E-commerce Dry Goods | Six Elements of Internet E-commerce Operation

1、 operate The first core of is conversion rate.

The methods to improve the conversion rate are: 1) to improve the attractiveness of the product, which can be considered from the aspects of product pricing, page description, gifts, added value, etc; 2) Improve the beauty of the page; 3) Increase the sales volume of products, and avoid products with zero sales volume; 4) Improve the quantity and quality of favorable comments, and reduce the medium and poor comments; 5) Attract accurate flow; 6) Interact more with customers; 7) Improve the chat skills of customer service.

2. Here's a tip to help customers form the habit of visiting stores:

One day of every week is fixed as the membership day, on which a certain baby buys X and gives X away. The advantages of doing this are: 1) Let loyal customers form the habit of visiting stores frequently; 2) It can easily create a popular model and drive the flow of the whole store; 3) Deal with unsalable products or clear inventory.

 E-commerce Dry Goods | Six Elements of Internet E-commerce Operation

3. The more accurate the flow attracted by the store, the better.

The methods that can make the flow more accurate are: 1) Determine the store and product positioning, and focus on the promotion of targeted potential customers. For example, if you sell high-end products, try to promote them to people with high consumption levels. 2) Analyze the traffic map of the business staff to find out which traffic sources have high conversion rates, and improve the traffic with high conversion rates while reducing the traffic with low conversion rates.

4. The closer the operation rhythm, store activities and promotion are, the better.

For example, first measure the payment through regular customers or drill shows to find a baby with high click rate and conversion rate; Then generate some basic sales volume and quality evaluation through order swiping; Next, we will promote the sales of regular customers. With the increase of sales volume, we will participate in activities such as cost-effective shopping, special price every day, and online shopping. At the same time, we will pay for promotion;

5. The core of improving the DSR dynamic score and praise rate of stores is to improve customer satisfaction.

The methods to improve are: 1) the product quality is up to standard; 2) The delivery speed is qualified; 3) Good shopping experience; 4) Customer service responded promptly and had a good attitude; 5) After sales problems are properly handled; 6) Many or good gifts to surprise customers;

6. Always pay attention to the customer's comments

Because many problems can be seen from the average customer, such as product problems, logistics problems, customer service problems, and so on. Making reasonable adjustments to these problems can improve customer satisfaction.

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