What exactly does the function of "Invite Friends" do? Several Pits I Encountered in Resumption

case Analysis“ Invite friends ”What else is worth improving.
 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

Author: Xie Yue

This article is original and contributed by the author Brother Bird's Notes , unauthorized reproduction is not allowed

Submission email: tougao@appcpx.com

Inviting friends is a common way to promote innovation and vitality in Internet products. Almost all Internet products have similar functions. This feature has low development cost, high user acceptance and participation, and can obtain new users at a lower cost.

Comparison of such functions Applicable to the growth stage of the product By means of stimulating old users to share and forward, and new and old users to give rewards, and for the purpose of acquiring new users and stimulating old users to be active, we will increase the number of product downloads, users and active users through social fission.

There are many functions of inviting friends in Internet products, such as the resurrection card of millions of heroes, the family account of Taobao, and so on. Their essence is to invite friends. Each APP will add ingredients to this function according to its own characteristics and resources. No matter what the function of inviting friends changes, The most essential things rarely change Through various cases, we should think deeply about the underlying logic, add ideas and creativity, and finally use them for us.

Now let's invite friends to replay Let's find out what we can improve by inviting friends.

1. Product overview:

1.1 Positioning

The beauty listening app is a Chinese scenic spot explanation software, which can grasp the pain point of renting a commentator during travel and provide users with Chinese explanation services. It is a low-frequency, non rigid product that only provides services before and during the travel of users. Some scenic spot explanations can only be listened to by paying. There are two payment methods: unlock by city, 30 listening coins for three months; Unlocked globally, 78 listening coins for one year.

*Listen to the money: Listen to the virtual money in the APP. One listen to the money=1 yuan. You can only unlock it after recharging.


 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

1.2 Phase

In the growing period, there are a certain number of registered users. At present, it has collected audio explanations of more than 50000 scenic spots in more than 100 countries at home and abroad; It also provides functions such as automatic positioning explanation, museum image recognition, 3D indication map, route planning, etc., which can meet the needs of tourists. In the growth period, it is hoped that it can deepen users' awareness of scenic spot explanation products, quickly acquire new users, and promote users to increase the payment rate when using.

2. Demand and purpose

2.1 Pull new

Get profits by stimulating old users to invite friends actively; New users cooperate with old users to complete tasks, so as to obtain new users' registration and attention.

2.2 Incentive payment

To stimulate the purchase desire of users Reward both parties with some preferential policies when recruiting , such as coupons, red envelopes, etc. This beautiful scenery listening activity rewards users with virtual currency, which can directly deduct some cash. Users can use some virtual currency+a small amount of cash to unlock scenic spots that need to pay.

3. Logic and flow chart

3.1 Reference to products with similar functions

3.1.1 Invite friends to register with Alipay, and both parties can receive a 10 yuan red envelope, as long as the new user enters his mobile phone number in the H5 page shared by the old user and completes the mobile phone number registration. The 10 yuan cash red envelope is a naked temptation. This kind of invitation for cash subsidies is more expensive and suitable for companies with strong economic strength. By means of cash subsidy, users can feel the sincerity of the sponsor to the greatest extent, and improve the trust of users, Especially for products linked to money like Alipay, the trust and support of users is the most important.

 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

3.1.2 Invite friends to register for ofo, and both parties can get 5-day free riding tickets. Under normal circumstances, 1 yuan is charged for a ride within an hour. For regular cyclists, the value of a five-day free ride ticket is more than 5 yuan. For users, free use of paid products is the biggest temptation. I heard that there is a need to pay, so I didn't want to use it. But now that there is a free opportunity, let's try it. This way of rewarding the functions and advantages of its own products is a common way for most Internet companies to play.

 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

3.2 Planning activities based on product characteristics

After referring to the play method of inviting friends from many products, I combined the function and payment advantages of the beauty listening product, and got the general idea: add an activity portal in the APP, encourage old users to participate in the activity of inviting friends, new and old users can get the reward of listening coins, and listening coins can directly purchase scenic spots to explain. If the user does not want to pay, he will invite many people to register to listen to the beautiful scenery, thus increasing the number of registered users of the beautiful scenery; If the user invites several friends and does not continue to pull new power, we can use the existing listening coins and recharge some of the listening coins to buy.

3.3 Drawing of the first version of flow chart

 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

3.4 Formulating rules and restrictions on participation

The first edition invited friends to go online in a hurry, without considering many possibilities. Within a week of going online, we found many problems, such as rules and restrictions. The first edition almost did not do any user restrictions, which led many users to exploit loopholes. Old users and old users exchanged tokens, and some users even accumulated hundreds of tokens. Although listening coins cannot be withdrawn and transferred, it means that this user will not pay any fees for listening to the beautiful scenery. After finding problems, we made timely adjustments, forced the launch of the second version, and added three restrictions:


Inviters can share invitation codes for unlimited times. The more friends invited, the more listening coins they will get


Listen to the beautiful scenery for the first time, and you will get listening coins within 24 hours by using the invitation code

Each invitee can only use the invitation code of others once

Before each activity goes online operate People must think about various possibilities in a divergent way to minimize the failure rate of activities and the loss of the company. In addition to participation restrictions, there may also be time and place restrictions. It is better to inform users of rules and restrictions directly when they participate in activities to avoid ambiguity between rules and restrictions. However, the rules and restrictions should not be too complex, and the copy should not be too long, which will reduce the willingness of users to participate in activities. If possible, you can communicate with the technology to increase the anti cheating function.

3.5 Product and technology meeting and docking

The product is responsible for drawing the prototype map of the page. A large part of the prototype map of the product is drawn according to the flow chart drawn by the operator. Therefore, the operator must pay attention to the flow chart. With the flow chart, the communication with the product and technology will be more smooth. As the organizer of the event, you should be the person who knows the whole process of the event best.

The technology needs to ensure the realization of this function, supplement the missing links in the flow chart, and confirm the links that need data burial points. The most important thing is to prevent cheating! How to try to ensure that the invited users are real users, not fake users. However, it is necessary to make corresponding records and judgments on your own products. Finally, the technology needs to determine the development cycle and delivery time.

4. Event copywriting and publicity

4.1 Activity participation course

Make detailed activity participation tutorials to help users better complete tasks and reduce customer service pressure. The tutorial is roughly divided into three parts: What is this activity? What benefits will users get from participating in activities? How does it work?

In the part of introducing how to operate, it is necessary to be illustrated with pictures and texts, and the pictures should be in gif format as far as possible to make it easier for users to understand. When creating a tutorial, do not think that the user understands it, skip the steps, We must be super patient to break down the steps and try to make users of all ages understand them.

The length of the tutorial will be a little long, and it will usually be placed on the banner page of the APP or on the WeChat public account, which will help users to be attracted to participate.

4.2 Page Copy

The page copy needs to indicate the rules and restrictions of participation, Stimulate users' desire to actively invite friends, and clearly tell users what they can gain from participating in activities The page copy should be humorous on the basis of accurate expression, and try not to have ambiguity. After writing the copy, you can ask colleagues and friends around you for some advice and then make improvements.

4.3 Determination of communication channels

List controllable communication channels, such as the company's official microblog, WeChat official account, customer service WeChat's circle of friends, established communities, APPbanners, open screen advertising pages, and other cooperation channels. Each channel needs to develop a corresponding copy. Do not use the same copy on all channels. You can prepare more copy, such as the copy on the sharing link, which can be adjusted in real time according to the data effect.

Schedule according to the characteristics of each channel, and start warming up activities in which channels on which day; When the number of participants is small, what channels can be used to stimulate user participation; What channels can be used for PR publicity after the event


 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

5. Functional acceptance and test

5.1 Test and adjustment of the whole process from 0

After the function is developed, it must be tested together. First, it is necessary to check the bugs. Second, it is necessary to timely supplement the imperfections during the first experience. After the product is launched, many places may not be able to be modified online. It is a bit late when users feed back problems through customer service.

5.2 Mobilize friends around to participate and collect feedback

Send the test link of inviting friends to familiar friends and colleagues, collect their feelings and opinions when using, stand beside them as far as possible, and observe their entire operation process.

In many cases, it is easy for us to test the product according to the logic designed by ourselves. When people around us use the product according to their logic, various problems may arise. These problems are our logic blind spots, and we need to supplement and improve the product.

When I was doing the first version, I also launched friends to test, but I told them the process in advance. They would follow the process I said, and they would first be indoctrinated with "correct ideas". If there were no problems, they would directly feed back to me. In fact, friends' blind tests are very important. They are ordinary users and the first wave of people who found problems.

In addition, face-to-face testing is more effective than remote testing. You can intuitively feel the inadequacies of their functions from their operation and expression, where they are tangled, and so on.

5.3 Timely communication and adjustment

From design to launch, each activity will go through many modifications and tests. In the whole process of the activity, the ability of team cooperation and communication between departments will be extremely tested. No matter what, we should remember the original intention of doing this activity and work together to overcome the difficulties as much as possible.

6. Effect tracking

six point one Data analysis

Before technology development, we should communicate well with the technology, which links need to be buried in advance, and the data should be as comprehensive as possible. If there is some difficulty, or the development cycle is too long, we can delete some unnecessary data buried points, and we must ensure the statistics of important link data. Here, we only count the number of invitees, the number of invitees, and the listening currency balance.

Reviewing our initial needs and objectives, we basically achieved the expected goals. The average daily number of new users is about 300.

As of the statistics time, 857 old users have invited new users, and the payment rate has increased significantly after reducing the number of rewards. Although this data is inferior to many APPs, at this stage, steady user growth and payment conversion are worthy of high interest.

 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

6.2 Collection of customer service feedback

Not all users will operate according to the established logical order, so there will be many unexpected problems in the process of giving products and activities to users to participate. Customer service is the front-line contact with users. The feedback collected from customer service helps us improve the activity process.

After sorting out, we found that the problem most users feedback is: "I invited friends, but didn't receive coins". Following this problem, I went through the process again, and finally found that we missed a possibility.

The original design is: copy the invitation code, download or open the beauty app, and the home page will automatically pop up the invitation code confirmation pop-up window (just like copying the password on WeChat, and opening Taobao to view baby details). In fact, it is not very convenient for users.

1. If the user downloads the APP for the first time, three authorization pop-up windows will pop up when the software is opened for the first time, and the user can easily click the authorization button to confirm the use of the invitation code

2. Listen to the beautiful scenery - on my page, there is an "invitation code" option. This option is aimed at the B-end unlocking portal, and does not support the use of the invitation code in this activity. Many users copy the invitation code and paste it here. They are prompted that the invitation code is invalid, which increases the confusion of users.

3. The invitee does not meet the participation conditions.

6.3 Timely communication and adjustment

In response to the feedback on the above customer service problems, I modified the operation process.

1. Copying the invitation code will still pop up on the home page

2. You can paste the invitation code of this activity in the "invitation code" of my page

3. The copy of H5 page seen by the invitee is changed, prompting the requirements for participating in the activity

7. Retain users

The promotion of new products is just the beginning. It is only the first step to let users know our products through the promotion of new products. Our ultimate goal is to make new users become our loyal users as much as possible, and to consume in some aspects.

So when we design a new promotion activity, we should think about the next step, how to keep these new users? For example, prepare some high-quality content in advance and show it to users during the activity; For example, the products with the greatest discount are pushed to new users through pop ups.

In this activity, we will give priority to cities with lower prices at the front of the list; The function of the product is introduced in the banner. Because Fairview itself is a low-frequency product. Although it can not make users active every day, it should at least impress new users. When the user has a demand one day, he can think of our product at the first time.

8. Comparison between the original version and the final version

8.1 Flow Chart Comparison

The first version of the flow chart missed two judgment links and one use channel. The three missing parts have an important impact on the whole activity. So we should expand our logical thinking as much as possible in the design activity link, and add what we can think of in the flow chart as much as possible.


 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

8.2 Page Copy Comparison

I will not compare the UI design of the two versions for the time being, but just discuss the copywriting part. The first edition of the copywriting belongs to the self congratulatory type, which seems humorous and interesting, but in fact, the logic is chaotic and the priority is not clear. The final version of the text can highlight the benefits that users can obtain, the participation process of activities is clearer, and the rules and restrictions are more prominent.

 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases


 Bird brother's notes, activity operation, happiness, activities, activity summary, activity cases

9. Summary: Factors affecting the success rate of inviting friends:

9.1 High quality products to reduce users' distrust

If your product is still in the initial stage, the performance of the version is not stable, and the content is not sufficient, it is not recommended to do the function of inviting friends , invited friends are easy to lose, and will have negative comments in the early stage of the product.

9.2 The threshold is not easy to be too high

If there are too many restrictions, the willingness of new users to participate will be reduced For example, the registration process is tedious and there is too much information to fill in. The simpler the operation process of normal activities, the better.

9.3 Incentives

Red envelopes and coupons launched five years ago will be snapped up. Today's Internet users are more or less numb to these because they are relatively easy to obtain, but there are more or less restrictions on their use. therefore The form and quantity of rewards should be considered in advance.

I have thought for a long time about the amount of listening coins for both sides of the reward invitation. The initial setting is that each party will get 10 listening coins. If the user wants to unlock the city, invite 3 people to listen for free; If you want to unlock the world, you can invite 8 people. The number of invited users is relatively high, but the payment rate has not increased.

Later, considering that users want to pay more, the reward of the second version is changed to 5 coins each, so that users can pay as much as possible. Personally, I am opposed to the change from 10 to 5. It is easy to leave a bad impression on users, and the participation in activities will be greatly reduced.

So, You must think carefully before deciding on prizes, and try not to make changes after the event is launched. If you change from less to more, it will stimulate users' interest, but the original users will feel unfair; If you change from more to less, users may feel that the sponsor is stingy and lacks sincerity, so they will give up participating in the event.

10. Pit free list

Seeing here, can you recall how many pits I walked? Let's count together.

1. The flow chart shall be drawn with divergent thinking and more logical judgment, and shall be updated and checked in time when there is adjustment.

2. Determine the restrictions and rules in advance, limit too much, and reduce the enthusiasm of users to participate; Too few restrictions are easy to cause loopholes.

3. The page copy should highlight the benefits that users can obtain, the process of activity participation, rules and restrictions; As far as possible, different versions of the text should be prepared for different channels.

4. When people around you participate in the test, just explain the content and rules of the activity, and do not indoctrinate the established process too much.

5. Design the entrance to the event, and try to distinguish the name of the event from that of other functions of the APP to avoid ambiguity.

6. You must think carefully before deciding the prizes, and try not to make changes after the event is launched. If a sponsor provides prizes, be sure to confirm the number of prizes, restrictions on use, receiving methods and other related issues.

The experience of others is very instructive, but We must start from our own products and plan activities according to their functions and characteristics. Inviting friends is a common activity to recruit new people. It seems simple, but there are many pitfalls. I hope that the operation partners who see this article can plan the invitation activities more smoothly.

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