Cross boundary between operation and marketing, from volume to transformation

Brand communication is the "growth engine" that we cannot loosen. Once the communication stops, the complicated information waves will quickly cover your voice.


As the Internet traffic dividend fades, increase stay operate The work has become more and more important. The viral fission propagation of WeChat has been blocked frequently, and users have basically desensitized to various worn out routines. How to complete growth in the current harsh environment, we need to Marketing Integrate into the operation work.

In the Internet industry, recently Growth hacker This term has gradually become known to everyone. In plain English, growth hackers are a group of proficient hackers Data analysis Professional managers of product design, technology and marketing. In China, growth work is generally divided into product growth and marketing growth. Today, I will focus on the marketing growth that I think is easier to learn, which can be used by all operation students in their daily work.


Everyone should know that my girlfriend "Ma Ma" is Ah Kang who is engaged in the advertising industry, and I am the operator of the Internet industry. When I first pursued numbness, I was a little worried about the lack of common topics in different industries. Facts have proved that we really care too much. We can often provide the support needed for each other's work and learn from each other's strengths.

There are four commonalities in our work: activity creativity, data analysis, transformation logic, and efficient communication. These four points are the most discussed by the four (according to my midnight dream, there are many slogans). They are called "volume to sales", and we are called "fission to transformation". The essence is the same.

So in the operation work, we often need the ability related to marketing to make our activities more widely spread, make the brand more popular and the brand image more focused, so that the conversion rate is rising.

Failed AARRR model

There is a set of AARRR model for growth in the operation, which includes five steps: "acquiring users - active users - retaining users - converting payment - old and new fission". This is a standard growth model that is familiar with the operation. However, such a magic weapon often fails in work, and cannot play the magic mentioned in the book. This is because you did not complete its awakening ceremony,

After completing the following 5 ceremonies, the real growth magic will be unlocked.

Ceremony I: brand positioning

Nowadays, various products in the market are complex, which leads to excess brand information. The homogenization of brands and products is extremely serious. It is difficult for users to perceive brand information more and more slowly, and gradually establish information receiving barriers for various brands. Therefore, in this market state, more and more attention is paid to refined operation, which means that the brand positioning is accurate, aiming at the pain point and hitting the target. This is why the popular concepts in recent years are: personal IP, niche brands, private domain traffic, and always pay attention to one precision.

In the past, the categories, brands and products were single, so we only need to pay attention to the breadth of the scope and the speed of seizing, but not the depth. Just like in the past, people only need to know that Coca Cola is a "sweet drink with steam". Now there are too many kinds of sweet drinks with steam. Many times, consumers really don't know how to choose, such as orange flavor, apple flavor, healthy sugar free, etc. In such a market, your brand positioning can't just let people know that this is "sweet drinks with steam", It is intended to be similar to "20-35 years old peach flavored pink with light taste and vitamin C, 8-10 ℃, the best tasting healthy drink", and to make a multi-dimensional and in-depth positioning from the fine grain taste, face value, health and accurate target positioning.

Therefore, in terms of brand positioning, we must: ① Find out your target audience; ② Depth and accuracy; ③ Find out your competitive environment; ④ Differentiate

Ceremony II: Brand communication

I don't know if you often find that advertising of many Internet products is crazy in the past two years. It follows you all over the world like a shadow. Repeated brainwashing makes us unconsciously familiar with product information, but it is still as casual as a shadow, with a great attitude of lifelong companionship.

Ogilvy, the founder of Ogilvy, once asked Wrigley, the chairman of Wrigley's chewing gum, a question during a train trip: Why do they continue to advertise their chewing gum when their market share is so large?

"Do you know how fast this train is going?" Rigli asked Ogilvy. "One hundred and forty-five kilometers an hour," Ogilvy replied. "What if we let go of the engine?"

Brand communication is the "growth engine" that we cannot loosen. Once the communication stops, the complicated information waves will quickly cover your voice. Many operation students at the beginning of their career will set themselves a goal of expanding 1000W at zero cost. When asked how to achieve this goal, they will invariably talk from "word of mouth" to "looking for explosive points" and finally achieve "viral fission". There is no problem in the theoretical model of growth, but they ignore the truth that the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer, Imagine a person with 100 yuan and a person with 100W yuan, who can earn 1000W yuan faster.

Therefore, when doing growth, we must be willing to spend money and know how to spend money. There are two core points to grasp:

one , being seen

Being seen is a process of constantly seizing exposure resources. In this process, we should appear in all possible places that the target user can see. Imagine that the user has been wanting to buy a car recently, but because it is not convenient to go to the 4S store every day to see the car, he just saw the "Auto Home" and told him that this app can help him choose a car online. Will he download it? meeting! Maybe not! No, it doesn't matter. Next is point 2.

two . Constant repetition is seen

Yes, the second time, the third time, the fourth time... under the repeated attack of brand promotion, we are all "dogs of Pavlov" (the famous psychologist Pavlov has done such an experiment with dogs: the bell rings before giving food to the dog every time. After a period of time, when the bell rings, the dog begins to secrete saliva. Later, it is used to describe a person's reaction without thinking through the brain, such as preconception of consciousness form, resistance to logical thinking).

In the same way, if you can tell a person every day that "Auto Home" can help him choose a car, as time goes by, when he wants to buy a car one day, he will think of "Auto Home" for the first time, and then he will consciously download the APP.

Such a growth engine will deliver a steady stream of accurate users for your products. What you need to do next is how to retain users and create greater value.

Ceremony 3: Open up resources and reduce expenditure

Increasing income and reducing expenditure is not a method or a routine, but consciousness. How to make the water in the pool more, the most direct way is to open more water sources flowing into the pool and reduce the gap of flowing water. After getting the traffic, we must also have this awareness. The rich are getting richer and richer, and we also understand the principle of increasing income and reducing expenditure.

We need to constantly open up new traffic inlets and new communication resources, but at the same time, we need to ensure that the products can carry on the traffic and flow in and out at the same time. So much money for brand communication will be wasted, so we must do a good job in the mechanism of transformation and retention to save precious traffic.

Ceremony IV: Improve the conversion rate

Students who are engaged in operation must understand that every click, every jam, and every unclear visual guidance will result in the loss of users in batches. When promoting Internet products, we must make great efforts on the "backflow page". Every detail must be optimized in place. The download process should be as simple as possible, and the guide copy should be simple and clear. Minimize the cost that users need to pay.

Ceremony 5: Guaranteed retention rate

The user will remain alert until the successful download and registration. He will try to use it. If he doesn't want it, he will uninstall it immediately. Therefore, it is also necessary to leave a very good "first impression" on the user, and deliver what the user wants to see or needs most to him. If it meets the user's psychological expectations, it will gradually become a loyal user.

After these five points are achieved, your AARRR model will be able to play its magic, retain users, and guide them to experience your core services. If this is the product he is truly satisfied with, then the next fission will play a role, and will continue to bring you accurate users. Congratulations, now your growth engine is successfully built!

I am Wu Jiahao, an operator who lives in the wee hours.

Public account: Wu Jiahao

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