The value of a pair of "flip flops"

individual values

I went to an offline sharing class last weekend, and one of the guests impressed me very much, because this brother wore a pair of clothes when sharing flip flops , plus shorts, and the stubble that doesn't seem to have been repaired much. Could it be that the organizer didn't have enough money to hire someone to collect the money?

No, this guy is a fission expert who has served many front-line companies, such as NetEase. As the saying goes, people can't look good, and the sea water can't be measured. Everyone with some strength has a feeling of being ugly, such as Tiger Me.

So I couldn't help thinking, look for a dozen operate , standing side by side, how can we judge their strength from their appearance and dress? It can't be judged, only through their trading case The achievements and positions of the company can only be judged, but these are hidden, invisible and intangible, but very important.

As a part of operation or life, I want to gain recognition and respect from others, and improve the hidden value It seems very necessary. Here I will explain to you from the following aspects to see how we can wear flip flops to teach like the man above.

1、 The logic behind "flip flops" is personal value

2、 What are the aspects of personal value

3、 Ways to enhance personal value

1、 The logic behind "flip flops" is personal value

The greater your personal value, the less you care about others' eyes. This is also the case in many companies. People with good performance and effective plans don't pay attention to the company system. They often do such things as being late and not writing reports. The boss won't say anything. After all, people have the ability there. If you have the ability, you can also do an activity to bring in millions of users. You can also be late, Don't worry about deduction or dismissal.

The greater your personal value, the more respect you will get from others. To give a simple example, what do you call Ma Yun? Ma Yun's father! Yes, although people's parents are not handsome, they are idols of many people. Why? Because there is Ali behind them. Just imagine, if Ma Yun's father gave Ali to a beggar on the roadside, what would be the result? We have another father. Just like the Loser Man 1 in Player 1, after sitting in the oasis, people turned their eyes from looking down to looking up.

2、 What are the aspects of personal value

Value at work

If I guess right, everyone has a job or is looking for a job. As the mainstay of the society and migrant workers, our value is measured by the output of our work, and the output of our work and the remuneration we receive are equal, and there are also some inequalities, either because we met a black hearted boss or because we overestimated ourselves.

The value of work is reflected in the ability to solve problems. What kind of people in the company are the most popular with the boss and can solve problems. No matter how big a company is or how long it has been established, it will face a big push. Tencent, such a large but unswerving company, is also facing more problems than you can imagine. If you don't pay attention to Tiao Yin, you may fall off the altar, such as Baidu.

The person who can solve this problem, I mean dithering, must have great wisdom and ability, and ordinary people can't handle it. In small companies, more problems are how to make profits and survive. In a small company, people who can bring benefits to the company are the most valuable.

The value of work determines more than 80% of a person's value. How do we judge whether a person is valuable and how much he is worth? Of course, it is not based on the market price of pork, but on where he works, how much his annual salary, and how many shares he has. If there is no good job, in the traditional view, he must be worthless. Just like everyone wants to enter a public institution, we are not worth our money, but because we have entered a valuable institution, we have become valuable. So I have always wanted to enter an organization, but I have no access. If you have any information, you can tell me that this organization is called "Divine Shield Bureau".

The value of the mind

What do you hate most in your spare time? Talk about work. In our spare time, we made new friends, and in the process of chatting, we also evaluated the value of a person to see if he or she is worthy of deep friendship. I remember someone once said to me: I talked with you for ten minutes, and I thought you were not easy.

The value of the brain is embodied in erudition. The requirement of erudition is still a little too high. We only need to be focused and professional in a certain field, which can scare many people. No, it is persuasion. Last time, a person from a channel visited the company and talked about the advertising business. Their product is exactly what I am familiar with. I talked about the development of the industry and the future form of advertising from the perspective of the realization, production and optimization of advertising. The other party was stunned. However, when talking about rebate, I still didn't agree. After all, this is decided by the CEO, and the people below are only responsible for the implementation. Finally, the person left our company with an extremely adorable vision. There is no way. The knowledgeable person is powerful.

The value of common sense

What is the value of common sense? It is a role that can help people solve daily problems. In the company, such people are like gods, and in life, they are like giant pandas. Everyone loves them.

The value of common sense is the combination of working ability and erudition. In my life, people often come to me for advice, which is almost irrelevant to my current job and not a living problem. For example, I am faced with a choice. How should I choose between low paid companies with shares and high paid companies without shares? Based on my past experience and understanding of the company, I suggest him how to do it. Then why do others come to me for advice? Handsome and helpless. Cough, cough, cough, well, don't say anything against your heart. Because you've stepped in the pit and stayed in many companies, you know what the boss thinks, so you can give reasonable suggestions.

3、 Ways to enhance personal value

Read more books

Adults are more efficient in reading than they were in school. In the past, reading was forced, but few of them learned the chemical periodic table because of interest. Books read by adults, such as Secrets of Earning One Million a Day, How to Exceed Ma Yun's Father, and The Next Richest Man, are all driven internally. The titles of the above books are drawn up by me. People with a little sense should not read these books. What are we going to read? "The Art of Project Management", "Tipping Point" and "Exploding Money Copy" are similar, which are helpful to my work.

Many of my ideas are based on books. What is the most important thing for creating blockbusters? The selling points are learned from books first. If we don't read books, we can only summarize from practice, and we don't know how many pits we have to step on to sum up. On the first page of the book, I was told that product promotion should have adhesion. Reading is a good way to grow quickly. You should know that when someone writes a book, he or she condenses decades of experience and experience. I absorbed it in a few hours. I really make money when I see it.

Listen less

I heard a lot of feedback from people who said that after listening to a lot of classes, I felt that they talked too much and wasted time. Some people thought it was very useful at that time, but when they applied it, they were confused again and still did things the same way. This may vary from person to person. I will dedicate myself to my own situation, not everyone. For example, a teacher lectures for three hours. If it is sorted into words, I can read it in 30 minutes at most and absorb valuable information. If you listen to the class, you will waste two and a half hours. God, wasting time is more shameful than wasting food. I will never allow this to happen.

Therefore, I seldom listen to other people's voice messages. They are all translated into words. A 59 second voice can be translated into Chinese characters and read in 10 seconds, saving time. As a person, there is a limited time every day, 24 hours. There is much waste here, and less time can be used. So, less listening and more reading can make twice the result with half the effort.

You should communicate more.

It's fun to communicate with others. When I was doing the online celebrity business of Tiaoyin, I felt that the information I learned from Baidu and the public account was too one-sided. Some hidden things can only be obtained when I communicate with people.

For example, what is the situation in the dithering market? You can't imagine that many senior advertisers act like rain men in this business. Although they are smart in some way, they act like fools in this business. My mother won't let me play with them. We should talk to them carefully for a long time, but we can't always talk about it, because they still use the idea of effect advertising to do brand advertising.

Through more exchanges, I learned that there are trade unions, exclusives, multiple endorsements, straight hair and creation, hot money, deletion, and all kinds of gratitude and hatred can be found in the ecology of Diaoyin. It was the first time to promote Diaoyin to a milk tea shop, and it was only after three or four articles of promotion that it was hot. If you follow the method of effect advertising, you can't quit immediately, It can never be done. This method of popularity of multiple videos is also learned through communication.

Help others more

Everyone is profit seeking. Without the temptation of profit, most people are difficult to help others. In fact, it can be said that when we help others, we are helping ourselves. As some fans say, I'm not picking Wang Ju, I'm picking myself. To speak of others is to do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

To be precise, when we help others, it is also helpful to improve our own ability. When I help others to make plans, I will look up various resources and look through previous cases. Many previously verified effective plans have been found, and sometimes I find that I was once so powerful. Some experiences have been forgotten over time.

The above are some reflections on personal value, or just to complain. It is not dry goods, nor chicken soup, nor good to drink. It is more like a joke. It is good for everyone to be happy. This is also a way for me to realize personal value. More output, more precipitation, and more uncertainty will help a lost child.

Author: Tiger, an operation bull, is a young man with ideas. He has focused on product operation for 100 years, and is proficient in all modules of operation, data, users, and promotion. He is known as an old operator.

Public account: Tiger Talk Operation

WeChat: 86892677

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