Epic Inventory of Operation Work Part 3 - Do you know the optimal solutions of operation workflow, operation objects, collaboration and division of labor?

Operation Large- operate Workflow - 3, specify objectives and resources



Before we begin, let's also review the first two parts of the operation workflow

1. Clear objectives and resources

2. Split goals and resources




 Epic Inventory of Operation Work Part 3 - Do you know the optimal solutions of operation workflow, operation objects, collaboration and division of labor?

After we have defined the goal and split the goal

It's time to start formulating strategies (plans), which is also a thing many operators like to do

At this time, we can't help but want to add evidence. We must not blindly decide on strategies before we have a solid ability to implement them. We must not think clearly about the business and decide on strategies. Many operating partners always have a stage of uncertainty, so they feel that they are doing strategic planning and are unwilling to do the implementation work, But in fact, all high-level operations have different levels of implementation work to do

No one can get rid of basic execution

High level operations should promote the implementation of processes, ensure that every worrying link in a large project can progress as expected and link up, promote the implementation of changes at other levels, and initial operations should promote the implementation of the progress of a specific implementation sector, which essentially needs to be implemented. The gap is just that initial operations are very fond of planning and strategic solutions, It's particularly easy to make a fool of yourself

Returning to the main topic, no matter what position, level and experience, we need to work out a plan. The difference is only the size and complexity of the problem solved by the plan

Let's see how to design the scheme

In brief, the atmosphere consists of two parts

1) Identify gaps

2) Find ways to fill the gap


However, the means to bridge the gap in actual operation is complex, which does not mean that our gap can be overcome by a channel promotion. Our gap can be solved by writing a WeChat public account. If it can be solved by writing a public account, it is likely that there is one thing that has not been clearly stated, and then add a note, However, even the supplementary explanation is not a simple WeChat message. It involves a series of follow-up solutions such as how to deal with users who have been misled by information that has not been clearly expressed

In fact, the problems that can become business problems are all problems with a certain degree of complexity and need a series of comprehensive means to solve them

Even a small operation that just entered the workplace and only used complex products on Taobao platform needs to consider the problem to be solved every day - how to launch these products? How to describe the product title, how to judge the priority of the product, how to allocate their energy on these products, how to optimize their listing process to improve efficiency, how to deal with the same product found on the platform, and how to deal with the price if there is any pressure, which includes the operation of content and pricing of goods, SKU operation and even product recommendation logic

Therefore, based on this, we can not simply classify it as finding and eliminating the gap, but it needs to be divided into three steps

1) Clarify the gap between me and the business goal under the big goal

2) Subdivide the gap into multiple dimensions to solve it, and clarify the gap of each dimension

3) The solution is based on the subdivision of dimensions. Of course, the focus here is the one that subdivides 50 dimensions, but finds that after doing one thing, all the problems to be solved in all dimensions have been solved. We should have the insight and awareness of this kind of business. We should not simply subdivide dimensions and look at the gaps in dimensions. We should consciously find commonalities, One action to solve all problems


These three steps are similar in all positions

I heard an introduction from a friend who built the HR system. They built the HR system to measure the gap with the business objectives of the enterprise. They checked the gap in the human resources sector, and considered external recruitment, internal elimination and replacement, and training to fill the gap in human resources

In order to achieve external recruitment, internal elimination and replacement, training and promotion, it is necessary to carry out a series of specific HR actions related to recruitment, training, performance mechanism design, promotion mechanism design, etc

In fact, the same is true of operations

But this gap will turn into specific operational means such as activity projects, cross industry cooperation, product optimization, and small tools for community operation. For a specific operational means, such as how many large-scale offline activities and online theme activities the activity needs to do, what is the gap compared with the current situation, and what resources are needed to solve this gap, It becomes a specific plan for the third step


A brief inventory of several common operations was made, but in fact, there are many and often changing operations. For example, the current popular operation of sending posters and spreading two-dimensional codes in WeChat groups in the circle of friends has also recently become a more common operation, so it is only a simple list for your reference


 Epic Inventory of Operation Work Part 3 - Do you know the optimal solutions of operation workflow, operation objects, collaboration and division of labor?

Originated from Jianshu: Running Jing Xiaoqiu

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