people, I will become a "sinner", right?

So, let me give you a few simple examples in this section. It's enough for you to have a general understanding.

Case 1:

The boss made a personal introduction and company culture introduction, then drew a cake for you at the meeting and said:

What will our company be like in the future? So for the sake of our future self, we should work hard now, and mobilize everyone to forward our company's introduction to the circle of friends, and then send a circle of friends every day. The main content is to praise our company with a few words and improve our company's image

And soon you will be surprised to find that even if you are tired again and again, you are willing to "work overtime without pay" and keep working

Even if you have complaints, you will not leave your job easily. Because you forwarded your circle of friends and your previous investment in the company in terms of emotion and time, you have been anchored to the position of "Event C"


Case 2:

What do you think after reading the above example?

Now let's go back and look at WeChat business.

What does the team leader and general agent ask everyone to do every day?

Is it crazy to forward product and brand introductions every day, say all kinds of good words, and promote all kinds of forks of the founder

Essentially, it is to let you publicly recognize this WeChat business brand. Even if the "founder" runs away one day, you are deceived and dare not publicly say that the brand is deceptive and of poor quality

After all, before Tiantian publicly developed its circle of friends, it said that the brand was reliable and of good quality. Now, do you want to open your face?

At this time, you are anchored to the position of "Event C" again

Just like the boss paints a pie for the employee, if the employee believes and accepts it, he or she must work until death, otherwise he or she will be punished.

Is it a familiar formula and taste?

Case 3:

Let's take a look at stars. Crazy fans openly talk about all kinds of good stars every day, investing in emotional costs, time costs, and even money costs

One day, the star was investigated, and when a scandal broke out, fans would still be duty bound to publicly defend him, saying that he was wronged


It is also sinking anchor into Event C!

These are all examples of "people's hearts are anchored"

You can review my "anchor sinking model". Correspondingly, do they all conform to what I said in this model?

Tell you secretly: Take the model of Mr. Fox and put it into some events. You will be surprised and make rapid progress!

In fact, there are many cases, but some things cannot be explained clearly, and some cases cannot be explained openly. You can't say this in depth, only you can draw inferences from one instance to understand

4、 Summary

After a bit of wrangling, the "anchor sinking model" 1.0 basic version was published. I hope you can cherish this article, gain value and learn the essence through this model.

But unfortunately, I can't share more in-depth content.

Because many of my content, many models, at the moment when I realized them, I was extremely afraid of thinking, so I had to teach many knowledge points in person or privately.

At least in the short term, I don't have the idea of teaching this knowledge. First, I will make more practical summaries, and then I will talk about it later

This is the end of this article. Although this is only the 1.0 basic version of the "anchor sinking model", I think it is worth collecting and pondering.

If you have some special and meaningful cases or ideas about this, please give us some advice.

"Fox loves to talk nonsense" has the same name on the whole network, which is not easy to create. Please keep the copyright information for reprinting! Feel free to exchange ideas with me!

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