Many people do not know these skills of e-commerce operation

The Double 11 Shopping Festival was a promotional activity held by Taobao on November 11, 2009. At that time, the number of Taobao merchants in China was limited and the publicity was insufficient, but the effect on the Double 11 Shopping Festival was far better than expected. Then every November 11 became a fixed date for Tmall Taobao to hold large-scale promotional activities, which is also widely known as the Hand Chopping Festival.
Every year on the Double 11 Festival, history is created, and this year's is no exception.
At the opening 11 seconds of the Double 11 in 2017, the trading volume of Taobao exceeded 1 billion yuan, and at the time of 1 hour and 49 seconds, the trading volume had exceeded 57.1 billion yuan. This figure was the trading volume of the whole day of the Double 11 in 2014. According to the data released by Alibaba at zero o'clock on the 12th day, the total trading volume of Tmall and Taobao during the Double 11 in 2017 was 168.2 billion yuan, a new record.
In addition to the Double Tenth Festival, Taobao and Jingdong also created another festival, the upcoming Double Twelfth Festival. Also known as year-end celebration. Whether it's the Double 11 Festival or the Double 12 Festival, this is a carnival of e-commerce. The previous turnover of 168.2 billion yuan is almost all the income of online e-commerce. Why can some people run e-commerce like wind and water, while others can only risk being blocked by others to brush small advertisements in their circle of friends?

Let's share it today E-commerce operation I hope you can provide some help in the following Double Twelfth and Christmas promotions.

1、 Optimize product line

The ultimate goal of optimizing the product line is to improve the profit margin. It can be divided into two types:

a. Refine the product line

The four perspectives of diversion, hot sale, profit and image respectively bear the values of "traffic enhancement", "more trust, easier conversion and order placement", "higher profit" and "brand tonality establishment and strength display". According to the store operate Make appropriate adjustments to the stage, product characteristics and habits of target users.

Generally speaking, if the store is mature and has a relatively rich product line, the product line will be divided in detail. For example, jewelry stores will also hang priceless collectibles on the store to create "brand strength and brand image". The profits and hot sales may all come from new products in December winter, and the drainage will come from a small ear stud and earring, Promote and spread with zero profit or even negative profit.

b. Optimize profit

The optimization of profits usually adopts a practice called "price discrimination" Marketing This is a neutral word. Let's start with an example:

There are four customers. The highest price that the first customer is willing to pay for Hamburg is 25 yuan, the second customer is 20 yuan, the third customer is 15 yuan, the fourth customer is 10 yuan, and the cost of Hamburg is 5 yuan. How can we get the maximum benefit from pricing?

Very simple. We can get the answer by using the calendar

If you set a price of 25 yuan and only one deal is made, you will make a profit of 20 yuan.

The price is 20 yuan, two deals are concluded, and the profit is 30 yuan.

The price is 15 yuan, and three deals are concluded, but the profit is still 30 yuan.

If the price is 10 yuan, all four will be closed, and the profit will be 20 yuan.

Of course, there may be other pricing, but you can calculate that the maximum profit is only 30 yuan.

However, in the actual marketing, it is much more complicated than this. Take our common KFC luxury lunch as an example: the price of the ordinary set meal is not the same as that of the working lunch, and the luxury lunch is much lower.

Let's simplify the calculation of luxury lunch. Let's still assume that there are only four customers, and let's assume that we know the highest purchase price in the minds of these four customers (as mentioned above). These four customers are ABCD respectively. How to design the price of Hamburg?

A better solution is as follows: the price of hamburgers is 25 yuan on weekdays or holidays, and 15 yuan at lunch time on weekdays. Then, A will bid 25 yuan and make a profit of 20 yuan if he trades at ordinary time; B and C will make a profit of 10 yuan for each transaction during the working lunch period, and 20 yuan for two sales, so I can get a total profit of 40 yuan.

So, is A a big enemy? no A gained the freedom to choose time, and did not have to endure the crowding and queuing during working lunch.

In fact, price discrimination based on time period and flow of people is only the most common means for catering industry and offline stores. A more general method of price discrimination is our most common "coupon".

2、 Aesthetic design of the page

To attract users' attention, the design of product lines is far from enough. You also need to beautify the relevant pages.

The following two stores are the most obvious comparison:

 Many people do not know these skills of e-commerce operation

Is there a big gap?

Shop beautification design You can use Photoshop and other software to carry out relevant design, simple beautification can greatly add points to your shop.

3、 Marketing and promotion of products

When promoting products, many businesses choose to promote their products in the circle of friends with words and pictures, which is the simplest and clumsiest way. If you use this method to promote, it is very easy to cause your friends to be bored. Especially once you have formed a screen level, it will not only make others block your circle of friends, but also affect the image of your product in their minds. So at this time, we need to use some special ways to promote our products.

When promoting the product, we can use some landing page production tools on the Internet to design the advertising page. For example, the recently popular Xiuzan can well complete the relevant production.

 Many people do not know these skills of e-commerce operation

4、 Analyze after-sales data

After sales Data analysis It is an item that is easily missed by many businesses. It seems unnecessary, but it actually plays a key role in our future marketing process.

We can continue to use Store A as an example:

After getting good sales, store A felt very satisfied, so it continued to purchase the same amount of goods as before. The store manager of store A felt that this time, he would certainly continue the brilliant achievements of the last time.

However, after a period of time, store manager A found that the sales in the store could not be increased all the time. Anyway, sometimes it would decline. What is the reason for this?

Later, he found that the reason was that there was a problem in the purchase of goods. After being handled, the business of Store A became better and better.

This is the importance of data analysis. After each stage, we should analyze the products that have been sold and the products that have not been bought, analyze the reasons for their hot sales and the reasons why no one has asked, and finally summarize the solutions, so as to make the business of the store better and better.

Finally, I hope your e-commerce operation will be better and better. If there is anything you don't understand, please leave a message and tell me at any time!

Originated from Zhihu column: Yuan Yaya

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