Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

In this series, we will start from: Thinking mode, economic investment, organization management, user psychology marketing management , Growth operate Business model These seven dimensions recommend corresponding Booklist The total number is about 100. Last time, we recommended 16 business models and 15 growth operations. Today, we continue to recommend the market Marketing 16 books. I wish you to save advertising expenses in the new year!

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

12 Compulsory Readings of Marketing Management

In the final analysis, the purpose of enterprise existence is to win customers. In order to establish connections with various customers, excellent marketing management ability is essential.

Are new consumer groups emerging? How to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing? How to develop a competitive marketing strategy? In the face of the new and old generation, which basic marketing spirit still needs to be mastered? Gather the sincere masterpieces of the world's top marketing masters, and the "Marketing Management Must Read 12" will take you to create the best competitiveness and teach you to think about the new future of marketing.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Marketing Management

Marketing Management is a classic textbook, a bible in the field of marketing, and a huge book benefiting hundreds of millions of people. After 40 years of testing, marketing masters worked together with authoritative scholars of the Mesozoic era to create the latest version of the marketing bible for the first time. In the field of global marketing and industrial and commercial enterprises, Philip Kotler and his Marketing Management mean classics, brands, standards and foundations. It has been popular around the world for nearly 40 years and has been translated into more than 20 languages. Whether it is a marketing major or a "freshman" who has just started to learn marketing; From a manager of an enterprise to an ordinary salesman, you can see the latest version of Kotler's Marketing Management on their bookshelf.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Self Narration of Shi Yuzhu

After 24 years of ups and downs, Shi Yuzhu tells you about his business wisdom and life experience. In the book, Shi Yuzhu unreservedly reviews the experience and thinking at all stages since the start of his business. There is no profound theory, and the lead is washed away, plain and unadorned. Often, in understatement, the essence of marketing is revealed. Shi Yuzhu has made unique and insightful thinking on product development, marketing communication, advertising, team management, venture capital, etc., which not only enlightens readers, but also leaves a valuable record of business ideas for the Chinese business community.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

marketing management principle

Marketing is a highly creative and profitable science and art of managing customer relations. Marketing personnel must attach great importance to customer relations. For this topic, specific discussions will be carried out in each chapter. At the same time, the book also emphasizes: to establish a viable brand and brand equity; Pay attention to corporate social responsibility marketing; In the Internet era, the importance of online marketing.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Zhou Hongyi: My Internet Methodology

The Red Clothes Cult leader has been "online" for 18 years. For the first time, he wrote his own thoughts on Internet business and entrepreneurship. Speaking frankly and quickly, 360's product secret script and profit model were restored to the maximum extent, and his Internet view, product view and management thought were displayed. He has some comments and foresight, and he has found the "Zhou style Spicy" Internet solution in practice.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

2-hour Brand Literacy

This book focuses on Chinese local brands and provides a brief introduction and basic knowledge about brands. Taking Wang Laoji as an example, this paper discusses the complete process of brand building in detail. It can be called the condensed version of Positioning in the process of localization.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Cutting Marketing

This book profoundly reveals the essence of marketing competition. It teaches you to stand in the perspective of competition and use marketing means to clearly cut out the market in favor of the enterprise's crowd, market area, new product category, cognitive differences and brand lines, so that consumers can accept themselves, while avoiding positive competition with competitors, so that enterprises can win a rare space and time for growth.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books


This book puts forward what is known as "the concept that has the greatest impact on American marketing ever" - positioning, changes the old marketing understanding of human "meeting needs", and creates a marketing way of "winning the competition".

In today's increasingly fierce competition, it reveals the essence of modern enterprise management (fighting for customers), clarifies the key to win for enterprises (winning the battle of mind), and is a must read for business people.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Super Symbol is Super Creativity

From product development, product naming, product packaging, to brand communication, brand strategy, enterprise strategy, the "Huayuhua Method" goes deep into all levels of enterprise marketing; From daily chemicals, drugs, food, stationery, electrical appliances, home building materials, to catering, hotels, tourism, real estate, agriculture, industrial parks, urban marketing, publishing, and the Internet, "China and China Method" has entered all fields of today's commercial competition. Together with giants in different industries, China and China have created one classic after another case While becoming a successful marketing consulting agency in China, it also casts a layer of legend and mystery on "China and China Method".

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Crazy Biography

Professor Berger has been committed to studying the hidden factors and mechanisms behind these human behaviors for a long time.

Why do some things catch on like viruses, while others don't? Why do some products, ideas and behaviors get better reputation? Professor Jonah Berger studied the behavioral science behind these problems, studying how people make decisions, how ideas and behaviors become popular, and how social influences affect human behavior.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Confessions of an Advertiser

You will see:

1. Ogilvy made a list of customers on the second day of Ogilvy's establishment. What customers are there in the list?

2. How did Ogilvy refuse the invitation of Ford's advertising business with huge agency fees?

3. Ogilvy only adds one new customer every two years. Why limit the number of business?

4. Do you know? If Ogilvy&Mather predicts that the client's last advertising company is better than its own, it will reject the client's employment.

5. Ogilvy has no management experience in advertising companies. Who did he learn from?

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Brain washing

Brainwashing has always been around us, but we have not paid attention to it. For example, religion makes people believe and become believers, and the company values the inheritance of management concepts. Although many people do not want to admit it, it actually belongs to brainwashing, because it involves the most basic communication concepts between people: mind reading, management and control.

The author shows us the hidden rules that many institutions do not want to disclose through theory, fact and discussion. In some aspects, some management is "brainwashing". Let's enter the mystery of brainwashing together, uncover the secret, and avoid falling into some bad brainwashing traps.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books


Priceless is a book that allows you to understand the mystery of pricing. The author reveals the consumer psychology behind price through the complicated price phenomenon.

● How do you price a second-hand item that is idle for transfer when you publish it in a second-hand idle app?

● Why does the communication company offer various price packages for users to choose from?

● Why are the magic numbers 9 everywhere in the supermarket?

● Are you bewildered by all kinds of full discounts, red envelopes and coupons on the Double 11?

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books


"Making users addicted" sounds a bit mysterious, but there are rules to follow. Users' love for a certain product seems to be personal preference, but in fact, there may be a "trap" behind the carefully designed product. If we can understand the logic behind these products, we will have a chance to resist the temptation. Of course, if you are a designer, these logics can also help you design products that can catch people's minds.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

Money Ads

Almost everyone knows the importance of advertising, but few people know how advertising can work. At the beginning of this book, the reader is clearly told that, The purpose of commercial advertising is to make money. Only advertising that can persuade customers to pay is effective advertising.

 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

The Complete Writing Skills of Best selling Writers

This book is a super practical guide to writing skills. It is selected from the one-year writing lecture of Japanese reasoning novelist Yasuhiro Ozawa. It comprehensively decomposes the specific aspects of the story structure, character shaping, head and tail layout, text description, dialogue skills, narrative style and so on in the novel creation, and truly reveals the idea method and creation context of excellent novelists.


 Business knowledge system book list series: 16 marketing books

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