A model explains why users still don't buy it after you do so much?

user Whether you buy it or not depends on the perspective you use when making decisions. This is the key to this article Model ——Enterprise perspective or user perspective.

 A model explains why users still don't buy it after you do so much?

You must have noticed these phenomena:

(1) NetEase made a special red train and selected 85 comments to be printed on the subway. Zhihu slapped the table "My mother is a serious UGC", also chose some questions, and used Zhihu Blue to brush a wave of subway, but the response was flat. Jingdong thought: My comments are also UGC. I simply chose dozens of user comments to print on the subway transfer channel. The eyeful "authentic" and "trusted" comments are useless. It's also UGC. Why only Netease is popular?

(2) The boss said that the WeChat official account is an important channel to get customers, and the reading volume must be increased! So you stare at the 10w+leaderboard every day, what is hot and what is hot. In order to expand the reading base, pay attention to giving red envelopes, forwarding gifts, and work hard to increase the number of fans. At the end of the year, the number of fans reached 5w and the number of readers reached 500. Only a dozen users were introduced to the App in one year. With so much investment, why can't the public account be established?

(3) Product version update, operate My sister wanted to guide users to upgrade quickly, so she did a small activity on the public account: upgrade and send screenshots to the public account, and the top 20 people will get 50 yuan red packet. After three days of waiting, the activity was almost over, and the participants still had less than 20 people, so the operator had to go to WeChat group to get people. Why can't I attract users after I have sent them all?

Why on earth is this? Why did others do it Marketing , activities and products can cause so many people to participate in, discuss and spread? And I didn't spend less money and do less things. Why can't I attract users?

In this article, I hope to use only the simplest model to interpret the above questions.

1、 Zhihulan and NetEase

Let's first analyze the subway ads launched by Zhihu and NetEase

 A model explains why users still don't buy it after you do so much?

See first. The collision of large color blocks in the background is clearly carefully designed. The main text is the scene description, and the following leads to the corresponding problem of Zhihu. The theme is also very clear - I know more about it every day and put a big logo on it.

 A model explains why users still don't buy it after you do so much?

Look at NetEase's advertisement again. Exceptionally clean, no theme, just song reviews. Why didn't NetEase set up a theme and put a logo to show the product interface?

It depends on the perspective of both.

Zhihu is standing Enterprise perspective What is considered is to transmit the brand value and increase the download volume. In order to deliver value, I have to have a clear theme. In order to promote downloads, I need to consider path optimization. First, use large color blocks to collide, so as to ensure that the flow of people is attracted by me. Then use the main text to describe a scene you are interested in: look, I have the knowledge you need! Want to know? Download Zhihu, just search for questions!

NetEase is standing User perspective , considering the user's feelings and communication. What will users spread? Something of real value to him. What is valuable? Song comments! Because a lot of comments write some emotions in essence, which can help users better express themselves. Logo、 QR code, theme, etc. Don't use anything to express to users.

In the end, NetEase's red special train ignited people's emotions and accumulated a huge potential of communication. Through a large number of public accounts and users' discussion and sharing, it obtained far more traffic than subway people and multiplied. As Zhihu's advertisement has no dissemination, it can only improve the conversion rate as much as possible, obtaining a part of the traffic in the subway crowd and adding. Two perspectives, one plus one, result in a big difference.

Whether users buy it depends on the perspective you use when making decisions. This is the key model of this article - enterprise perspective or user perspective.

  2、 Different perspectives lead to different results

The difference between the enterprise perspective and the user perspective leads to different results.

1. For example, marketing

Marketing from the perspective of enterprises is often "I tell you!"

Look at the subway. Jingdong has posted selected comments on the subway corridor. I tell you that Jingdong is the authentic and guaranteed product; Today's headlines tell you over and over again with repeated advertisements that no matter what happens, you should read today's headlines; On November 11, all major e-commerce companies are eager to tell you that we have a discount.

 A model explains why users still don't buy it after you do so much?

What is the user's response? The user said "Oh."

Then he left on his own.

You tell me, I say oh, OK, I know. The communication ended abruptly. How can it get hot?

Marketing from the perspective of users is "Let me help you!"

Li Yin, the operator of Netease Cloud Music this time, said: The key is insight. A good insight is that the user can't tell his true feelings, but this is what he thinks. He doesn't know what he thinks.

The grass root big V in the microblog era left a few hands and said: I am your own person, speaking for you, saying what you want to say but dare not say. Or what you want to say but can't say well. Everyone thinks Brother Hands is really good! Brother Hands is our spokesman!

The key is "I will help you speak"!

There are always people asking you to vote for your baby, but you can't resist it. At this time, Mimeng came out: I help you say (scold), and wrote an article "Don't let me vote for your baby again!!!", which was well founded and full of abuse. Therefore, the user said: "Must turn!"

2. For example, activities

The red envelope activity mentioned at the beginning of the article, from the perspective of enterprises, aims to promote the upgrading of apps. What should we do? The simplest way is red envelope.

From the user's perspective, if the upgrade is valuable, just write a tweet and let me know; If it is worthless, even if it is upgraded for red packet, will I still keep this app?

3. For example, products

Many official WeChat apps, based on the perspective of enterprises, are afraid of losing their reading. Today, they turn to a "mother humiliation case", and tomorrow, the whole "house buying strategy".

But from the user's perspective, it's like facing a TV set that is drawing wind. Today's Journey to the West, tomorrow's Card House, you can't figure out your position at all. Before opening it, you don't know what you will be playing, news? conduct financial transactions? Or emotion? It was not easy to write a good article, which successfully attracted my attention. When I look at it tomorrow, I will change the direction again!

WeChat official account is also a user oriented product. It should also be based on the user's perspective to develop product positioning, determine user objects and provide use value.

4. For example, strategy

When making decisions from the perspective of an enterprise, it often takes too much consideration of the enterprise's own resources, business and interests.

The old website Zhongguancun Online, when doing e-commerce business - Zhongguancun Mall, was mainly based on two considerations: first, the website has accumulated a large number of small dealers in third and fourth tier cities, and has accumulated sufficient trust through advertising business before, so that they can open stores. Second, the website gathers a large number of search traffic of electronic devices, so no one worries about buying them.

From the user perspective, why buy from you? cheapness? Convenient logistics? Or high credibility? Since the shopkeepers are all small dealers, the price of goods is high, so the sales price given is naturally not competitive. Self built logistics requires huge cost investment, which is beyond the capability of the website. Not to mention credibility.

Therefore, even though Zhongguancun Online has a large amount of vertical traffic of electronic equipment, the business of the online mall is still unable to do, and the turnover of many goods is in single digits.

 A model explains why users still don't buy it after you do so much?

The traffic is not equal to the user.

3、 User perspective is really in line with the interests of enterprises

Some people may think: Am I wrong from an enterprise perspective? I want to work in line with the interests of the enterprise!

In fact, sometimes decisions made from the perspective of the enterprise will just consume the interests of the enterprise.

For example, many official microblogs will do some forwarding lottery activities, which are ostensibly in line with the company's interests and bring exposure through forwarding. In fact, these microblog contents are of little value to users and can't arouse users' interest. The main participants in the forwarding are the wool party who are greedy for small profits.

Since the Wool Party has participated in all kinds of award-winning forwarding for years, its fans have been tired of either blocking or turning a blind eye. In the end, the forwarded Wool Party and its fans are not your real users. The company spent money on activities, but did not get the due return.

For example, there is an Internet finance company whose assets are characterized by low returns and low risks, but it has launched a campaign of "giving red envelopes for investment" in the university to stimulate college students to download investment. On the surface, it has expanded the user volume and is in line with the company's interests.

In fact, due to the low return on assets of App, it is more suitable for high net worth users to carry out low-risk allocation, which cannot bring real value to college students. What are the characteristics of college students? They have little money and prefer high-risk and high-yield products. So the users who pulled in only invested a few hundred yuan, took the red envelope away, and hastily withdrew their money. In the short term, the user curve has drawn a steep slope, which is very beautiful; In the long run, it has returned to the original point, and a large promotion budget has been wasted.

Why does this happen? It is clearly from the perspective of the enterprise, but it is good intention to do bad things, "pit" the enterprise?

Because the core value of Internet enterprises is users.

  • The scale of users determines the size of the enterprise
  • User growth determines enterprise growth
  • User value determines enterprise value

From an enterprise perspective, it involves the company's existing resources, strategies, values, KPIs... These elements will occupy your mind, deflect your planning, and reduce the weight of user value. The final product is a marketing, activity and product that seems to be in line with the interests of the enterprise, but the user does not buy it.

4、 How to take a user perspective?

From the perspective of users, there are three levels.

1. Find out who the user is

Don't laugh, many people really can't figure out who their users are.

  • Some people will replace the user perspective with their own perspective and like to say: I like, I think, I think.
  • Some people will replace all users with the perspective of some users. They will give whatever users want.

In fact, what you see is not accurate, and users will lie. The best way to really understand users is Data analysis +User research+activity experiment

For example, one yuan looting products, some products or operators think that they buy looting because they are interested in this bag and necklace. Or some female users report that they need more female products (female users naturally love feedback and sharing). So I put on a pile of bags and cosmetics. It turns out that the daily running water is getting lower and lower, and the products are almost dead.

In fact, you only need to analyze the user dimension and commodity dimension data, and you will find that 80% of the running water is contributed by mobile phones, expense cards, and gold, and it is basically from men. Through one-on-one user research, you will have a deeper understanding of these users' psychology of seeking stimulation and the decision-making process of betting. You will find that it is more exciting to play, rather than more bags. You can design a small activity to quickly verify your guess.

2. Insight into the real needs of users

This requires long training and enough experience.

Miss Xu, who was very confused at night, said: "I walk on the street every day and talk to others. I wonder why he said this, whether he has a resonance with a certain point, and how I should write this point."

Whether it is the data analysis+research mentioned before, or the observation and understanding of Mr. Xu, it needs constant analysis, trial and review. Try to verify the idea, review and correct the insight.

 A model explains why users still don't buy it after you do so much?

It's like shooting an arrow. If an arrow goes to the upper left, you have to move to the lower right and shoot another one. Keep correcting. There will always be a moment when you can hit the bull's-eye. From this example, there will be no false hair.

3. Fully understand the business

If you have insight into user needs, you should consider how to meet them, which depends on your understanding of the business.

For example, live broadcasting industry. More than 80% of the rewards given by the anchor come from a few head users, commonly known as Jin Zhu. Most users are losers who only watch but don't buy. However, the loser also made a contribution, that is, the onlookers. In the motivation of Jin Zhu's reward, showing off is a big part: you losers can only drool at the anchor. I will reward a Lamborghini, and the anchor will call me brother and sing to me! The more people around the gold mine, the more heroic the gold mine owner felt that "thousands of gold have won the smile of beauty".

A smart anchor will skillfully maintain the balance between the loser and the gold owner to maximize profits after fully understanding the business ecology. If the anchor only tries to please the gold owner, the loser users will feel despised and lose. The gold owner will flee without showing off.

It can be seen that only by fully understanding the business can we truly meet the needs of users and bring benefits to the enterprise based on the perspective of users.

5、 Conclusion

In this era, with the rapid development of economy, commodities are no longer scarce, and the cost of replacing commodities or brands for users is becoming lower and lower. Especially in the Internet industry, it only takes a few seconds to unload an app.

At the same time, the value of traffic is also gradually weakening. Users will no longer come and go at once, but will only pay for products and services with real value.

In this case, the user perspective is gradually replacing the enterprise perspective. Anyone who can better specify strategies, plan businesses and serve users based on the user perspective will be able to achieve better development and greater value.

Taking a user perspective requires

  1. Find out who the user is through data analysis+user research+activity testing
  2. Insight into the real needs of users through long-term training and experience accumulation
  3. Fully understand the business and meet user needs based on the business


Sun Jinlong, public account: Jinlong chat operation (id: tikuapp), everyone is product manager Columnist, focusing on the operation direction, welcome more exchanges

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