The Internet must be familiar with the industry terminology, not to mention that you know it all

1、 Advertising industry terminology Class A media: advertising carrier (advertisers and media often change) Channel: * CP: App developer (content provider) * SEM: search engine Marketing *CPC: pay per click advertising category B * CPT: buy by time (T is worth one day) * CPM: the cost of thousands of displays (standing in the lead of advertising)

Category C eCPM: show the income from thousands of advertisements (from the perspective of media) Example: app makes an advertisement sheet, advertisement filling, carousel, scheduling D promotion activities, materials, targeted launch, external chain, H5 WAP: mobile terminal webpage landing page/Landing Page: users will get more advertising content, which is related to the conversion rate of users

2. Abbreviations PV: exposure, display UV: de duplicated * ROI: ROI: CTR: click through rate * CVR: conversion rate * ASO: app ranking store optimization * SEO: search engine ranking optimization * SEM: search engine marketing PPP: pay per click advertising CRO: conversion rate optimization WAP: mobile website CP: app developer (content provider) Campaign CPC: pay per click CPI: pay per download is similar to CPD CPA: pay per effect CPS: pay per sale CPV: video purchase method

2、 Display forms of mobile advertising 1. Five main forms of hard advertising: banner, plug screen, full screen, focus map and other integral wall videos: paste, pause native: information stream, feeds stream, customization and other rich media: pictures, videos, text (there will be interaction with users)

3、 Summary of iOS promotion channels 1. App Store (ASO bidding ranking, 65% people download through search) 2. Social networks (WeChat, Weibo Facebook、Twitter) 3、 Commercialized third-party App 4. NetUnion AdNetwork (Tencent Guangdiantong, Inmobi, DSP programming) 5. SEM/PPC (Baidu, Sogou, Google) 6. Ditui, jailbreak

4、 Network ID card of iOS users: IDFA 1. Terminology to be understood: IDFA: Essence IDFV for advertising: Development trademark identifier, app related UDID: Apple launched UUID: globally unique identifier MAC: physical port of wired and wireless network card IMEI: 15 bit string 2. Connection of important terms: two ways, SDK, API callback: the way Party A and Party B check the data. Third party monitoring: Youmeng, TalkingData short link: the long URL is compiled into a short link, pointing to the same address. You can embed code in the short link to monitor the effect of advertising, IDFA was launched in May 2013. Apple banned UDID from finding Apple's vulnerability. MAC/OpenUDID 2013.09 iOS7 released and disabled MAC/OpenUDID. The overall situation has been determined. Uniform format of IDFA: hexadecimal 32 bits, 8-4-4-4-12 Example: AEBE52E7-03EE-455A-B3C4-E57283966239 settings

5、 Detection process of effect advertising 1. Effect advertising process with intermediaries Media request advertising (users open the App or the corresponding page) ->Advertising platform fills in advertising (real-time fills in the corresponding advertising space with matching advertising materials) ->Users click on advertising (the SDK fills the user data (IDFA, IP, network environment OS version, etc.) back to the server) ->the data recorded by the advertising platform (the amount of fraud removed by anti cheating) ->the advertising platform uploads the IDFA (uploads the correct IDFA to the advertiser or a third-party detection platform) ->the advertiser calls back the IDFA (compares with the newly activated user's IDFA and sends the data back to the advertising platform) 2 The effect advertising process without intermediaries generates short chains (uses third-party tools to generate short chains with different channel labels) ->distributes short chains (assigns short chains to the correct channels) ->users click ads (records the click data (channel number, time, IP, device type, OS version, etc.) ->AppStore ->users download activated apps (records user data (IDFA, time, IP Device type, OS version, etc.) ->Data comparison (matching activation and conversion rate of each channel)

6、 Process of programmed purchase 1. Terminology Daquan DSP: demander platform SSP: media platform DMP: data management platform () Ad Exchange: advertising trading center RTB: real-time bidding Non RTB: non real-time bidding PMP: private trading market

VII English abbreviations of game types ACT: action games A-RPG: action role-playing games AVG: adventure games A-AVG: action adventure games EDU: formative games FLY: simulated flight FPS: first person perspective shooting games FTG: combat games MIX: synthetic games MMO-RPG: large-scale multiplayer online role-playing games MUD: online games MUG: music games OTH: other games PUZ: educational games RAC: Car racing games RPG: role-playing games RTS: real-time strategic games SIM: simulation business SLG: strategic chess games SPG: sports games S-RPG: strategic role-playing games SPT: sports games STG: shooting games TAB: board games

Originated from a brief book: Yu Jie's notes

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