10w is not a dream! This community operation routine that ignites traffic needs to be learned!

Just copy the routine of community operation

Today, I would like to share with you this set of operating procedures after many years Community operation The experience summed up is a set applicable to all industries Community A general equation for the flow in the detonating group.

Every activity planned by this formula can attract thousands of people. One mother and baby store can plan an activity in this way and receive hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of achievements. The equation is mainly composed of five main steps, as follows:

Step 1: Design customer attraction products

Step 2: Propaganda of all channels to attract customers

Step 3: Draw people into the group and introduce the relevant details of the activity

Step 4: Further fission Explosive powder

Step 5: Start the seckill transaction (applicable to the group buying community)

Next, we will analyze step by step how each link is operated.

Because of the practical sharing, there will be few theoretical things. The main focus is on the operation steps and details of the landing practice.

01. Design attractive and attractive drainage products  

For example, in the poster below is the poster of a mother and baby store's drainage products. What we choose is to use one yuan per second to kill a large bag of brand diapers as the diversion product of the activity.

One yuan second kill is a gimmick, which attracts users' attention through the low price of one yuan and touches their idea of participating in activities.

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

When designing attractive and attractive drainage products, we should also know how to design packaging drainage products. If the product packaging is not attractive enough, many customers will be unwilling to participate in the activities.

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

Let's see the activity plan of the next physical mother and baby store. This is a common way of activity, which is to collect praise and give gifts through the circle of friends. But there is a problem with this scheme. Where is the problem? Direct push recharge scheme.

The activity plan of this mother and baby store is quite attractive, which is very impressive for regular customers. But for new customers, there is no perception. Because people have never come to your store, bought products or enjoyed services, there is no trust foundation for new users. No matter how good your recharge scheme is, it is useless, and the threshold of its recharge scheme is relatively high.

Next, we will focus on the principles of designing products to attract customers.

Choose products that are attractive and attractive to users. So, how to be attractive and attractive? In short, it is enough to grasp the two standards

Standard 1: The drainage product itself should be attractive and attractive to ensure that users are interested in it.

Standard 2: Select the most attractive product for users according to the cost you can bear.

If the diversion product is not attractive, it will not attract seed users, and there will be no way to carry out subsequent fission. Because next, we need to further split the original seed users attracted by the diversion products.

After the drainage products are packaged, we can feel whether the drainage products are attractive and attractive from the perspective of customers. If you don't feel attractive and attractive, you should re package and design. This requires that we have enough knowledge of our customers.

Note that when carrying out activities, we can attract customers by offering free guided products, or by selling guided products at super low prices.

If it is a diversion product sold at a price lower than the normal price, the threshold of the product should not be too high. Because you need to know that diversion products are not used to make money, but to become popular. The first step in planning is to find ways to attract people. After people get angry, they can sell profitable products to make money. Therefore, what I mean by drainage products is popularity products.

02. Propaganda of all channels to attract customers

Many people do activities directly to attract people into the group. The effect is much worse, because if others don't want to participate, is it meaningful for you to pull? Therefore, we need to make full publicity in our own channels when we attract people to join the group.

First, WeChat friends WeChat group Mass distribution. Through the cooperation of these two ways, more customers will be attracted to the group, and the group content is copy+pictures.

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

Second, the circle of friends warms up and creates momentum.

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

Third, other self owned publicity channels. If you have other publicity channels, such as physical stores, online stores, etc., we can conduct publicity in these channels and guide users of these channels to participate in our activities.

03. Draw people into the group and introduce the relevant rules of the activity

After we guide users into the group through various ways, the next most important thing is some actions in the group. The key is to do four things well:

First thing: introduce the theme of the activity: that is, find a reasonable reason for the diversion of products.

For example, how many anniversary store celebrations; For example, the opening of new stores; For example, the discounts given by the headquarters for marketing promotion are the reasons we can use them.

Second thing: introduce the drainage products

Although when we conduct publicity in various channels, users may already know what the diversion products are. However, many users may still have various problems that they do not understand. Therefore, we also need to explain in detail to users in the group what the drainage products are.

At this time, we need to put the data of the drainage products so that users can know what the products are. This process of introducing the drainage products can be repeated several times in the group. At the same time, if there are users in the group asking questions, they should give timely answers.

If users in the group fully realize the value of the product, it will be easier to actively participate in activities, or purchase diversion products.

Third thing: advance notice of the start time of the activity.

For example, at 8:00 p.m., the second kill will start, so that customers in the group who want to participate in the robbery will understand that they should be punctual at 8:00 p.m.

Fourth thing: clarify the specific rules of participation in activities.

After users join the group, we must clearly explain the rules of participating activities to them. For example, the start time of the activity, how to get free, how to place an order, how to pay, and the number of copies that can be purchased or received by each person.

04. Further fission explosive powder

This is the key point to share with you. This is the link of fission. As long as we fully grasp the operation activities, it is easy to absorb hundreds of powders. If the operation is good, it is normal to attract thousands of powders.

The following explains the specific process of how to operate:

First: design an attractive and attractive fission powder drainage product.

Note that this fission explosive product is different from the drain product just now. This fission explosive powder product is used by others to pull people into the group for fission.

Second: Set the fission rules of explosive powder

How to understand the fission rule? To put it simply, how many people you invite to join the group can get this gift for free.

Special caution: In order to ensure the effect of fission, the following points should be paid special attention to during operation:

Fission explosive powder products Must be attractive and seductive

For example, you can't take a key ring and tell customers to invite 5 people in the group to give a key ring. Or, invite five people to join the group and send two apples.

This will have no attraction and temptation. Without attraction and temptation, others will not pull people into the group.

Keep in mind that attractiveness and allure are always the first prerequisite for diversion products or explosive fission products.

The attraction and attractiveness of the diversion of explosive powder fission products determine the number of people invited. If the design of explosive powder fission products is attractive and attractive, you can ask to invite more people to the group; If the intensity is average, the number of people invited can be relatively small.

At the same time, in order to achieve the final result of the activity, we have to design an alternative plan for the activity. Just in case this scheme fails to work, another scheme will be put forward for implementation, so I will communicate with you one-on-one after class and design a backup fission scheme according to the actual situation.

For users When inviting people to join the group, set good conditions

From which angles should conditions be set? It is from the perspective of ensuring that users invite people into the group as accurately as possible, and don't let them invite people casually. In this regard, we can make rules according to the positioning of our community.

For example, for local mother and baby communities, we can make the following requirements for the people invited by users:

1. Only local female Baoma can be invited to join the group;

2. Don't drag and pull. Tell your friends in advance about the benefits of joining the group;

3. Don't invite advertisers into groups. Please say hello to your friends in advance and don't let them advertise in groups;

4. Don't invite peers to join the group.

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

③ Continuous announcement within the group Progress of invitation.

In order to completely ignite everyone's enthusiasm for invitation, we need to constantly publish the progress of user invitation in the group.

For example, in a group:

"Congratulations to XX, who successfully invited 10 local women Baoma to join the group and won a baby brand worth 79 yuan."

Then, send the screenshot of her chat with you on WeChat to the group. After a while, Li Si successfully invited again, and then congratulations.

Such round by round operations will be announced in the group as long as someone successfully invites.

In addition to this operation mode, you can also inform everyone in the group before they start inviting people:

"After inviting enough people, please @ me (group leader) in the group and tell me that you have invited enough people." In this way, customers who invite enough friends will @ (group leader) in the group

With this operation, many customers in the group who have not invited yet see so many people inviting

Will stimulate their desire to invite, which is the herd mentality.

④ New user After joining the group, repeat the operation front Step 3 Process

After new users enter the group, they should continue to repeat the process in the third step above, so that new users can understand the activities we are holding. If there are many new people coming out of the group, and then they don't tell them what the activity is, it will be meaningless to invite them to join the group.

⑤ Determine the number of participants invited, and send prizes to those who have completed.

Inform users in the group to count the number of people invited to the group. For example, after asking them to invite people to join the group, they can take a screenshot of the other party's news to the group @ me (group leader),

If there are no problems after the review, you can get the qualification to receive gifts for free. We can also use some group management tools to count and verify the number of users invited.

Look at some mom and baby stores case The fission operation started from a dozen customers.

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

 Bird brother notes, user operation, market pseudo food home, community operation, community

05. Start seckill (applicable to group buying group)

It has attracted a group of original regular customers and after about two days of publicity in the group, if you want to start seckilling, then you can start seckilling next. How to start it?

For example, in the daytime, we will send more red envelopes in the group, repeatedly @ everyone informs friends in the group: "At 8:00 this evening, the second killing will start on time. Please come to participate in the second killing on time. The number of places is limited, and the payment method is limited. Please transfer to me (group leader) via WeChat privately."

In the morning, at noon and in the evening, we sent red envelopes to publicize repeatedly. When it is almost 8:00 p.m., such as 7:30 p.m., I will send some red envelopes to inform everyone in the group. Even to attract attention, you can send ten or twenty red envelopes at a time

After eight o'clock, start the second kill on time. After the second kill starts, just wait for the crazy money collection.

The above operations are the whole process from WeChat group fission to transaction.

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