A Guide to Marketing Cheating for Entrepreneurs

Marketing The purpose of is to attract attention. Marketing without attention will have no results.

 A Guide to Marketing Cheating for Entrepreneurs

Many people who work in start-ups do not know why I want to do something. For example, why should I have a microblog and a WeChat account? We all think that we can spend little money to achieve good results, but this is a mistake.

When we do any communication activities, we should clearly know what we really want and have a clear purpose. Then, the marketing activities will be implemented step by step through the goal backward process.

The first thing for marketing to be effective is to attract attention. Without attention, there will be no results. So when we do marketing, the first thing we should do is to ensure that the content can attract users' attention, the second is to bring about communication, and the third is to promote action.

From the first one mentioned above, Hengyuanxiang's advertising creativity "sheep sheep sheep" is called attention, no matter how disgusting it is. Another way is to use word-of-mouth communication. You should help your consumers say something and ask them to help you spread it. For example, if there is a problem with Baidu, this is an advertising slogan that Baidu has summarized for you. It can carry out word-of-mouth communication. For another example, I see that the benefits issued by other companies are particularly good. I think Baidu's human resources are very beautiful. These are all spread on behalf of others, because everyone is keen to discuss this issue.

What kind of advertisement can attract attention?

First, I think advertisements should be relevant, and you should give me a reason why I pay attention to you

Most drug advertisements will first say symptoms, stomach ache and stomach distension. Why did you say these three sentences first? It is because he wants to screen out those people.

 A Guide to Marketing Cheating for Entrepreneurs

I believe you have heard a story about "blind men begging". It's about a blind man who wrote "I'm a blind man, please help me" on the sign without much attention. Later, pedestrians changed it to "It's a beautiful day, but I can't see it", and many people gave him money.

This is also about relevance. Because most people have no experience of being blind, we don't know how a blind person is. But after he describes the actual situation, we will realize that this is related to me. Because I can see beautiful days, but he can't see them, so it causes correlation and attracts more people's attention.

The second is called uniqueness

We must be unique enough in creating and disseminating content. Some of them are because their products are unique. For example, there is a product called "Bombing Big Squid", whose product is bigger and longer than a person's face. His propaganda is not because the copywriting is good, but because his product is different from others. He has his own unique selling points, so the copywriting is called: bigger than a face, longer than a face.

Some content communication is unique enough. For example, there is a brand called "Call a Duck" that sells ducks. Its content communication has started since its name. First of all, almost everyone has never forgotten the name, and many people on WeChat said, "My husband is not at home today, I called a duck, I called a duck". This is a name that is very easy to be misunderstood, remembered and spread. Its content spread includes everything.

 A Guide to Marketing Cheating for Entrepreneurs

His name is very unique, and his products are very unique. The products are not unique in ducks, but the things he sent are double yolk eggs; Then its menu is very unique, double flight package, solo flight package; Delivery is also very unique. Everyone else is Shunfeng. His delivery man is a little brother. After the 1990s, he wore a T-shirt with the words "ducks are coming" in front and "ducks are leaving" when he left. Every link of his has made people spread.

Third, initiative

During the 2010 World Cup, the working hours of a company were postponed from 9:00 to 10:30. The company released various Red Bull drinks and sent you to watch the World Cup on the spot. Because of this, the company went to the mobile phone newspaper, the Beijing News, Zhejiang TV and Hubei TV for free.

But it was also done in the European Cup later, and its terms were more favorable, but it was only forwarded 10000 times, why? Because I was the first one to put it forward. After the first one is said, the second one is no longer attractive, and the effect of the second use will be greatly reduced.

Fourth, channels are very important

The so-called new media are not as good as CCTV, as long as the rich enterprises still hit CCTV during the Spring Festival Gala, because it can make you get a reputation quickly. In fact, there are many very poor people in the top 500, but you still think that they come from the top 500. You will think that they are very good and excellent. This is where they are. No matter what, everyone thinks you are OK.

Fifth, simple emotions and real things can still move people

The so-called family, friendship and love still exist, and the basic simple elements can still move people. During the World Cup, a company did the same marketing campaign, sending a bunch of customized roses to each male employee's wife, called "a forgivable infidelity", and describing the pursuit of the World Cup as a collective infidelity of men, which attracted attention.

 A Guide to Marketing Cheating for Entrepreneurs

Sixth, content related to current hot spots is more attractive and easier to spread

Durex official blog forwarded a picture, saying that a user did not wear rain shoes during a heavy rain and put on a condom to prevent water, and then it was forwarded tens of thousands of times. In fact, content related to current hot spots and target users is more attractive and easier to spread.

 A Guide to Marketing Cheating for Entrepreneurs

Also, when Liu Xiang failed in the hurdle race, Durex only sent a message, saying that "the fastest man is not the best, and persistence is the real strong man". Choosing such a time means that everyone knows, and this micro blog has been forwarded more than 40000 times.

The biggest mistake in marketing is to forget the product

Marketing people often have a misconception that they focus on content and forget products. The most typical example is the film implantation. I think 90% of the film implantation is a failure. For example, one person one book was implanted with the film "Private Customization" that year, and 20 million was given to "Private Customization", but one person one book has nothing to do with "Private Customization", and after a flash, the 20 million was basically wasted.

The second is that they are just doing content without brand, which is an invalid communication. There is a microblog big V called Genius Panda. Each of his microblogs can be forwarded more than 10000 times, and almost all of his microblogs are advertisements. The stories he tells are related to the brand, but sometimes the brand background is very deep, and you don't know what the brand is after reading it. As a brand, if you have an obvious advertising placement, even if you only spread it for 1000 times, it is better than spreading it for 10000 times, but you can't see what brand it is.

In fact, the most basic thing for us to do communication is to gain insight into human nature. There are many weaknesses in human nature, and there are many fundamental things that cannot be crossed. If your advertisement really has nothing to say, you can put a beauty, an animal or a child. These three are the most attractive. For example, men have three G principles, gambling, games and beautiful women, which are the most attractive to men.

We have seen some habits of many people, some dreams, some things he hopes to do, and his values. In fact, these are all insights into human nature. If you speak the same values as him, he will recognize you. If you find a small habit, he will recognize you. In fact, one of our biggest habits now is to use WeChat. We can't help but use WeChat every five minutes. When you take such an advertisement, he will feel deeply.

Advertising also needs to be persuasive

Especially advertising. If you don't have specific examples and you can't convince me, advertising is invalid. In fact, why are people persuaded? Just tell me a reason. If he uses one logic to tell you another, he will persuade you. Writing or spreading is the same thing. Just explain the truth.

The United States hired a psychologist to write a recruitment advertisement:

Come and join the army!

Being a soldier is not terrible.

Because after enlistment, there are only two possibilities: there is war or no war. What's to be afraid of without war?

After the war, there are two possibilities: going to the front or not going to the front. What's the fear of not going to the front?

After going to the front, there are two possibilities: injured or uninjured, and what's terrible about uninjured?

There are two possibilities after injury: minor injury or serious injury. What's terrible about minor injury?

There are two possibilities after a serious injury. It can be cured or not. What's so terrible about being cured?

What's so terrible if it can't be cured? Because you are dead.

Through his logic, he eliminated everyone's greatest fear of being a soldier, that is, the fear of death.

Advertisement needs exposure effect

What is the exposure effect about? The more you see something, the better it will be. When I first entered the university, I felt that my classmates were average looking. After four years, you found that your classmates were all good looking, better than other classes. This is because you get along with him day and night, not because he becomes beautiful, but because the more you see him, the better you will feel.

The same is true of advertising. We can recall our shopping experience. When we go to the supermarket to buy things, you rarely buy things that we have never heard of. Unless it is a buy one get one free or a promotion that lets you taste, what you hear is good. This is a psychological feeling.

It's like everyone hates brain platinum. But when someone wants to go to the supermarket to buy something for his parents and elders, he still flashes the concept of brain platinum advertising: I don't know what to buy, I have a phobia of choice, and I don't know about health care products. Then you will hear the sentence, "No gifts will be accepted this holiday, but brain platinum will be accepted.".

 A Guide to Marketing Cheating for Entrepreneurs

About market research

For example, you go to research and ask what kind of ads are most credible? It must have been introduced by an acquaintance. Then you ask what advertisement you don't believe the most? TV advertisements and newspaper advertisements. According to the results of the research, can't advertising be done? No, the advertisement is still effective. Use friends to spread it, but who will spread it to you every day.

There are also some very different research questions, such as are you a generous person? Are you an open-minded person? Most people lie. As a marketer, you should go to the target consumers and take the initiative to talk directly with them to explore and refine this is the right "market research".


Allen, Personal WeChat: qq1186974614 Weipeng Venture Capital Industry Analyst, welcome to exchange.

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