[Reading Notes] Key leap forward

💡 Are you ready to become a manager? Do you want to grow from a business backbone to a team manager? If so, you can read this book.


Critical leap (Novice): From a Business Expert to an Excellent Supervisor


Beisen Talent Management Institute


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brief introduction

In this book, the most critical competency requirements of managers at different levels are called "critical leapfrogging". Managers who have completed the key leap and have the corresponding ability are basically competent for the management work at the corresponding level. This book introduces the key leap from "managing yourself" to "managing others", that is, the key abilities that new managers who just start to manage need to have.

My experience and understanding

🔶 How to quickly become a manager?

  1. Accept and adapt to the identity of "manager"
  2. At work Prove yourself with strength , quickly accepted and recognized by the team (suitable for airborne managers)
  3. Assign reasonable tasks and put forward reasonable requirements

The reasonable criteria are: Regular work, employees can basically complete 100%; For challenging work, about 70% of employees are sure to complete it, or about 70% of employees can reach 100% of the goal, and the remaining 30% can surpass or fail to reach the goal

  1. Let employees understand, agree with and take responsibility for more challenging work
  2. Effectively+efficiently handle problems and emergencies
  3. Timely grasp the task implementation of the team
  4. Be able to praise or criticize correctly and give feedback in an appropriate way
  5. Teach students according to their aptitude

🔶 What are the differences between managers and executives?

  1. From focusing on "things" to focusing on "people"
  2. From "short-term" to "long-term"
  3. From "advantages" to "traps"

🔶 How to keep the "empty cup mentality"?

  1. Beware of empiricism
  2. Disassemble the task and clarify what to do and what not to do

🔶 What methodologies can help you become a manager?

APPLE policy: Awareness + Path + Practice + Learning + Evaluation

 [Reading Notes] Key leap forward

🔶 What are the misconceptions about managers?

  1. Managers need to be more professional than subordinates 🙅
  2. Managers only need to manage 🙅
  3. Managers only need to satisfy subordinates or superiors 🙅


  1. What managers need to do is to lead professionally rather than solve specific problems, and teach people to fish even more.
  2. Managers need to achieve better subordinates than themselves, so that the team has more excellent people.
  3. Managers need to satisfy customers and be responsible for performance. The standard of doing things is business, strict but with temperature.
  4. Managers do not need to do things for their subordinates, but guide them to think and inspire them to challenge more.

Words worth recording

  • Obtaining the recognition and trust of the team is the basis for managers to manage the team and carry out management work. Although we have listed nine management problems that managers need to face, in essence, the first problem to be solved is one: Building trust Trust does not exist naturally because you have management authority. You must act like a manager, meet the team's expectations of managers, and“ Assume management responsibility ”。
  • The most essential purpose of management is to enable the team to achieve its goals steadily. Without results, all management work and efforts are equal to zero. At the same time, The manager cannot replace the team It is necessary to achieve the goal through a series of management actions such as formulating goals and plans, assigning tasks, organizing resources, following up the process, and testing results“ Promote implementation ”。
  • Achieving work goals is what managers are good at when they are employees. When managers step behind the team and push the team to achieve goals, they often feel frustrated because the spotlight is no longer on them. At this time, managers need to find new values and meanings, Help the team grow Is one of them.
  • Only by allowing the team to grow, can we ensure the stable and sustainable achievement of work goals.
  • Most managers usually perform well before being promoted, and have certain advantages in "execution" and "specialty". On the one hand, management needs to rely on these advantages. Because guiding the team is not to tell the subordinates what to do in each step, but to Give guidance to the team on direction and strategy , to the point Point out key problems, predict risks and give corresponding guidance It all requires you Accurate judgment on business and insight above team vision If you do not understand the business well enough, the management team is "a tree without roots, water without roots", and cannot be put into practice and produce results.
  • Honesty and frankness include two dimensions: one is that managers can share real information without concealing, concealing or cheating; Second, managers can understand employees from the perspective of employees, take care of employees' feelings, and really think for employees. Sincerity and frankness need to take into account both, so as to be frank and considerate of employees.
  • As Bill George said in True North, managers need to find a "True North" that can guide them on the road of leadership like a compass, and be loyal to themselves, rather than imitating or pretending to be any other manager.
  • have Fixed thinking Most people tend to believe that people's ability in a certain field is unchanged. When facing challenges, they often choose to avoid, reject the possibility of making mistakes, and regard failure as failure rather than a rare learning opportunity. On the contrary, people with growth thinking believe that their ability can be improved, they are more willing to meet challenges, dare to try and make mistakes, and can learn and improve themselves from failures and negative evaluations. If managers want to grow, they must learn to face failure with growth thinking.
  • Communicating with employees about coaching goals is just the beginning of coaching work. Next, it will be a longer process for employees to really change and improve. The state of employees will often fluctuate, they will occasionally slack off, or they may be discouraged because of setbacks and stagnation. Even when efforts have failed to achieve significant results, even managers may doubt whether employees are not talented or their own methods are not appropriate.

New knowledge has increased

🔷 Target dynamic priority

 [Reading Notes] Key leap forward

🔷 Four Quadrants of Willingness

 [Reading Notes] Key leap forward

🔷 Control quadrant

 [Reading Notes] Key leap forward

🔷 Five stages of management development

 [Reading Notes] Key leap forward

 [Reading Notes] Key leap forward

Author: Zhang Xiaofan

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