A set of reusable user growth methods

author Walking Mahavira
 A set of reusable user growth methods

Growth is becoming more and more important!

Because growth is getting harder.

Our original enthusiasm for tasting new things has passed. All kinds of mobile phone apps have been loaded and unloaded, and we have already found our love;

The threshold for product research and development has been continuously lowered, and all kinds of immortals have been divided into different groups. With serious homogenization, consumers are dazzled by the red sea.

In the past two years, I have been doing growth. Today, I would like to share some thoughts on growth.


The underlying logic of growth

What is the underlying logic of growth

Do a new customer campaign to drive more new users; Optimize a registration process and improve the conversion rate of user registration; Acquire new customers by inviting fission activities and taking the old with the new.

These are our common gains User growth The way. What is the deeper logic behind these growth actions?

in my submission, There are two underlying logic for growth Refine Scale

 A set of reusable user growth methods

1. Elaboration: Talk to people and ghosts.

Use refinement to transform more stock users.

2. Large scale: one click replication, fast volume

Based on the ability of refined operation, we can use the same model to obtain more new users.

Fineness and scale complement each other and complement each other, so as to start the growth flywheel.


Two guarantees for growth

There are no two guarantees Growth is just a castle in the air

In the process of implementing growth, if you want to say what conditions are essential.

In my opinion, these two are crucial: data support and multiple roles.

 A set of reusable user growth methods

1. Data support:

1) Data awareness building: strengthen the brain of the growth team, and everyone needs to strengthen data awareness

2) Data infrastructure: the most basic data, such as growth market data, growth action effects, and growth change analysis, should become infrastructure and can be quickly obtained

3) Data research methods: scientific data validation scheme, AB test, funnel analysis, clustering model, etc

2. Multiple roles:

Growth involves all aspects, including products operate , design, R&D, etc. If conditions permit, a complete team can be formed; Without sufficient resources, the person in charge of growth should also have the ability and experience in all aspects.


Growth closed-loop

What should a qualified growth closed-loop thinking be?

What kind of thinking should be followed when starting to do growth work? After one or two years of trial and summary, I think you can use this idea directly.

The growth idea of many people is: user problem (demand) scenario scheme data

In fact, this is not comprehensive and scientific enough: 1, the lack of in-depth analysis of the current situation; 2. The current core growth concerns are not found.

In my humble opinion, the closed-loop thinking of growth should be:

data principal contradiction user problem demand )- scene programme data

 A set of reusable user growth methods

data First, understand the current business situation through data, and find out the potential space for current growth by means of indicator disassembly.

principal contradiction Based on the data, understand the main contradiction that hinders the current growth: process transformation, exposure or product itself

After the above analysis, we can find the target user, turn the user's problems into requirements, in what scenarios triggered to the user, and what the corresponding solution is.


Growth Method Practice

6-step, reusable growth practice method

From the perspective of user life cycle management, I divide the target growth population into new users, existing users and lost users. Now I will talk about specific growth methods according to these three dimensions.

1、 new user

New households are the main target group for growth.

Step 1 Understand the current business situation through data

1) Overall situation

Daily new customer trend chart, cumulative user data trend chart, new customer conversion number, new customer conversion amount, new customer conversion rate, etc., to understand the overall business situation

2) Main flow sources

After understanding the overall situation, the next step is to analyze the flow side.

Which channels do new customers mainly come from? Natural flow, the old bring the new, activities bring the new, special projects add new, etc., clearly divide the source of new customer increase, and see the proportion and trend of each module.

3) Conversion

For the above traffic sources, further analysis will be made on the conversion of each module. How many traffic enters every day, how many new users register successfully, and how many users successfully transform.

After completing the above three steps, we have a general understanding of the overall business situation.

Step 2 Find out the main contradiction

By formula disassembly method: new customers=channel flow (channel 1+channel 2+...+channel n) * conversion rate (channel 1+channel 2+...+channel n)

Through data, you can focus on several key points:

1) Which channels account for a large proportion of traffic? Which of them have low conversion rate?

2) Which channels have high and stable conversion rates? Which of them have insufficient traffic?

To increase the number of new users, we need to make breakthroughs from two perspectives: 1. For those with large traffic, improve the conversion rate; 2. It has high conversion rate and improves the flow

Find out the corresponding channels and analyze the reasons for low traffic or low conversion rate. Why is this the case now?

Find reasons from various aspects (mece rule/pyramid): Is channel traffic not good? Or is the channel cost too high? Is it an activity design page? Or is the user quality poor?

Study each reason one by one, Find out the main contradiction

Step 3 Analyze user characteristics

Outline user portraits: age, sex ratio, city, education level, annual income level, consumption habits, etc. After making a rough judgment on these users' portraits, we can get to know this kind of people from friends around us.

Step 4 Analyze user needs

Starting from what is known, why do existing users use the platform's products, and what core functions and services do they care most about? Do these users have differences in channel characteristics? What functions and pages are most visited and used by these users within 7 days of new account opening?

This is the most basic round of deduction. New users will also have similar attention, and then increase the characteristics of the channel.

Step 5 Find the trigger scenario for users to use the product

For example, the taxi platform is generally used by users in places that cannot be used or not covered by public transport, or users are in a hurry.

It is often troublesome to take the bus on rainy days, and many people will choose to take a taxi. An advertising platform can push taxi taking platforms and tickets to users according to the weather conditions, and the conversion rate will be high.

Therefore, after analyzing the user needs, find the scenarios that trigger users to use the platform functions, so as to obtain new users more efficiently.

Step 6 Propose solutions

Through the above analysis, the last step is reached: Specific solutions to major contradictions

If the conversion rate is not high: then optimize the conversion path and conversion hook.

The design here is to combine user needs and user triggered scenarios: demand trigger get some action

Give users a reason for action

For example, e-commerce platform: give welfare – new employee's welfare voucher+time limit to receive countdown;

Another example: describe the effect after use - cover the advertisement in the middle, the waist is not sore and the legs are not painful, go to the fifth floor in one breath, hey, no effort~

Stock users & Lost users

The growth of stock users focuses on the growth of users to a more loyal class; The growth of lost users is user backflow.

These two user groups have the same idea of growth as new users. I will not elaborate one by one. Some different emphases:

1) Increase of existing users

Start from two aspects: horizontal and vertical

Horizontal aspect: let users experience more other functions on the platform, which belongs to cross operation of business.

Vertical aspect: let users experience the core functions of the platform more deeply and frequently, such as membership and more money; Pay with WeChat more frequently

2) Lost users for growth

The user's idea of salvage can be formulated according to the user's historical behavior.

A User has experienced a certain product/function in history: recall users in the way of function update/new product

User B was transformed from activities before: you can reach users by returning to the welfare package

User C has not been converted before, so the user is just like a new user. You can refer to the strategy of new user conversion for reflow

The three methods mentioned above are not completely fixed and can be used alternately. When data analysis is effective, use the same method.

To sum up: this sharing talked about the underlying logic of growth, two guarantees, closed-loop thinking process and a complete interpretation of the analysis process of new users' growth.

Each module has many channels, and the article just stops at the end.

But I suggest that you are not limited to this. We should think deeply, try and summarize along the corresponding ideas, and expect you to share your practical experience with me.


The original text originates from WeChat official account (Tencent Classroom Product School)

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