KANO model

KANO Model It is a model to measure the impact of whether five needs are met on satisfaction or dissatisfaction

It is generally used to confirm the priority of products/services. The demand priority is as follows:

Basic demand>expectation demand>charm demand


Kano model is a professor of Tokyo University of Technology( Noriaki Kano )The invented useful tool for classifying and prioritizing user needs is based on the analysis of the impact of user needs on user satisfaction, which reflects the nonlinear relationship between product performance and user satisfaction.


According to the relationship between different types of quality characteristics and customer satisfaction, Professor Shouye divided the quality characteristics of product services into five categories:

Basic (mandatory) requirements ——Must-be Quality/ Basic Quality

When the demand is optimized, the user satisfaction will not increase, and when the demand is not provided, the user satisfaction will decrease significantly;

Desired (willing) demand ——One-dimensional Quality/ Performance Quality

When this demand is provided, user satisfaction will increase, and when this demand is not provided, user satisfaction will decrease;

Exciting (charming) demand —Attractive Quality/ Excitement Quality

The user's satisfaction will not be reduced if the demand is not provided, but it will be greatly improved when the demand is provided;

No difference requirement ——Indifferent Quality/Neutral Quality

Whether the demand is provided or not, user satisfaction will not change, and users will not care;

Reverse (reverse) demand ——Reverse Quality can also be translated into "quality" or "quality".

The user doesn't have this demand at all, and the user satisfaction will decline after it is provided

The first three needs are classified according to performance indicators, namely basic factors, performance factors and incentive factors.

 KANO model

KANO model content analysis

KANO model defines three levels of customer demand: basic demand, expectation demand and excitement demand. According to the performance indicators, these three needs are classified as basic factors, performance factors and incentive factors.

Basic requirements It is the basic requirement of customers for the product/service factors provided by the enterprise. This is the attribute or function that the customer thinks the product/service must have. When its characteristics are not sufficient (not meeting customer needs), customers are very dissatisfied; When its characteristics are sufficient (to meet customer needs), customers may not show satisfaction. For the basic needs, even if they exceed the customer's expectations, the customer will be satisfied at best, and will not show more favorable feelings towards them. However, as long as there is a slight negligence and customer expectations are not met, customer satisfaction will plummet. For customers, these needs must be met, of course. For example, if the air conditioner works normally in summer, customers will not be satisfied with the quality of the air conditioner; On the contrary, once the air conditioner has a problem and cannot be cooled, the customer's satisfaction with the brand of air conditioner will decline significantly, and complaints and complaints will follow.

Desired demand It refers to the demand that the customer's satisfaction is proportional to the satisfaction of the demand. Expectation needs are not as demanding as basic needs. The products/services they require are excellent, but they are not "necessary" product attributes or service behaviors. The more products/services provided by enterprises exceed customer expectations, the better customer satisfaction will be, and vice versa. In market research, customers usually talk about expectations. The current situation of quality complaint handling in China has always been unsatisfactory, and this service can also be regarded as an expectant demand. If the enterprise deals with quality complaints more successfully, the customer will be more satisfied.

Charming demand It refers to the demand that will not be excessively expected by customers. However, once the charismatic needs are met, the satisfaction of customers is also very high. For charismatic demands, customer satisfaction also rises sharply with the increase in satisfaction with customer expectations; On the contrary, even when expectations are not met, customers will not show obvious dissatisfaction. This requires enterprises to provide customers with some completely unexpected product attributes or service behaviors to surprise customers. Customers do not express clear needs for some products/services. When these products/services are provided to customers, customers will show great satisfaction, thus improving customer loyalty. For example, some famous brand enterprises can regularly track and revisit the quality of products, release the latest product information and promotion content, and provide customers with the most convenient shopping methods. In this regard, even if other enterprises do not provide these services, customers will not show dissatisfaction.

KANO model analysis method and application example

The KANO model analysis method is a set developed by Shono Jizhao based on the segmentation principle of KANO model for customer needs Structured questionnaire and Analytical method KANO model analysis method is not directly used to measure customer satisfaction, but mainly used to identify customer needs and help enterprises understand customer needs at different levels, Determine the key elements of customer satisfaction

The KANO model analysis method needs to collect additional survey information according to the structural questionnaire designed by Kishao Shouno. The basic steps are as follows:

(1) Understand product/service needs from the perspective of customers;

(2) Design questionnaire;

(3) Implement effective questionnaire survey;

(4) Classify and summarize the survey results, and establish a quality prototype;

(5) Analyze the quality prototype and identify the sensitivity of specific measurement indicators.

In order to distinguish the quality characteristics into basic needs, expectation needs and charm needs, each quality characteristic in the KANO questionnaire is determined by Forward and Negative direction Two questions are formed to measure the customer's response to the presence or absence of a quality characteristic. The answers to the questions in the questionnaire generally use five levels of options, namely, "I like this", "It must be like this", "I don't care", "I can bear this", and "I hate this". The form of the set question is shown in the following table.

 KANO model

According to the above forms of questionnaires, the quality characteristics are classified according to the answers to positive and negative questions. See the table below for the specific classification comparison. When the answer to the positive question is "I like it" and the answer to the negative question is "I don't like it", then in the KANO evaluation table, this quality characteristic is classified as O, that is, expectations demand. If the customer's answers to the positive and negative questions of a quality characteristic are combined and classified as M or A, the factor will be divided into basic needs or charismatic needs.

 KANO model

In the table:

A means glamorous demand

O stands for expectant demand

M represents basic demand

R represents reverse demand, and customers do not need this quality characteristic, or even have an aversion to it;

I means no difference in demand, and customers don't care about this factor;

Q refers to the result of a question, which generally does not occur in the customer's answer, unless the question is asked unreasonably, or the customer does not understand the question well, or the customer makes an error when filling in the answer.

Questionnaire preparation:

The KANO model questionnaire needs to understand the following two aspects: the user's evaluation (attitude) of the product/service when it has a function and the evaluation (attitude) of the product/service when it does not have a function. It needs to ask the user forward and backward respectively. Note:

① The questions related to each function point in the KANO questionnaire have two positive and negative questions. The difference between the positive and negative questions should be emphasized to prevent users from misreading the meaning of the questions;

② Function explanation: briefly describe the function point to ensure user understanding;

③ Option description: Because users have different understandings of "I like it very much", "I should", "I don't care", "I reluctantly accept", and "I don't like it very much", they need to give a unified explanation before filling in the questionnaire, so that users can have a relatively consistent standard to facilitate filling in.

I like this: let you feel satisfied, happy and surprised.

It must be like this: necessary functions/services that you think should be provided.

I don't care: you won't care, but you can accept it.

I can stand it: you don't like it, but you can accept it.

I hate this: it makes you feel dissatisfied.

After collecting and sorting out the survey results, KANO model analysis was conducted.

The application of KANO model analysis method is described in detail below through specific examples. In order to understand the level of customer needs and determine the direction of improvement, an enterprise selected four quality characteristics (FM radio, recording, capacity, playing format) to design a KANO questionnaire and conduct a survey on the MP4 produced.

1. After the KANO model analysis method is applied to identify customer needs and the data of each quality characteristic is obtained through investigation, the frequency of each quality characteristic in different demand types can be calculated. See the following table for details.

 KANO model

The data of I, R and Q are not considered in classification, and the classification results of quality characteristics are determined according to the frequency of each quality characteristic appearing in A, O and M. As can be seen from the table, "capacity" and "playback format" are basic requirements. "FM radio" and "recording" functions are expected.

2. Using KANQ model analysis method to determine key factors

After the requirement classification of quality characteristics is completed, KANO model analysis can be carried out. KANO model analysis is to judge the sensitivity of customers to changes in the level of these quality characteristics through the analysis of the satisfaction influence and dissatisfaction influence of each quality characteristic, and then determine the key factors that improve the sensitivity of quality characteristics and are more conducive to improving customer satisfaction. First, calculate the satisfaction influence (SI) and dissatisfaction influence (DSI). The calculation formula is as follows:


DSI=- 1 × (O+M)/(A+O+M+I) (note the minus sign "-")

The calculation result of the example by applying the above formula is shown in the following table:

 KANO model

All quality characteristics are included in the sensitivity matrix with SI value as abscissa and DSI value as ordinate (see the figure below). Factors outside the radius circle (in the figure below, the origin 0 is the center of the circle, and OP is the circle of the radius), and the factors farther away from the origin, the greater the sensitivity, can determine that FM radio, capacity and playback format are key factors. However, the mass characteristics in the circle are not sensitive enough to be considered temporarily.

 KANO model

When making improvements based on the analysis results, the enterprise First, we should pay attention to It's the customer's Basic requirements Pay attention to what customers think the enterprise is obligated to do, ensure that the problems raised by customers are seriously solved, and try to provide convenience for customers to meet their most basic needs. on this basis Enterprises try their best to satisfy customers Desired demand This is the competitive factor of quality. Provide additional services or product functions that customers like to make their products/services better than competitors and different, guide customers to strengthen their good impression of the enterprise, and make customers satisfied. Finally strive to achieve Customer's Charming demand And establish the most loyal customer group for the enterprise.

Original author: Tight and loose

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