Promotion skills and tricks of Taobao Express

Promotion skills and tricks of Taobao Express

The through train operation skills are really difficult to master, but some skills are not difficult to operate as long as you remember them. Today we will discuss the skills of the through train.

1. First of all, make sure you don't have too many products to promote. Unless you are a super seller, generally 3-5 models, no more than 10 models, you must pay attention to that. Don't use the ones that don't sell as direct trains, or you will be waiting to burn money. The pictures of products to be promoted must be beautiful. At the same time, it is recommended to add appropriate watermarks on the pictures of products to be promoted by direct trains, Write the promotion information such as the activities your store is doing. Your baby will attract more people to click. But don't cover up the product image. 2. Remember to edit the promotion content management when promoting

This is the attractive title of the editor, you know? It's very important. This is a sign to attract people, so you must edit it carefully.

3. All babies participating in the promotion must carefully fill in the content of the baby attribute, because the promotion of the category is involved. According to statistics, the customers who search for the category are half of the keyword search, so the category attribute must be carefully filled in. How to fill in? You'd better fill in different attributes for the products you promote, or the babies you promote will "fight" with each other when searching for attributes! Category promotion must be done and category bidding must be set

4. After the upgrade of the through train, the keyword ranking rules have changed significantly. It is no longer the only standard based on the bid level, but also involves the quality score of keywords. So keywords are very important. What should I do? a、 First, download the keyword hot list updated by Waiter every week for backup. Don't tell me you don't know yet! I'll tell you what I don't know. For example, if you recommend 5 types of babies, you should first choose the ones recommended by the system because they are highly relevant and have higher quality scores. When selecting keywords, you should also pay attention to the relevance of the category. That is, when you fill in the attributes of the category of babies, you should also take care of what you choose when you select key words!

Try to have 200 keywords. Those with high quality scores can appropriately increase their bids to increase the number of visitors! b、 Let's talk about the use of top hot words recommended by waiter. When you download them back, you will find the keyword hot words that belong to your category. Then you will find the words that are more relevant to your baby and have a large number of searches. You will assign these words to all the babies you promote. Understand? Because these words are the best of the best, they will prompt a high number of hits! c、 For keyword optimization, if there are no clicks or hits, those with low quality scores will be deleted, and those with higher quality scores can slightly increase their bids. Regularly make appropriate adjustments to keywords. d 、 How to avoid duplicate keywords of the through train? You can put all the keywords of the promoted product in an Excel table. Excel has a filtering function. You can delete the duplicate keywords and put them in the promoted product. e 、 At the same time, pay attention to the activities of the through train. There are many posts about this in the community

I'm also doing Taobao. It has been several months since I made the through train, and the effect is good. Tips:

1: Push one or three products, not too many.

2: Set up more keywords, 200 words, and the price can be lower. If the price is too high, the money will soon disappear. In a few days, observe the click rate of each word and the degree of relevance to the product. Delete words without click rate, change words, and words with too high click rate, and see how much relevance to the product. If not, reduce the price appropriately. Repeat the process to adjust the keywords to the best state.

3: Product pictures are very important and must be done well.

4: Choose the best selling products.

Driving the through train is not only a daily choice of words and price adjustment, but also an overall idea and goal of driving. First understand the role of the through train, what it can do for you, and then go to adjust the direction purposefully to drive the through train well

Taobao is always busy and running, never stopping, for fear of being overtaken by others accidentally. Driving a through car is like driving a racing car. If you don't pay attention and relax, you will be left behind by others! It's no use just paying attention! If the foundation is not well done, how can we surpass others? Today, let's talk about the basic method of selecting words and optimizing the weight of words!

The foundation of the through train is still to start from the word selection, and the key is to choose the right word! There is no way for the through car to turn upside down. Just do simple things over and over again, and explore basic things over and over again. Yes, that's the beginning of learning to drive well. Then let's talk about the word selection first!

1、 Word selection approach

1. System recommendation words

It is the simplest and most convenient way to select words through the keywords recommended by the system. These keywords need to be selected, excluded, combined and matched, and then used. You can select keywords according to the relevance of the keywords recommended by the system, the average market price, the hit rate of the display volume and other indicators.

Select relevant keywords by referring to such indicators as relevance, display volume, click rate, etc. In addition, recent hot search words, soaring words, etc. can also be used as a reference for your word selection. Do not add words blindly, but add them after comprehensive analysis.

2. Analysis of background flow of through train

The background flow analysis of the through train is also a good choice for you. The search and presentation of related words can be known in a search, and downloaded to study the combination. This is a good way.

3. Combination keywords

The combination of keywords is a very good way to choose words. The keywords matched in this way are highly relevant and have a good conversion rate. However, many buyers have ignored this way. In fact, through their own combination of keywords, the traffic accuracy of the through train at the initial stage can be guaranteed. Although excel is troublesome, it is worth studying.

4. Search drop-down box

Recently, the search volume is relatively large, and the recent soaring words will be displayed in the drop-down box. These words have a high flow, and other attribute words can also be used for reference.

5. Borrow keywords from others

Another way is to directly refer to the keywords of popular stores of the same category, and use magic mirror and other software to directly apply the hot words of other stores. This is very easy, and the traffic is not small, but it should be noted that although the traffic comes, the conversion rate is generally not very good, and you need to optimize step by step.

6. Other ways

For example, the word selection assistant in the business staff, the Taobao ranking list, top20, and the recommendation of good words for fuel-efficient treasure will not be mentioned here. The above is the most commonly used word selection method. Don't be lazy when selecting words. If you don't do the basic things carefully, there will be loopholes in the future. There are problems in all aspects. If you don't choose a good word, you can't drive a good car.

2、 How to improve the quality score

The key to driving fuel economy is the quality score. Maybe your price is high, but you may still rank behind the peers with low prices. The key is your quality score is low! Although we all know this truth, it must be that many sellers do not know where to start! It doesn't matter. Now let's talk about the quality score. Let's talk about the factors that affect the quality score:

Creative quality: that is to say, how about your recent feedback on the promotion of creative effect? What is the creative effect? For example, keyword click feedback and image click through rate for promoting creative titles. Try to optimize the click rate through the background double creativity. As long as the keyword click rate is high, your creative quality score will not be too low. Simply understand that the creative quality assessment is the product click rate!

Relevance: the conformity of product keywords with product attributes, categories and product related information.

(1) Keyword and product title, promotion and creative title are mainly reflected in the correlation between the baby's title information and the through train promotion content. For example, if the keyword in the product title exists in the through train keyword at the same time, the correlation between the key word and baby will be improved, and the weight will also be improved.

(2) The relevance of keywords and product categories The category released by the product is consistent with the priority category of keywords, so the relevance of keywords will be high at this time.

(3) Correlation between keywords and product attributes The attributes of a product will be highly relevant if they can be reflected in keywords.

Buyer experience: according to the buyer's shopping experience and recent keyword effect, such as through car conversion rate, collection and purchase, correlation conversion, praise rate and customer service order receiving service will affect the buyer's shopping experience.

The above three factors will affect the quality score. Both the wireless terminal and the PC terminal will be affected by these factors. The better these data are, the higher the quality score will be. When your quality score decreases, observe where the problem occurs, and then make targeted optimization. The key point is that the click rate of keywords is the main factor affecting the quality score, but at the same time, the relevance between keywords and babies and the transformation feedback should also be taken into account.

3、 Influencing factors of click through rate

1. At the initial stage, the keyword test click rate will focus on accurate words. It is better to maintain the account first, and then add hot words after the data is slightly stable. The flow of precision words is relatively accurate, which has a good "recuperation" effect on the account. Although the flow of burning precision words is not as large as that of burning big words, burning precision words can well control the cost of direct train promotion, reduce the initial expenses, and add some big words and hot words after the account is stable, which is conducive to controlling the cost of direct train promotion and promotion effect in the later stage. At the same time, it can also control the accuracy of traffic and increase the click rate of promoting babies. In the early stage, you can try the long tail word plan of Save Youbao to automatically add accurate long tail words and optimize the bid. After a week of observation, you can screen the keywords that perform well and add big words to improve the whole plan.

2. Promotion chart (main influencing factors)

The impact of the first promotion picture of the through train on the click through rate is obvious. A good promotion picture can not only obtain higher click through rate, but also attract accurate fan traffic. The role of the promotion picture is to transmit information, stimulate buyers to buy, and focus on attracting buyers' attention, the background of the picture, product selling points, promotion information, and baby display, Words and so on intuitively determine whether buyers will click, which can directly affect customers' consumption behavior. I have also said many times about the optimization of the promotion map. The main points are as follows: the picture is clear and attractive, the background sets off the baby, not psoriasis, the promotion map shows the selling points of your product, the application of promotion copy, and so on.

3. Release time

The click rate of a category is also different in different time periods. In general, the launch of categories should be concentrated around 10 a.m., 2-3 p.m., and 9-10 p.m. Generally, most categories will have relatively large traffic during this period, and the click rate will be relatively high. For example, the time period from early morning to 5 and 6 a.m. can be adjusted to a minimum discount of 30%. For details, please refer to the peak time of the industry traffic in this category. The seller can pay more attention to, analyze and select the accurate delivery time.

4. Place

The demand for products in different regions varies greatly, not only considering seasonal, regional and other factors, but also according to regional economic conditions, logistics and other factors. You can open the background region report, select regions with large display volume and high traffic volume for key launch, and pay attention to whether there is a demand difference between the north and the south for your baby. If you want to mail your baby, you should also consider the logistics impact and decide whether to put it in Tibet, Xinjiang and other regions.

4、 Correlation optimization of keywords

It is not easy to choose a good word, but also to observe and optimize it regularly. I will use the keyword optimization strategy I am currently operating to demonstrate to you. First, observe the data of keywords in the last seven days:

1. Training weight

1) Add keywords:

At the initial stage, 5-10 precise keywords were selected, and the bid was set to be 1.5 times - 2 times of the average market bid. The daily limit was set and the fire started. Selection latitude of keywords: there should be a certain presentation capacity, that is, the presentation volume should not be too low, and the click rate of keywords should be higher than the market average.

2) Keyword optimization direction:

The cultivation of new models should take the click rate as the main optimization direction, delete keywords with low click rate, and increase the bid of keywords with high click rate. If there are deleted keywords, you can add several more keywords to observe and test accordingly. During this period, the promotion map was further improved. When the keywords are accurate enough, if the click rate is still poor, it is likely to be related to the promotion map and baby style. It should be timely analyzed, optimized and improved. 3) Wireless terminal premium:

The click rate of long tailed words on the wireless end is generally high. In the early stage of promotion, we can quickly increase the overall click rate and weight by increasing the premium ratio on the wireless end.

2. Keyword bid

1) Keyword Price Reduction Operation:

For keywords with presentation, no conversion or too low conversion, collection plus purchase, CPC>average cpc of the account, the bid can be reduced and kept for the time being. Those with poor performance can be deleted directly. For keywords with the highest presentation volume but ROI<1, the bid can be reduced. For keywords ranking high, but with high average daily cost and low ROI, reduce the bid.

2) Keyword markup operation:

For keywords with high quality scores, low presentation volume and no click through rate, the bid should be increased. For keywords with low collection cost but no conversion or low conversion, the bid can be increased. For keywords with good presentation but high ROI, the bid can be increased. For keywords with good output but low click through rate, you can increase the bid, improve the keyword ranking, and test their click through rate. For keywords with good weight but low click through rate, you can first increase the bid, observe the data, and then optimize the next step.

3) Keyword cleaning operation:

The keywords that have been optimized but still have low quality scores and show less are deleted directly. If the wireless terminal quality score of the keyword is lower than 6, delete it directly. If the keywords are too unpopular, the presentation is relatively small, and there is no click or deal, delete them directly. If the keyword click rate is low, the click rate will not increase after optimization. If there is no transaction conversion, it will be deleted directly.

4) Keyword addition:

Ensure that there are a certain number of high-quality keywords in the account. The keywords to be added should have a certain presentation basis, depending on the presentation index and click index of the whole network. It depends on the quality score of keywords and the relevance between keywords and babies. When the quality score is improved, more secondary words can be added.

As for the operation of keyword optimization, I have written a rule package. If you are interested in it, you can check it out. If you have the pilot version of Save Youbao, you can download it directly and then pour it into the plan for use, which can improve the efficiency and effect of keyword optimization.

6. Crowd premium

Think of yourself as a buyer, and set the crowd and weather premium according to the buyer's needs.

7. Orientation

The seller had better wait until the sales volume of the baby is high and the transformation is good. The promotion map should be concise and meet the orientation requirements of the wireless terminal.

8. Repeat optimization

After several times of optimization, the 30 day cycle data shall prevail, as long as the keywords that can be used for both transaction and ROI are left. Directly delete or reduce the bid for keywords with low ROI, high cost and no transaction.

Now let's talk about how to analyze these keywords and use them.

9. Analyze data

The data processing method is different for everyone. Take our example above, this is a mature blockbuster. The monthly sales volume is 16000, and the natural flow is enough. The flow of the through train has been used as a supplement, so the through train itself must be profitable, or at least not lose money.

From the above figure, the conversion rate of Babies is 15.12%, and the ROI is 1:5.8.

Unfortunately, the profit is very low, only 5 yuan.

Flow value=profit * conversion rate=5 * 15.12%=0.756

Conversion cost=through train cost/number of transactions=7000.25/2301=3.04

So we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Delete keywords without transaction in 30 days

2. Lower bid for keywords with ROI below average

3. For keywords with flow value lower than 0.756, delete them, or reduce the bid appropriately. For keywords higher than 0.756, the bid can be increased appropriately

4. For keywords whose conversion cost is higher than 3.04, delete them or reduce the bid appropriately. If the price is lower than 3.04, the bid can be increased appropriately. In fact, the relationship between conversion cost and flow value is corresponding~_~

5. If the ROI is lower than the average 5.8, the bid can be appropriately reduced or deleted as appropriate. If the price is higher than 5.8, the bid can be increased appropriately.

6. It should be noted that ROI is meaningless for keywords with too many hits.

7. Keyword slot can refer to the average presentation ranking

Have you noticed the above analysis? The quality score, average unit price per click, conversion rate and other factors have been completely ignored. This also corresponds to what I said in my last post: short-term conversion rate oriented, long-term ROI oriented.

As a matter of fact, the through train is very easy to operate when the baby is in the stage of selling out money. You only need to observe the daily limit. Basically, every keyword will not let us down.

I'm just here to give you a demonstration. You're doing it Data analysis You can add a table to analyze it every week, and fine tune it according to the market situation. For example, when your baby is on the rise and the traffic is not enough, it is not appropriate to lower the bid for high traffic words that are lower than the average ROI. Tables only provide accurate data, and specific operations should be flexible.

For example, market conditions (whether the product homogenization is serious, competitors' positioning, no price war, start time of promotion, etc.), baby's growth stage, etc. It depends on how much the baby depends on the through traffic flow at this stage. Because the specific operation still depends on people, we can't follow one data step by step.

After data analysis, the operation is very simple. Select the countermeasures for each word in the table, or make notes. Then sort the countermeasure column~_~. What to do is clear at a glance. It is easier to operate with software. Add the words with high ROI to the software, set up automatic bidding, and get it done.

I will use a series of articles to share this theme, so that you can avoid detours. Want more Taobao Operation Learning materials, attention Taobao Operation The learning group 133988566 has daily live broadcast of the Great God to share experience and answer questions

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    JIANGXINJUN 9:33 am, July 1, 2019

    Great God, I'm Xiaobai who just started his career. I want to ask you how to download the keywords recommended by Waiter every week Hee hee

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