Two Thoughts on Marketing

 Two Thoughts on Marketing

Do a good job for enterprises Marketing It is a very important and critical priority, and there are many kinds of things that enterprises face. For example, production, human resources, financial management, etc., but the author believes that marketing is the core of everything. Without good marketing, everything is useless. For entrepreneurs, whether they are technical or management graduates, marketing management Learning is a course that entrepreneurs must master. In fact, there are very few products in short supply now, and very few products are sold well without marketing. No matter how good the product is, it is a debt if it has no sales in the warehouse. Only when any product is turned into a commodity can it be worth more. In recent years, all walks of life have changed very fast, some have developed in the process of change, and some have disappeared.

There are two possibilities for anything to develop to a certain extent. Either it can be upgraded to become better, or it can't keep up with the changes. This may be the law of nature, just like the story of running antelope and lion. In Africa, when the antelope opens its eyes every morning, the first thing it thinks is that I must run faster, or I will be eaten by the lion. At the same time, the lion woke up from his sleep, and the first thought flashed into his mind was: I must run faster to catch up with more antelopes, or I would starve to death. So, almost at the same time, the antelope and the lion jumped up and ran towards the sunrise. Life is like this. No matter you are an antelope or a lion, when the sun rises, you should run forward without hesitation. You can't rest or you will rest forever. Enterprise management is also like this. If you don't advance, you will fall back. This is the law.

Imitation before transcendence

For marketers, the mission is to continuously improve their performance. No matter black cats or colored cats, it is good to catch mice. It is better to shout loudly than to act. No matter how well you speak, no matter how wonderful the performance is, no good performance is equal to zero. Many of our front-line marketing talents actually have a deep understanding that marketing is based on performance. Without performance, there is no right to speak. No matter which line of work has been done for a long time, it is easy to slack off, so is marketing.

There are many examples of this in real life, such as being a doctor for a long time is easy to get tired of, and being a teacher for a long time is also easy to get tired of. The mode of thinking in his own field has been solidified, which is called specialization in professional terms. Professionalism seems to be very professional and very good, but in fact, some aspects are also morbid or sub-health. For example, when a teacher thinks he is an expert in teaching, he seldom improves or actively changes on the existing basis in education. I always feel that I am the authority and boss, and I am familiar with myself. Make fun of it, this may be one of the reasons why China has not cultivated a master for hundreds of years.

I have contacted countless marketing elites, who are excellent in business but not good at change. My friends around me have many marketing wizards. When we talk about this topic, everyone turns a deaf ear to it. Some say that you are not as good as me when you let you do it. This is the status quo, without a good sense of humility. Not to mention learning and improving, these people have always been using dinner, drinking, entertaining and giving gifts. I remember 17 years ago, my company produced a functional food ingredient, which was the only one in China at that time. There is no such product in the market, let alone recognition. Therefore, it is difficult to start the market.

At that time, our leaders wisely put forward the five step strategy. Cultivate, form, consolidate, develop, expand, find similar industries without the same enterprises, and then imitate how others do it. Accumulate bit by bit, and then find the right entry point and set a benchmark to become famous all over the world. Learning is always the most effective, and practice is the closest way to success. Communication power is marketing power

When it comes to communication as a marketing friend, it seems that few people agree with it. The business personnel care about how to sell goods and like to be pragmatic. Some people think that communication is nothing but deception, and it can not directly bring benefits to business personnel. In fact, this is totally a misunderstanding. Enterprises without brand awareness are small enterprises, and enterprises that do not know how to do communication are enterprises with rigid thinking. All world-class enterprises attach importance to brand building and brand communication. Both traditional enterprises and Internet enterprises attach importance to their own communication. It's just that they have different ways of communication. Some are good at creating momentum, some use speeches, and some corporate leaders themselves are corporate brand communicators. For example, if you are a car enthusiast, there are many car brands. It is not said that buying a cheap car is good, but buying an expensive car is bad. Similarly, cars are worth more than 100000 yuan and worth millions. Millions of cars are still selling very well. Why? Brand value.

It's popular to say that you can buy several cucumbers at the stall for several yuan, and you can buy the same cucumbers at five-star hotels for hundreds of yuan. what is it? Or value. A straw bundle of cabbage sells for cabbage, a crab bundle sells for crab, and a gold bundle sells for gold. Why do you want to compete with well-known enterprises when your enterprises and products are unknown? Are you beautiful or beautiful. Don't talk about competition unless you are on the same track? You are not qualified to compete. In Tibet, no matter how hard you try, you can't boil a pot of water, which shows that the environment is very important; Riding a bicycle, no matter how hard you try, you can't catch up with BMW, which shows that fairness is very important; A man, no matter how excellent he is, can't have a child without a woman, which shows that cooperation is very important; So sometimes, it is not enough for us to just work hard, but also learn to adapt to the environment and meet the rules. Are you right? Good wine is afraid of deep alleys, and good products must be frequently shouted. Some people are dismissive of this, perhaps saying that this is a strong argument. In addition to your own capabilities, there are also powerful platforms and brands behind you to guarantee the transaction of a business.

No matter how beautiful a battle is, we cannot ignore the importance of logistics support. Communication is not only a productivity but also a fighting force. Communication is a hero behind the scenes and a pioneer. To do a good job in marketing, we must first do a good job in communication. If we want to do a good job, we must first use their tools.

Author: Yang Haijun



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