Fogg behavior model: secret to changing user behavior

 Fogg behavior model: secret to changing user behavior

Stanford University professor proposed a complete theoretical model—— Fogg behavior model To help us analyze and explain how human behavior changes. Through Fogg behavior model, we can change User behavior And build a long-term stable relationship between users and products. How magical is it? Let's have a look.


Fogg's behavior model shows that the occurrence of a behavior requires three elements: motivation, ability and trigger, and only when these three elements are met at the same time can the behavior occur. The formula is B=MAT.

  • M: Motivation

  • A: Ability to operate this behavior

  • T: Triggers that induce this behavior

 Fogg behavior model: secret to changing user behavior

The ordinate represents the strength of motivation, and the abscissa represents the level of ability. Above the behavior curve is the behavior success zone, where triggering is effective; Below the behavior curve is the behavior failure area, where triggering is invalid.

stay Marketing In the promotion, we can start with motivation, ability and trigger to promote user behavior for different users.

Three elements

Fogg model is not a simple B=MAT model. Different abilities require different trigger strategies. Appropriate trigger strategies will increase conversion, while inappropriate trigger strategies will become interruptions, bringing negative emotions to users. Now let's look at these three elements respectively.

01 Motivation

In psychology, motivation is divided into internal motivation and external motivation. Motivation is the energy source of behavior. Fogg summarizes the most useful motivations in behavior design:

◇ Pleasure/pain: The joy and pain of users are subjective psychological or physiological perception, and also the most primitive driving force.

◇ Hope/fear: hope is to have a positive expectation of the behavior results, For example, running hopes to achieve health and slimming results. Fear is the negative expectation of behavior results, which makes users avoid the awareness or behavior generated during the behavior.

◇ Social identity/exclusion: the impact of social acceptance and rejection on users' behavior stems from human social attributes. For example, sending a circle of friends hopes to get everyone's attention and praise, and has a strong desire to gain social recognition.

02 Capability

Users need to have a certain ability to complete the behavior. The stronger the ability, the easier it will be to complete a task. We can train users to improve their ability, but this is difficult to achieve. It is usually considered to reduce the difficulty of completing a behavior so that users can easily complete a behavior.

Fogg model lists 6 ways to save "cost":

  • Reduce the cost of time, time is money

  • Reduce financial consumption, everyone likes to pull wool

  • Reduce physical expenditure. It's much easier to take a taxi than walking for two hours

  • Reduce mental expenditure based on people's inertia instinct

  • Avoid social pressure and don't put forward unreasonable requirements

  • Conform to daily habits and reduce unconventional operations

Take the commonly used registration account in our daily life as an example.

Conventional account registration requires "authenticating the mobile phone number – obtaining the verification code – filling in the SMS verification code – filling in the nickname – setting the password – completing". Now many APPs can quickly register, prompting users to register with one button or bind WeChat/QQ for quick registration. This process is very easy to use and also easier to improve the conversion rate of users.

03 Trigger conditions

Adding motivation and capability can only increase the possibility of the user's behavior. Whether the user's behavior will actually occur depends on whether appropriate triggers are provided. become The power trigger generally needs to have the following three characteristics at the same time:

  • Can be perceived by users

  • Be able to connect with the target behavior

  • Appears in the context of both motivation and ability

 Fogg behavior model: secret to changing user behavior

Fogg divides triggers into three types:

  • Sparks

Spark trigger is related to motivation. When the user does not have enough motivation, it can stimulate the user's demand motivation, so that the user can generate self drive to promote the occurrence of the target behavior.

For example, when I was painting TikTok, I saw a lipstick introduced by the star's live broadcast room. I didn't plan to buy lipstick, but I might place an order for Christmas promotion.

  • Facilitator

The facilitator trigger is more suitable for users who do not have enough ability, and it appears when executing behaviors with clear motivation.

For example, users who want to buy a steam oven but do not know how to use it can be guided to complete the operation step by step to promote transformation.

  • Signal

The function of signal is to indicate and transmit information. For users with strong motivation and high ability, they only need a signal to successfully complete a certain behavior.

For example, for those users who are willing to pay for knowledge, when the service is about to expire, a message will be sent to remind them that the payment course is about to expire, and the previous content will not be viewed... Release the prompt signal to such users, and they can also complete the payment behavior well.

In short, the design form of triggers is different for different user groups. As a business, it can improve consumer willingness or simplify the process, so that consumers can easily complete the purchase.

Why is the conversion rate of e-commerce sales order pages so high? It mainly depends on search engine promotion and user behavior Data analysis Display various promotional activities to attract users, and the purchase process is also becoming more and more simplified. You can place an order with one click and wait for delivery to your door. So, merchants, make good use of it!

Originated from WeChat official account (MFSHOP)

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