"99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?

Here are 10 brands worth seeing how Halloween can make use of pumpkins, ghosts and scary elements and perfectly integrate them with brands or products.

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?

Here are 10 brands worth seeing how Halloween can make use of pumpkins, ghosts and scary elements and perfectly integrate them with brands or products.

Halloween is coming again, and it's time to be bold and scary again! Think of it as a little excited! In such an atmosphere, it is also an opportunity for major brands Marketing At the best time, they are also "changing their faces". In today's "haunted" day, let's see how the major brands are "playing tricks"!

1. Durex

The atmosphere is scary enough. The "tombstone" set up for sperm conforms to the characteristics of the festival, and highlights the product features at the same time.

"Don't make trouble" is a pun. Halloween is about "making trouble", but Du Du tells you that it is better to "play" at home. In addition, it also refers to the safety of the product, and will not let "accidents" make trouble.

Don't make trouble!

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?


2. WWF

Halloween has both "ghosts" and "death".

WWF depicts the dying state of the gorilla with vivid strokes, bringing the noisy festival atmosphere back to a serious and calm place, and using this festival contrast to suggest that the imminent death of animals is also terrible, and it is time to protect animals!

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?


3. McDonald's

McDonald's (China): Halloween headline, one sentence ghost story contest

In order to promote the "special set meal" launched on Halloween, McDonald's (China) issued a scary "Halloween headline" on October 25. Pumpkin cakes, hamburgers, layered cakes, lattes, etc. were attacked one after another. It turns out that this headline report is false. The key point is to make everyone pay attention to the new Halloween package launched by McDonald's. How do you score this idea?

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?

In addition, there are various creative posters that use French fries in combination with the festival.

How are the Halloween preparations going? Come on, tell Mai Mai that you plan to make cos ____?

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?
 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?

4. Pepsi Cola

This is the work of Nexus BBDO, a creative organization in Bolivia.

With cinematic visual design, the festival atmosphere is full, and the product becomes the protagonist of "movie posters", giving people an extremely eager visual experience.

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?


5. Meitu APP

When Halloween comes, how can it be called a holiday if you don't put on a demon's "Halloween makeup"? As a result, Meitu apps have also launched a variety of "Halloween makeup", and I believe many people's circle of friends has played.

Daily P picture: get a picture of the Halloween girl in one second

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?


6. Black toothpaste

From the Halloween print advertisement of McCann Singapore for black toothpaste.

Halloween, in the eyes of children, is a cross dressing party full of candy and fun, which is relaxed and joyful. Under such an atmosphere, the advertiser captures the connection between candy and teeth, highlights teeth with creativity in the poster, which conforms to the festival atmosphere, and highlights the importance of tooth care on the occasion of the festival.

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?


7. Pepsi Cola

This is from the Chinese version. Pepsi Cola takes the advantage of the "self darkness" feature to the festival. The sugarless cola becomes the "troublemaker" of Halloween, and the copywriting is rewarded.

Sorry, we have no sugar!

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?


8. Airbnb: Sleep on the Halloween roof

Remember Airbnb, the hotel company that always likes to make troubles? Every year, it collects tourists to spend a night in mysterious haunted houses. The location of this year's "haunted house" is "Yaqing", a black house from 1930. The landlord is a botanist, and the house is also full of various plant specimens. Dare to check in?

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?

List of pictures of "Crow Green" in the black room:

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?
 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?


9. Crustacean

We have shared before that if graphic design cannot make creativity shine, we might as well try GIF dynamic map, which may activate creativity just by moving.

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?


10. Are you hungry

Hungry? It's really great to combine this idea with the product. It is our custom to leave our posts early for special "arrangement" at night during festivals. But the takeaway boy is just the opposite. We need some food, and they are there.

The takeaway boy is regarded as a witch riding a broomstick, which is closely linked with the festival, and highlights the fast delivery of food. "No matter how late, I will accompany you to make trouble", and is warmed by the copywriting.

Let's go and make trouble with you!

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?

At the same time, are you hungry and launch H5: see what kind of ghost you are?

Hungry? Have you made an H5 around the "ghost" element? On this big day of being a monster, are you going to turn into a cute vampire, a strange fat ghost or a nonsense zombie?

 "99click Marketing Observation" Halloween marketing, what are the "ghosts" of major brands?

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