Baishi Interaction | Three steps to turn complaints into favorable comments

The first is sincerity.

Question 1

We are engaged in banking business. The way to get customers is basically SMS, public account and marketing, but the effect is not very good; After customers join the group, in the form of morning report, activity and content operate , but the interaction rate of customers is not high. How to accurately drain; How to conduct long-term operation after receiving customers?

There are two methods and one key to drainage: Value and scenario are mental skills and materials are key. It seems simple, but when it comes to concrete landing, it will be out of shape.

Use the "value" required by customers to drain rather than just price. Taking banks as an example, the first is to segment the population and sort out the services he cares most about according to the population, such as providing appointment registration services for private groups, providing two VIP special channels for public groups, and providing special windows and processes for pension for the elderly.

Use value to attract customers, not price to impress customers. The attraction of value is that it can be repurchased for a long time, and the impact of price is that it is the time to collect wool.

For the drainage scenario, it is necessary to find the right combination of time and place. Once the "right" is missed, the best "value" will be greatly reduced.

Take the bank lobby as an example. For example, if the customer has already taken the number and is in a hurry to wait for business, he can communicate with the customer using the value point of "no queuing for appointment", and he will naturally accept it. However, if you communicate with customers when they are ready to go out after handling business, the effect will be much worse.

Finally, the materials used for drainage are a sharp tool to bring good customer experience and improve efficiency. Take the scene just now as an example. The QR code and the customer manager's contact number are on the back of the work card. When turned over, it is convenient for customers to use, but also has a sense of trust. The cost is not high.

Customer waiting in the bank lobby (diversion scenario)

Hello, I'm the VIP customer manager of XXX Bank. I think you are in a hurry. You can add me WeChat. Next time you come to do business, you can make an appointment through WeChat. I can help you get your number in advance, which can save some queuing time. If you are not clear about any process or problem, you can also consult me on WeChat. Show the QR code and hand it to the customer at a distance of 20cm.

 Baishi Interaction | Three steps to turn complaints into favorable comments

For long-term operation and activity, it is still recommended to implement the "combination boxing" strategy advocated by Baishi. I.e After segmenting people and activities, through the circle of friends, 1V1 Community And other methods to activate and operate customers.

For example, for high net worth customers, it must be a 1V1 service, and you must not pull it into the group (if he feels that you treat him the same as others, he will leave you soon). For most customers who settle in your enterprise, you must Keep a daily effective connection with customers through interesting and valuable content in the circle of friends For example, send some short used financial management knowledge (refer to Jian Qi's financial management, which is vivid and full of stories), update some of the bank's latest service content, and even send some small stories that you study hard and serve customers with your heart.

In short, Real content that allows customers to have more trust in you through their circle of friends can be posted, but it is absolutely not the same as advertising. In addition, if there are gold, wealth management and other large-scale activities, customers can also get a comprehensive understanding through flash groups or even live broadcast. Before the activity starts, customers can be notified in the circle of friends. During the activity, the group will be introduced and answered through the community and live broadcast. After the activity is over, the group will be dissolved, so that customers in the group can continue to maintain "the best distance of trust but not disturb" with you in the circle of friends Here, we need to get rid of one misunderstanding: It is not necessary to settle and maintain customers through long-term community In particular, bank customers have their own privacy, so long-term groups are even more unsuitable.

Question 2

We are a food seasoning brand. Normally, the customer repurchase rate should be relatively high, but at present, only a small number of customers will stock up during the rush, which is just a little higher than usual. The daily delivery is normal, and the repurchase rate is not high. How can we improve the repurchase rate?

First of all, let's find out why the repurchase rate is not high. The first thing we want to think about is how to optimize the play and strength of discount promotions. We think: The deep solution to the low repurchase rate is to increase the frequency of customers using products The usage rate is improved, the product is good and the service is good (if there are many activities, it will be better), and the re purchase will come naturally.

The most effective way to improve usage is to output content with scenarios Through the content, let customers know that this product can be used in several scenarios such as ABCDEFG. For many brands, this road is difficult, but it is correct, and today it has become impossible to go around, so we must do it sooner or later.

For example, you can design recipes that use this seasoning for various people's daily cooking, such as mothers who make breakfast for their children, light food recipes for fitness groups, and fast food recipes for office workers who are pressed for time. With the recipe, customers will unconsciously increase the frequency of use while enjoying this convenient service. If the frequency is high, the awareness will be strong and the consumption will be fast, then the re purchase will be a natural success.

The other is content publicity: advantages of products, such as raw materials, origin, and manufacturing technology Occupy customers' minds, distinguish competitors, lock customers to only buy us, and increase the repurchase rate.

On this basis, of course, we can also speed up through other ways, such as the activities of bringing the old with the new, extending the product line, etc However, no matter which method is used, the worst thing is to try to withdraw the repurchase and customer order through continuous discount promotions. These short-term data growth has brought irreparable losses to the brand.

Question 3

The pre-sale effect of our products is very good. The delivery time has to be delayed again and again because of the epidemic delay. The customers who bought our products in the pre-sale can understand at the beginning, but they still complain after a long time. Some people even start to take a rhythm, which is a bit out of control. What should we do?

I believe that as partners in the private domain, what they fear most is the negative public opinion in the community. Because the community is a magnified scene, good and bad news will be magnified quickly, which is also the reason why people hate and love the community.

If you are really careless, let's give you three suggestions:

1. If you have a problem, you should admit it Don't avoid it, and it is impossible to avoid it. Communicate actively, openly, and positively. Communicate with everyone sincerely and truthfully and explain the reason.

2. You can choose to return the goods or wait , express understanding and gratitude to customers who choose to return goods (thank you for the first trust), and give solid thanks to customers who wait.

3. Timely synchronize R&D or production progress , pictures, words and videos in various forms, transparent, open and sincere communication.

When these three steps are in place, negative emotions will be resolved and passivity can be turned into initiative.

However, when customers first purchase, most of them still purchase "product value". After the delay, when the brand side carries out the actions in the first and second points above, it will connect customers with another "brand value". Product value connection function, brand value connection heart. The barriers between the two are high and low.

When the brand side reaches the third step, it has virtually increased the topic of communication (not deliberately). The more communication, the more investment and the deeper emotion. As long as the product is really excellent and the work is careful (the first and second steps), it was originally a simple consumer relationship, but now it has some meaning of "co creation". Isn't it a firm grasp of the initiative?

I remember that in 2015, I bought an electric kettle of "tea materials" in JD crowdfunding, and waited more than a year to deliver it later than promised (I only remember that I changed the delivery address twice with the office moving).

The brand's approach is basically the same as the above approach: before each delay, the customer will take the initiative to explain through the public account tweet that customers can choose to return at any time, and compensate those who are willing to wait (only give tea not for sale), and express gratitude for both return and waiting. This kettle has been recommended to many friends around me since I used it.

of course, The premise of doing all this is that our products and services can resist attacks

Question 4

We are a customized skin care brand. We first do skin detection and diagnosis for users, and then 1V1 customized skin care products. At present, we only do private field work. We have done community official verification activities, but after the experience period, the community will not be active. How can we promote and improve the conversion rate?

We answer this question from three aspects: How to do this project of customized skin care products? What should Gaoke Danlaxin do? How should product experience officers play?

For products with customized, high customer order and high repurchase characteristics, the most important thing to do is to provide highly exquisite, considerate and professional 1V1 services; Combined with the membership system, it can improve the customer experience and lengthen the life cycle of users. This is the long-term operation method of customized skin care products and the guiding ideology of the entire project Therefore, based on the characteristics of this project, there are some problems in order to achieve the orientation and goal of activity and transformation through community.

The promotion of high passenger ticket projects can be done through the recommendation of old and new public praise, The following points should be noted when planning activities:

1. Frequency and rhythm : Regularly bring new products every quarter or half a year. Avoid high frequency, or it will annoy old customers and consume their feelings and trust in us;

2. Double benefits : New and old customers have feedback, old customers can be points or services, new customers can be moderate discounts, rather than direct rebates to old customers (because users of high customer price products are not poor in money, don't let them feel that they are making friends' money, and let them have face, because my friends can have exclusive benefits when I recommend them);

3. Mode : It is possible to select KOL or IP in-depth cooperation that is specially matched with brands and products. The size of high passenger order products is smaller than that of small ones, and the potential energy of brand value and KOL/IP is borrowed from each other, and the in-depth combination of content and products is gradually penetrated.

Experience officer play is a typical user co creation activity, which is aimed at activities carried out by super users. Such activities can be used for grass planting, product co creation, and new product promotion and dissemination There will be more differences in playing methods for different purposes. Provide 2 key points for friends who want to carry out experience officer activities:

1. Selected people : Select high-quality users by completing tasks with pre paid fees and returning them, or by enrolling and screening;

2. Theme task oriented community : The experience officer is very suitable for the theme task oriented community, but after the end of such a community, it is recommended to dissolve (unless the team has a high frequency of new products/strong content ability/strong user interaction ability), or sooner or later such a group will soon tend to be "silent", and it is far more difficult to activate an already silent old group than to launch a new group.


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