How to do well in life efficiency management

As a post-80s generation, I was already in my early 30s. I suddenly found that the time in my hand was running out, but I still felt like a child in my heart. Faced with social and family responsibilities, some inexplicable anxieties arise spontaneously: lamenting that time is not enough, complaining that God is too unfair to himself, wondering why the payment is not rewarded, and so on. Sometimes I feel that there is no sense of achievement in work, no sense of happiness in life, and no hope in the future, life It looks like a mess.

After learning Wang Yangming's "theory of mind", I learned that instead of being anxious, afraid and evasive, I should adjust my mind and face it actively. In fact, the biggest personality difference between children and adults is "self-control" - maintaining concentration and doing the right thing at the right time. Unfortunately, when we left school, no one planned our learning tasks for us and strictly arranged our daily study. There was no teacher's earnest instruction and no term exam to tell us that we did not learn well there. After graduation, we seem to be free, but we also feel that we are mediocre. I suddenly realized that my life needs management. If we can manage ourselves well, we can manage our surroundings well. Therefore, I learned from Zhang Meng's "Self management of Efficient Life", and I got a lot, so I summarized and summarized its contents.

What is "life's efficiency ”?

"Efficiency of life" is actually how much effective effort you have made for your dream in the time at your disposal. If you use a formula to express it, it is: Life efficiency=(dream current situation)/time to struggle

Before you work hard, you must understand, first, what direction you are going to work hard in. Second, what is the controllable time and budget? What efforts do I plan to make? Third, can anyone teach you how to improve your efficiency in the right way? Only by understanding these can we build our own life efficiency system, which includes three major parts: input system, self-management system and output system.

 How to do well in life efficiency management

Life efficiency system

1、 Input system

The input system is to build a teacher's learning system for ourselves every year. The second is that we need to determine our own reading purpose before starting our own reading plan. In addition, there are training courses and industry conferences, from which you can get effective information in the circle. The last point is how to feel the power that can't be felt by the training courses and industry conferences through walking. This is the input system.

 How to do well in life efficiency management

input system

1.1 People oriented

We plan to learn from 50 people regularly every year. There are many people around you who are worthy of your learning. We should set ourselves a set of learning examples based on people as teachers. You need to know who will be your teacher and who is most willing to help you. You need to maintain this social capital. "Taking people as teachers" includes two methods, one is to take the initiative to consult; First, effective management of social capital.

  • Take the initiative to consult all channels to find people, get in touch, prepare questions, communicate face to face, and be polite. You need to find the teacher who has direct learning experience or direct implementation experience. If it only has some theoretical basis, you can find the corresponding professor to guide you in any university. When asking for advice, two people must meet. Before talking with the teacher, we need to prepare in advance and list the questions we want to ask. Because a lot of offline experience it will get online can not be replaced, that is, people should always be considerate and face to face communication.
  • The effective management of social capital is also called social capital. If you do more to others, others will do more to you, so don't deliberately ask too much. Sometimes, we have to think about what I can give and what the other party wants before asking, which is very important. Therefore, when planning with people as teachers, we need to accumulate social capital according to our own goals to achieve them, so you will constantly clarify in the process of accumulation.

1.2 Reading

The accumulation brought by reading is very important, but we should pay attention to the correct method.

  • Find a suitable reading mode: auditory or visual. Some people like to watch by themselves, while others often like to listen to others. See which works better and suits you better. When reading, you must find your most efficient way. I am used to listening on the way to and from work and other trivial time, but the disadvantage is that it is not convenient to record. Therefore, we need to take time to review and summarize. The valuable contents shall be recorded and summarized.
  • Reading source: ask the teacher what to read, and look at different teachers' Booklist Not the same. When we get the book list, we should first look at the books that are recommended more. After reading, you can tell the teacher about your understanding. You can realize your dream of life by constantly chewing on these relevant knowledge points.
  • Reading is not about quantity, but about absorption. Reading is not about blindly pursuing quantity. There is no need to brush the so-called sense of existence of reading. That is to say, its quantity is not the most important. The key is what you absorb. First, read it through. If you think it will be used in the future, store it on your bookshelf. If it doesn't work, you can give it away. For good books, you need to take reading notes. Let these knowledge enter your own knowledge system. Writing reading notes is an internalization process.
  • A good book needs to take reading notes: first of all, copy the table of contents and make a mind map, because no matter how poorly the table of contents of any book is written, it is also the core framework of a book, and the author has told you many times. Then, draw a set of mind maps. This process is actually the process of internalizing knowledge. When you finish reading the book, it is better to draw the main road of the book and relevant knowledge points.

1.3 Training class or industry conference

Regarding training courses and industry conferences, we need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Find a circle and enter the top of the industry: if you can't become the synchronization of your industry now, you need to work hard or at least enter an industry circle;
  • Training hard skills to supplement the lack of knowledge: when entering a field, you must train your own hard skills. The first reason why many people are unwilling to learn is that there is no learning platform. The second reason is that learning sometimes takes too much time. We can look for a life coach according to our actual situation. It is very important that the teacher can reach the level that best matches you, and he will certainly lead you forward. In this way, you can complete self iteration at a very low cost, find your own teachers, and carry out phased training and learning.
  • Improvement of phased ability: what we should strive to pursue is to study hard for ourselves in the path of deliberate practice. The teacher is the goal of finding a mentor in your deliberate practice. What your classmates study with you is called who will determine your future. This is your circle, so the circle is actually the power of the industry.
  • Cornell's note taking method: The leftmost part of the first part is an outline part. We know the key part of the notes through the outline, and then a specific detail part is on the right. The bottom is a summary process. When you edit through these three systems, you can also enhance a person's ability of classification management and knowledge systematization.

1.4 Powerful walking

Walking is powerful. When we read a book and feel that it is not enough, what should we do? Then you can consider going to the place mentioned in the book or the author's hometown to learn about the environment when things happen. Accordingly, we can study abroad or in the enterprise, and you will have additional gains. We need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Walking with goals: we should focus on our own goals. We should not forget why we started when we walked. This is the origin of returning to things
  • Walk with others: deliberately build a so-called travel group for yourself, so you can get the corresponding energy and strength from the person around you.
  • Travel notes: During the journey, I will first record a travel note, that is, I let myself take the goal with each walk, and each walk is completed by iterating on my own to the extent of accumulation in the previous one.

2、 Self management system

It is useless to just build an input system, and self-management should also be done well. Sometimes we neglect self-management too much and emphasize team management more. In fact, if a person cannot manage himself well and be more self-discipline, he cannot achieve an efficient life. To construct self-management, four aspects should be paid attention to: time management, objective management, efficiency management and health management.

 How to do well in life efficiency management

Self management system

2.1 Time management

Many people can live 36 hours a day because they try their best and master the correct method. They can do time management. If you think there is a gap between you and this type of person, ask your heart if you want to be such a person. If you are an enterprise, the higher your annual output value will be. If you are an individual, your monetary value per unit time will undoubtedly be higher.

 How to do well in life efficiency management

time management

  • Insist on getting up early Many celebrities have early habits, such as Zuckerberg, Yahoo CEO, and so on. When they get up at four or five o'clock, they go straight to their dreams. When you can get up early and know why, the world changes. Get up early. This is your own time. No one can disturb you. Do the following important things after getting up early:

    • Write down the thoughts before going to bed the night before (today's three must achieve goals);
    • Reviewing yesterday's events;
    • Arrange the work schedule for today;
    • Enter 10000 hours of training for a skill of fine learning;
    • Try to enter a state of selflessness, lasting at least 1 hour;
    • Get out of the state and have breakfast;
  • Time management principles and methods

    • Decomposing goals and objectives is what needs to be broken down, which can be broken down into small parts that can no longer be broken down. This is called true goal management. If you don't have any experience, please find a mentor in this field and let him help you. The criterion for selecting a mentor is to have first-hand successful experience; Decompose goals to the extent that they cannot be decomposed again, and turn them into specific things, with corresponding time and completed goals; What is the goal of life? We need to distinguish between long-term life goals and short-term life goals to some extent. If we know our life goals clearly, we need to break down our life goals step by step into ten years, one year, every quarter, every month, every week and every day. If you don't have this idea rooted in your mind, your every day will be chaotic.
    • Single point breakthrough method: the first step plan: to find excellent people, we should make clear the evaluation indicators according to the corresponding items completed in the past; The second step implementation: the key is to improve efficiency. The efficiency management part will say: the third step summary: learn not only from 0 to 1, but also from 1 to N to do well in accumulation; Step 4 Evaluation: evaluate whether the work is good or bad, and reflect on the reasons; The fifth step is to plan again.
    • Summary method: 1 Function: analyze the reasons why the plan was not strictly followed. Generally speaking, there are three reasons. 1. Get up early and feel sleepy, 2. Be in a bad mood, 3. Make plans beyond the scope of personal ability. 2. Specific tools: 2.1 Make summary notes: any structure of daily review is time record ->unfinished ->more completed items ->reason analysis ->time management suggestions. Today, I want to understand why I am good and why I am bad. 2.2 Taking inspiration notes: Sometimes inspiration bursts out when one reads and communicates with others, or simply does it alone. If you don't buy it and record it immediately, it will disappear in a flash. If you have nothing to do, take out the inspiration of the record. Maybe it will be some inspiration. Inspiration needs a lot of input as the basis, such as reading, communication, tourism, and so on.

2.2 Management by Objectives

 How to do well in life efficiency management

Management by Objectives

How to set goals?

  • Seven character methods: 1 List 7 benchmark figures and rank them according to the degree of difficulty. The first person is the person you dream of becoming. For example, Ma Yun, if you become him, your life satisfaction index will be full score. The last one may be excellent colleagues or friends around you; 2. Show their hard skills, list 3 hard skills of each person, a total of 21; 3. Sort out the hard skills with high degree of overlap, and arrange them from more to less; 4. Select the top 3 hard skills; 5. Select a hard skill to complete, and select an early rising time to complete;

  • Everything can be divided into important and urgent, important and not urgent, unimportant and urgent, unimportant and not urgent.

    • There are many things that are neither important nor urgent that you can assign to assistants.
    • What is urgent and important is generally the first step to achieve the annual goals. This is the first quadrant of how much financial budget will be achieved this year.
    • It is very important, but it is not urgent. For example, one's own physical health is important or not urgent, and one's own hard skills are important but not urgent in the important emergency law. People ignore the most important but not urgent things.
    • Urgent but unimportant things should be done in strict accordance with improving efficiency at uncontrollable time.

2.3 Efficiency management

Efficiency is a kind of economy. Sometimes it doesn't matter if you can't get up in the morning, but you should do things faster and better than others. Many people don't like their current jobs. What should they do? Then you should consider that if this job gives you a good salary, you might as well continue to work, at least get people's money and work hard, but you can regard work as the training of your efficiency ability. You used to need three hours to complete a work report. Can you finish it in the next two hours? When you can do that, your own efficiency will be improved. In fact, it is a very important part and corresponding part for everyone to complete the life advancement.

 How to do well in life efficiency management

Efficiency management

  • Focus on the key, use tomato work method to help improve efficiency.
  • Tips for efficiency management
    1. Time limit method: most of the time delay is because there is no deadline. The so-called time limit is to give a deadline by which you must finish the work. Leaders need a limited time to assign work tasks, and you also need a limited time to assign tasks to yourself. In the limited time section, we need to set a basic time first, and we can't stop working until the task is completed or the time is used up;
    2. Urgency: If we want to complete the task within the specified time, the only way is that you should complete the task you received as soon as possible, and then the limited time will force you to stimulate you to work hard;
    3. Decomposition of tasks: Sometimes it's not that we can't finish the task that causes our procrastination, nor that we have the so-called cancer of laziness. Unable to do task decomposition, resulting in no way to start. If the task is strange, you can find an old master and rely on his indirect experience to build a foundation for your direct experience. So the way we decompose tasks is to decompose large tasks into small executable projects.
    4. Recharge willpower: Sometimes people's willpower is not only a mental state, but also a battery. When you really can't finish a thing, you usually don't complain about yourself that the cancer of laziness has happened again. Do you want to identify whether it is because you are lazy or because your internal energy has been exhausted? If you run out, just recharge.
    5. Extension of self-discipline: encourage yourself to do more minutes to exercise your self-discipline ability every time you want to give up;
    6. Psychological suggestion: use some small items of psychological suggestion, such as clothes, lipstick, etc; Every day, read some inspirational golden sentences, or when you want to give up, see what your version is doing.
    7. Catalyst theory: accelerate daily methods to make public commitments. Paste some post it notes and tear off one after completing a task, which can speed up the schedule;
    8. Construct an efficient environment: The fundamental and essence of avoiding procrastination is not to distract yourself. The first thing to do is to turn off unnecessary information sources, such as computer pop-up windows, mobile phone information alerts, etc. The second point is to clear the items that attract your attention, such as newly bought cups, favorite lipstick, etc. The third point is to shield the noise and create a situation far away from interference. Fourth, tell others when not to disturb yourself. This is your own time.
    9. Get rid of bad habits: what can make you procrastinate indefinitely without feeling the passage of time, such as playing games, watching TV, etc. If your procrastination is a waste of these things, I suggest that if you want to improve your life efficiency in stages, you must completely abandon them.
    10. Do efficiency testing for yourself: no matter whether you like doing something or not, we simply regard it as a good opportunity to train you to improve your efficiency. Separate time and workload tasks are assigned, and then they are completed. Every time you do better than the last time, if you can do everything efficiently, like what you don't like, then it proves that your efficiency is a habit of life.
    11. Force yourself: Sometimes you can do more in unit time by force.
    12. Who you go with determines your future: We need to create an environment where people are the teachers. We need to be with better people. At the same time, you need to know who holds the better people, and then enter this platform to constantly improve yourself. But the key is whether you have the ability and determination at this moment.

4. Health management: exercise, rest, diet, mood

This requires us to maintain good work and rest time, exercise regularly and scientific diet management. But there is a very important and often overlooked part of health management besides the body part, which is called emotional management. Emotional management is very important. Successful career and intentional life foundation: "correct lifestyle", "understanding of human behavior", "correct way to deal with interpersonal relationships"; If you follow the three things of proper nutrition, physical exercise and mental relaxation, you will not be far from your dream.

 How to do well in life efficiency management

Health management

  • Eat healthily
    1. Basic concepts: the first is what to eat, and the second is how much to eat;
    2. Three principles: The first point is that eating healthily does not mean that many things cannot be eaten. The second is that we can try to reduce the intake of toxic food. Third, eliminate toxic substances in time. The excretion mechanism should tamp it and follow the correct excretion time of the body;
    3. Three Circles: The body has three corresponding circulatory systems for food. The first part is the distribution circulatory system, that is, eating and digestion. The main working time is from 12 o'clock at noon to 8 o'clock at night. The second point is the absorption and circulation system, that is, the absorption and utilization of food. The main working time is from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., so as to minimize the related sports. The third part is the excretion and circulation system, that is, the elimination of waste, from 4 o'clock to 12 o'clock in the morning.
  • Sleep and rest: ensure the quality of sleep and deep sleep;
  • Sports: everyone should find their favorite way of sports
  • Knowledge intake: pay attention to the depth and breadth of knowledge. Depth refers to the precipitation of hard skills.
  • Influence of energy: everyone is an energy field, which can affect people around. Construct your own energy field.
  • Emotion management: we need to do emotional management, which must be divided into long-term or short-term. Long term management means that everyone needs to know what the source of their bad emotions is and do comprehensive analysis. It is a choice analysis of life strategies.
    • How did the bad mood come about? First, bad emotions come from your guilt. Second, sometimes because you refuse others, you will feel whether you hurt others, and this feeling also has a corresponding impact. The third point is that for example, if you haven't finished anything, the task list in your mind will not be completed, and sometimes it will affect one's mood. Fourth, many people are especially obsessed with the past, and he will never forget it. Then such people should take some methods, such as distracting or reducing your intensity and the frequency of stress or injury, and come out through this way. Fifth, some people have low self-esteem at the beginning of the day. Sometimes when I get out of bed, I feel angry and feel uncomfortable. Sixth, he usually has emotions. Bad emotions come generally because he is afraid of failure. The seventh point is that a person usually feels lonely. The eighth point is the troubles of "minor troubles and setbacks". Ninth, many people are hungry, so it will have a negative emotional impact. The tenth is over fatigue. Sometimes, fatigue can also lead to some bad emotions.

    • Ways to control emotions:

      • 336 Breathing method, you first need to pass through the nose. Inhale for 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and exhale for 6 seconds. If it is 448, it means to inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. You must ensure that the final exhaled breath is equal to or greater than the total time of your inspiration and holding your breath. At this time, you will quickly improve your blood flow, and a signal will be formed in your brain, that is, "Slow down, everything is normal, don't be afraid".
      • Distraction means that if you are worried about something but haven't thought of a suitable solution, you can distract yourself and forget it for a while. Distraction, sometimes because it can let our brain into a more relaxed state and way.
      • That is, you can try to eat sweet food, but you need to stop eating sweet food.
      • Essential oil therapy: lavender essential oil can be used before you go to bed at night, and it will help you sleep soundly. In addition, there are tea tree essential oil and eucalyptus essential oil, which are generally used to prevent colds and purify the air. In terms of emotional relief, we recommend orange or grapefruit essential oil.
      • Meditate. It can lead everyone from 0 to 1 to achieve very different results. In our Leader Leader system, many of them get up in the morning to meditate and meditate. During this period, we must be free from distractions.

3、 Output system

 How to do well in life efficiency management

Output system

3.1 Monetary value per unit time

When it comes to life efficiency, if you want to achieve something, you should take the result as the ultimate goal. We can imagine what the result is. The output system of a person is the result of a person. The output of a person actually refers to a basic concept, called monetary value per unit time. Calculation formula: value per unit time=daily income/24

3.2 Accumulation of iron triangle

  • Hard skills: a person's hard skills refer to the ability to realize knowledge and skills.
  • Good habits: good habits, in fact, often refer to self-management related, generally manifested as the strength of persistence. Sometimes, whether a person is a trustworthy person can actually endorse himself through his good habits.
  • Comprehensive quality: it often refers to that a person has knowledge and culture. Therefore, I think if you want to build your own triangle, you should first complete the accumulation of your own hard skills. If it is the three vertices of a triangle, you will know that it is a stable structure. If a person lacks any one item, you will find that he is not a "complete" person.

How to realize the dream? Action is a key indicator. So you need to see if you lack the accumulation of hard skills? Or the formation of good habits? Or the construction of comprehensive quality? If you lack any of these three aspects, you need to take time to make up for yourself.

3.3 Output form

The highest standard of learning is to teach.

  • Speech: repeated training
  • Writing: repeated training
  • Practice: No matter what kind of work you do, this position is actually your output mode, so you need to take a look at where the best people with your skills are and what their current salary level is. What support do you need to reach the level of that kind of person. This is all in the output system. If you want to form a comprehensive understanding, you must think about every detail and content.

3.4 Output training

  1. Find every opportunity to try;
  2. Create a sense of ritual: create a sense of ritual through meditation, and simulate the scene on the stage;
  3. Deliberate practice and 10000 hours:
    1. Select goals and work towards them;
    2. Find the leading figure, establish a mentor, and learn from others;
    3. Find a life coach to supervise,
    4. Don't think about teaching yourself at the beginning of learning, find the teacher first

3.5 Comprehension, quantitative change to qualitative change

  1. Time: You need to make a breakdown of your time, because everyone's situation is different. Anyone who wants to achieve the goal of life needs to take time as a basic measurement goal. Time for skill: spend the basic time on skill training, make money with time, and then pay for the required skills,;
  2. Practice: diligence, correct method;

The above is the main content of life efficiency management. I will update some details later. Please pay more attention. If you think it's good, please give it a thumbs up! If you need brain maps and other learning materials, send me a private message.

Originated from Jianshu: PM Uncle Xiong

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