Three suggestions for middle managers

Introduction: To be excellent middle managers What needs to be done? I will discuss this topic with you today.

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Some fans left me a message, He said that he was confused and anxious when he was a middle manager.
Employees complain that they can't see the problem. They will only set high goals and let subordinates take the blame. Being questioned by the superior is incompetent, because the team can't get results. The colleagues at the same level felt that he had robbed them of resources, and they had a lot of complaints.
He felt very aggrieved. In some problems, the boss did not change his mind. He could not change anything he did. The superior management was rude and only asked him for results. The peers felt that he wasted resources and had no overall view.
Why is your situation so difficult? Why do others always ignore your value? Let's expand.


 Three suggestions for middle managers

Middle managers: pain of being ignored

1. Forced to become a microphone

Some people say that grass-roots managers directly take the results, and the decision-making level makes strategies, However, it is useless for the middle level. Ask the subordinates to solve minor problems and the boss to solve major problems. Obviously, this sentence is biased against middle managers, It is the neglect of your work value.

Why should the superior skip the management? Why does he think you are worthless? Why is there such prejudice? There are usually three situations for the problem of skip management:

First, distrust and question your ability

At this time, you need to think about the relationship with your superiors. Why does he want to undermine you? How is your upward management? Are you aligned with his cognition? Can he accept subordinates who are more capable than himself?

For example, some people have no tolerance for others, fear capable subordinates, and fear being pushed out of office; Some people have no management awareness and strong professional ability, but they will not coach subordinates; Others are impatient and result oriented.

Second, there is no change in management thinking.

How to understand this sentence? Although the superior is in the position of an executive, he does not have the thinking mode and management skills of an executive. If he does what you should do, you have nothing to do.

In the eyes of subordinates, you are not the final decision maker, and they will perfunctory you. You are forced to become a mouthpiece when the superior manages and the subordinate reports to the superior.

For example, when the company cooperates with the outside world, the general direction is controlled by your superiors, and the specific implementation plans are made by the subordinates with the team. Some project meetings do not involve you at all, and you have no right to decide if there is a problem, so you can only wait for the leaders to make a decision. At this time, you are forced to become dispensable.

Ram Charan said in the Leadership Echelon that there are six stages in the career development of leaders, When managers step into the next stage, they should have the working principles, skills and time management capabilities required by this level. As a senior manager, your superior should be able to formulate strategies and coordinate the overall strategic planning of the business department, rather than focusing on front-line managers and focusing on business processes and details.

Third, ignore the value of middle managers

Then why does the superior want to overstep the management? In the final analysis He ignored your value and did not realize the importance of middle managers to the operation and development of the enterprise.

This view aggravates the collective anxiety of the middle class. Especially in the past two years, the big factories have laid off workers, and the bleak situation may make you feel cold. Fans also laughed at themselves and said he Not only face the age crisis of 35 years old, but also face the crisis of middle managers.

The middle class is useless because you have no chance to play your role, not because you really have no value. If the company is compared to a person, you are the strength of the waist. Without the waist, you can't support your upper body; Compare the company to a building. You are the concrete floor, making the building more solid.

If any company wants to run efficiently, it needs to do its own job. If the support of the waist is lost, the whole company will collapse.

2. Unable to manage and lead the team

Do you have strong business ability, but you can't get results when you lead a team? In fact, this is too common. Business ability is one thing, management ability is another.

For example, a former student of mine, he is a technical graduate and very professional. After being promoted to technical director, he didn't know what to do, The team did not perform for several months, several supervisors were in poor condition, and star employees left.

When I asked him, I knew that he was very busy at ordinary times, and he was focusing on important matters and minor matters. Sometimes he will directly communicate with employees when he finds that their progress is slow or there are technical problems.

Moreover, he did not know how to set performance goals and conduct performance appraisal for several supervisors. No matter how he scored, several supervisors felt unfair. Working with emotion will naturally affect the atmosphere of the team below.

In addition, after being the director, there are many meetings and collaborative work, I always felt that I could not understand my conversation with colleagues in other parallel departments. There were many coordination problems and he was always needed to fight the fire. He collapsed and began to doubt himself. Many middle managers have faced such a dilemma.

Because you have to manage upward and strive for opportunities for the team; Be responsible downward and help subordinates get performance; We will also work well with the collaboration department to achieve win-win results. All of these require you to have a high professional quality and be trained in systematic management thinking.

After the class, the director said to me, "Cherry, I have found the feeling of management". Why? He said that the HR director of the company told him that among the business leaders, only he understood his own words. He thinks this change is amazing.

In fact, it was he who slowly found business logic and relevance in the whole practice of setting goals, chasing the process and getting results after class. His thinking has also become more open. On the basis of understanding the people and human nature, he knows when to fight and when to compromise.

 Three suggestions for middle managers

Three suggestions for middle managers

Based on my work experience and communication with the boss and senior executives, I give three suggestions to middle managers, hoping that they can be valuable to you.
1. Strategic thinking and overall thinking
Why is the first one strategic thinking and overall thinking? Only in this way can you not become a microphone.
When you become a middle manager, your position has changed. You need to understand the company's strategy. And break down these strategies to departments, so that subordinates and employees can understand why they should do this.
Only when the value and direction of an event are determined, can it have a strong executive force. Three points of strategy, seven points of execution. Your ability affects the company's execution.
You need to do a good job of regulation and allocation of resources, involving personnel, finance and business allocation. Think about whether each team can complete the task on time, and how about the quality? Which team is suitable for a challenging project? Which team is wasting resources? What team contributes the most? How to improve human efficiency and so on.
You also need to be able to work effectively with the department and break the department wall. By communicating and checking the missions and strategic objectives of different departments, and the degree of correlation with the department, help the team to effectively coordinate with other teams and achieve the company's goals, which are inseparable from strategic thinking and global thinking.
2. Become a coach and mentor of the team
Select front-line managers, When you become a middle-level manager, you should realize that the coaches and mentors of your front-line supervisors should spend a large part of their time cultivating lower level managers.
When the front-line supervisor has strong ability and mastered methods and skills, you can delegate. This way you can also find time to do more important things.
Never be nepotism. Keep an open mind and dare to recruit people who are better than you. The unified team structure lacks vitality, can not withstand challenges and innovation, and is trapped in the dilemma of performance growth.
If you want to innovate, if you want the team to get results, if you want the organization to develop healthily Focus on and cultivate the team People with good personality, top 10% performance, learning ability and management potential.
3. Adjust work focus and timely coach front-line managers
You should adjust your work priorities, It is necessary to grasp the work direction of front-line managers, rather than the work details and implementation level. You should let them learn to be responsible for their own work.
It is necessary to correctly evaluate the work of front-line supervisors and coach incompetent grassroots managers. Cultivate them, let them not only attach importance to business, but also learn to manage and attach importance to people.
When you find a problem with a team, adjust the personnel in a timely manner. There is no perfect individual, but you can create a perfect team.
 Three suggestions for middle managers
Correct working thinking to build middle level competitiveness
If you want to be a valuable middle manager:
First of all, there should be strategic thinking and overall thinking, You should have the ability to understand the strategy and be a resource allocator. Break the department wall, help the team to effectively coordinate work, and be the commander in chief.
Secondly, make a good role change, Select front-line managers to be their coaches.
Finally, learn to Shift of work focus Coach front-line managers in time.
You believe in the value of middle managers more than anyone else. The key to whether the company's strategy can be implemented is whether you can upload and release it, and bind the employee's goals with the company's goals.
What you do belongs to hidden learning. You can't see or touch it, but don't question yourself because others ignore it.
The manager's mind is full of grievances. Although I have said this sentence many times, you will understand it only if you really experience it. Middle manager's Value is not found or waited for, but accumulated through actions and verified by results.

Originated from WeChat official account (Zhang Lijun)

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