If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

Today we have specially prepared for you Annual salary million CMO selected Booklist TOP50 , want to and Marketing Peer friends in the industry will work together to improve their business ability.

I hope you can arrange your study plan together and realize the dream of CMO with an annual salary of one million yuan as soon as possible.

12 classic marketing books

Marketing Management

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

Recognized by the marketing industry marketing management Classics Kotler, the author of this book, was elected by the American Marketing Association as the first leader in marketing ideology. Philip Kotler's Marketing Management is to marketing as Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is to economics This book is good at correcting the views and ideas in accordance with the changes of the times, so as to keep the freshness of this great book forever. It has been published to the 15th edition.


 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

There is no lack of new concepts and theories in the marketing field. From 4P to 4C, the wave after wave, but what has been tested for decades is the theory of Positioning.

The Origin of Brand

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

Why does the seemingly powerful brand super empire collapse? Why do we say, "We can do anything means we can't do anything"? All the above questions can be answered in this book about how to create a new brand.

Visual Hammer

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

In the era of picture reading, it is a positioning work in the field of visual communication. There is a vivid metaphor about this book: the relationship between visual image and language information is like a hammer and a nail. Use the hammer of visual image to implant your language nails into the minds of consumers.

Design in Design

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

Good design is good business, and every marketing practitioner should improve his/her quality of design and aesthetics. This book is a classic masterpiece of Yuan Yanzai, a designer who has worked for more than 20 years and has worldwide influence. It is not only a collection of high-quality works, but also a collection of the author's thoughts on design.

Copywriting Training Manual

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

Systematically learn the first introductory book of copywriting. Almost every copywriting dog and advertiser must have a book on their desk, including the content of course operate Although some of the contents are outdated, there are still many places worth learning from.

The Philosophy of Retail

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

This book tells the experience of the founders of 7-11 for more than 40 years. The operation of 7-11 will not be outdated today. Some people say that 7-11 is actually an Internet company, which demonstrates the value of this book from the side. The new retail industry is a wind outlet in the future, and relevant practitioners should read a book

Thinking Technology

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

The author was born in a well-known consulting company. This book is the analysis experience accumulated by consulting companies. There is a sentence in the book that says a lot, thinking determines the way out. The significance of this book for marketers is to let you know from the beginning how powerful the vision, insight and method of the strongest brain are, and a good way of thinking will determine the future.

Confessions of an Advertiser

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

David Ogway brings together the core of the advertising industry. It is no exaggeration to say that this book is a must for all advertisers. For marketers, marketing is originally a cross between advertising marketing and other fields, so this book is more of an ideological inspiration.

Consumer Behavior

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

Marketing is the closest to business and also to consumers. But do you really know your consumer group? What you want to know about a series of behavioral psychology of consumers, such as information collection, decision making and purchase choice, are presented in detail in this book.

Thinking, Fast and Slow

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

The author is Daniel Kahneman, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics. The reason for winning the prize is that he introduced psychology into economics. Traditional economics follows the hypothesis of rational people, while the author takes a different approach to explore the relationship between reason and perception, logic and intuition. In the book, you will get many interesting theories, and try to apply them in the daily marketing work, which will open up new ideas.

Tipping Point

 If you haven't read the list of TOP 50 books, don't say you can handle marketing!

The Tipping Point is a special book about how to make products popular. Our world seems very solid, but in the eyes of the New Yorker geek Gladwell, as long as you find that point and touch it gently, the world will move - this seemingly inconspicuous point is a tipping point that no one can ignore.

38 Advanced Marketing Readings

Economics and Management Compulsory

McKinsey Method

Human Weakness

Living Law


Pyramid Principles

Autobiography of Shi Yuzhu: My Marketing Experience

Effective Managers

Shi Yuzhu: My Marketing Experience

brand marketing

Marketing Imagination

Marketing War (Complete)

Marketing Revolution

Game Disruptors

The Crowd of Crowds


Sales Bible

Pricing Bible

Article 22 Business Regulations

Brand Trilogy

business model

Strategic Management - Winning Competitive Advantage

Strategy and Structure

Corporate Strategy: Assets and Scope of the Enterprise

Blue Ocean Strategy

Discover Profit Zones

Long tail theory

Restructuring the Business Model

Discover Business Models

The Innovator's Dilemma

Profit Model


Super IP: Methodology of New Internet Species

Growth hacker


Sense of Participation: Internal Handbook of Xiaomi's Word of mouth Marketing

Super Symbol is Super Creativity

Games Change the World

Zhou Hongyi: My Internet Methodology

Disruptive Innovation: The Rule of Survival in the Mobile Internet Era

Free: The Future of Business

User experience Measurement

The marketer should occasionally raise his head from the classic books of marketing to build his own Marketing knowledge System framework, Look at problems from a higher perspective and level through reading, and review practice and consolidate foundation through reading

After all, reading is the cheapest way to add value.

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