How does P2P conduct emotional marketing?


I happened to see a question in a financial community: P2P How to do Emotional marketing The author has deep feelings, so he would like to talk about his own opinions, and hope that we can exchange more and better ideas together.

First, let's know what emotion is Marketing Emotional marketing is to take consumers' personal emotional differences and needs as the core of the emotional marketing strategy of enterprise brand marketing, and to achieve the business objectives of enterprises through emotional packaging, emotional promotion, emotional advertising, emotional word-of-mouth, emotional design and other strategies.

So emotional marketing should be every Internet company operate A problem that one must think about or put into action. The main reasons for this are as follows:

1. The third generation of investment and wealth management users will take the post-80s and post-90s generation as the new force. This group of people has experienced the impact of Internet thinking since 2000, resulting in various demands for life.

2. Based on hobbies, this kind of crowd automatically clusters. For example, a series of ethnic groups like tourism and sports.

3. Distinctive personality, curious about new things, sensibility is stronger than rationality.

4. It is easy to be fooled. It thinks that it is a little fresh, little literature and art, and has a lot of feelings and thoughts. Speed and Passion 7 can create box office myths, not all because of Paul's death. On the contrary, Paul's death only makes the whole movie more beautiful. The beach, bikini, beauty, racing cars, and high-end consumer areas certainly do not all point to one thing - youth. When I left the cinema after watching this film, I was deeply moved by the roar of sports cars around me. They sacrificed their youth with their own actions. Therefore, feelings are also the most attractive place for this group. The more the platform will cheat, the more people will believe it.

5. There is no assertiveness. Although all aspects of personalization are clear, there is still a humble heart. In this impetuous age, this group is easily attracted by this thing - concept, Lei Boshi is a professional concept master, and a series of ecosystem concepts make you really believe in him. Whether Lei Bu Die is good or bad, at least in my opinion, it is a big winner.

Many investors are easily attracted by concepts. The reason is that they are curious. The more concepts they have, the more they think the boss can play and make money with him. Because of the typical star effect, many platforms have launched the concepts of P2B, P2C, P2G, P2xxxxxxxx and so on. They are also cheap and the more they are played by others, the happier they are. "I am 18 years old. I fell into this family to pursue romance. I love you so much that I don't feel flustered all day long." Alas!

Now let's talk about the purpose of emotional marketing. The purpose of emotional marketing is as follows:

1. The ostensible purpose is to cultivate fans and thank investors for their company all the way. In the future, we will move forward together with investors.

Gratitude → pie drawing → touching → reinvesting.

2. Deep meaning, brand building. A platform that is truly thoughtful and insightful will definitely have a clear strategic thinking, and emotional marketing must have such thinking mixed in it, that is

Fans → ethnic groups → products → brands → industrial chains → capital.

When the purpose is clear, what should we do.

Before saying what to do, the author adds three restrictions:

The first limitation: the current product should be under a general trend, and the implication is that you can't engage in private lending when the trend points to Internet finance, which will inevitably lead to your demise;

The second restriction: the product has the characteristics of repeated consumption, which can not be basically one-time consumption like the products in scenic spots, and will not generate repeat customers;

The third limitation: the product can attract attention and import traffic.

If your products meet such conditions, we can start our emotional marketing. What is emotional marketing? The author believes that it is to find, explore, arouse and induce the key points, needs, interests and pain points that others care about. It's like a hammer phone. "As long as you are serious, we will let you win". Although the Hammer mobile phone failed because of its poor hardware, the initial effect is obvious.

Emotional marketing method 1: cut into rigid demand.

Today's mutual fund industry is booming. It seems that there are thousands of sails passing by the side of the sinking boat and thousands of trees in front of the diseased tree. Although the platform is running and has accidents every day. But it still can't stop investors and practitioners from entering like moths into the fire. The reason for this illogical thing is that mutual funds have opened up the rigid demand for national investment and financing.

On the macro level, it is the discrimination of the bank against the citizens. A series of non people friendly financial products and financial policies have turned off the citizens, so the citizens have been unbearable. On the micro level, it is the improvement of people's own quality, and they are unwilling to watch their money depreciate day by day in the bank. So the entry point came out, and the best one who can tell stories in this is Yu'e Bao. What's more, you can search by yourself due to the limited space.

Emotional marketing method 2: describe the "strange" behavior of investors.

No matter what products you play with, there are always a group of enthusiasts who are extremely obsessed and professional. Marketers can describe their characteristics, impress fans, and then influence Xiaobai users through this group of opinion leaders. For example, everyone's investment and financing methods or ideas of mutual fund investors today are ever-changing. As the saying goes, "when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds". What everyone likes to pay attention to most are exotic flowers, weird flower style financing without self immolation, and flower style evil ways to avoid risks.

Based on this premise, you can invite such a personalized senior financial planner to evaluate and judge your platform, and then you can make a big story, or contact the media or publish a column on a third-party portal to report on it, which can also attract a lot of attention. On the one hand, the platform itself attracts attention After the expert's inspection and test, on the other hand, it helps the enthusiast to be famous and have the best of both worlds.

Emotional marketing method 3: do what the customer is most afraid of - turn fear into demand.

Here is an example: the more famous is the slogan of Taiwan's piano training school in the 1990s: children who learn piano will not deteriorate. Parents may not want to ask their children to learn piano, but they certainly do not want their children to become bad.

Humans are very afraid of losing animals. When you find 100 yuan on the ground, you won't be too sad to find it is counterfeit. When you pick up the money, the thief runs away with 100 yuan in your pocket, and you will be half angry. It's fun to think about it. It's also a loss of 100 yuan. It doesn't matter if we don't get it. It's hard to lose it. We can apply this mentality to marketing. I don't say how happy it will be to buy my products, but I tell you that it will be sad not to buy them. Or I will tell you the risks of my products directly, but I will add a sentence at the end. I will try my best to drink milk when I was young to ensure your safety. How to ensure that the method is linked.

Emotional marketing method 4: tell the most painful thing for mutual fund investors.

Due to the frequent incidents of the platform running away recently, investors are really suffering. How to cut in? I think that although there is a suspicion of "dogs meddling with mice", as a righteous platform that wants to leap forward in this industry, it can take this as the starting point for corresponding operations. For example, a platform has established a local rights protection association for running platforms based on self-discipline requirements, In this association, there are special media that provide different objective and fair reports on different victims. On the one hand, they remind others, on the other hand, they educate the society, on the other hand, they help victims protect their rights, and on the other hand, they establish their own brand image of positive energy.

Emotional marketing method 5: interaction.

One example that everyone is familiar with is how Remi the Immortal succeeded. The author is no longer wordy about Xiaomi, because there are large reports on the Internet explaining the reasons for its success. So the platform can start from this one, how to interact a lot Operator What I think most of is the meeting. However, many of the current meetings are metaphysical. Inviting investors to come is a stereotype of corporate publicity, entertainment, lottery, and finally, thank you for support. They don't touch the heart of the matter at all.

The interaction I'm talking about is to make the platform do the things that customers most care about and want to know according to their needs. For example, the theme is: what kind of mutual fund platform can be established to make you feel confident and bold to invest. Invite investors to theoretically shape the dimensions of the safest platform in their minds according to the factors they consider. At this time, the platform should not only interact with investors on the one hand, but also launch a large number of media to carry out positive quantitative reports on this activity, which can be interspersed with various small details and stories. I don't need to tell you about the little gifts after the event.

Emotional marketing method 6: say what he doesn't like to hear the most.

Everyone likes to follow the way of thinking, but often ignores the pattern of reverse thinking. What investors are most afraid of now is that a few words will float in the sky one day, and your investment platform will be thundered. Well, I'll do it. The platform can provide investors with the names of the platforms that cause thunderstorms and problems every day, and provide relevant detailed analysis as far as possible according to the reasons why the platform is involved. Although such things are the most feared and least wanted by investors, they are often the most concerned and favorite thing of the three party portal. Because it affects people's nerves all the time.

But as time goes by, you will become more than just a P2P platform in the minds of investors. On the contrary, you are a radar in the true sense of online lending, and your image as an online lending guardian will be formed. Why? Because a platform pays close attention to the causes of the death of these platforms, it must find risks from these causes, and then avoid risks on its own. Since it is reporting, it will never become an offender. Therefore, attention is spread out. The image is instantly high and everyone believes in it as a god.

Author of this article: @ The unbridled wind was reprinted from: Titanium Media

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