The height of cognition determines the height of your life

I have played the cash flow game before, and I have deep feelings about the mouse track. In the game, some people can easily use a series of investment decisions to jump out of the mouse track, while some people can only struggle in the mouse track all the time.

 The height of cognition determines the height of your life

The value created for the society determines your value

It is found that in reality, the thinking mode between people will also lead to different achievements. As members of the society, we will participate in the social division of labor, and according to the different division of labor, the rewards are also very different.

Some articles on the Internet before, "Your peers are abandoning you" and "The post 90s are earning millions a month", sounded very heartfelt at the beginning, why others can easily earn big money, but we are still struggling in the rat race with dead wages.

In fact, according to the value created by individuals, there are generally three ways: first, find a job to provide value for the company and indirectly provide value for customers; The second is to develop personal career and directly provide value to customers; The third is to hire employees to provide value for customers through entrepreneurship.

 The height of cognition determines the height of your life

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Some of the peers in those articles are the founders of a unicorn enterprise, some are doing their own business, and we are just ordinary office workers. The risks taken are different from the degree of value provided to the society, and of course the benefits will be far from the same.

The simplest way to create value is to find a job. On the basis of a job, you can continue to try sidelines. If it goes well, you can make your sidelines bigger and bigger, and finally become a personal career. Next, we can explore to further expand the scale of our business, that is, entrepreneurship.

 The height of cognition determines the height of your life

Build your own core competitiveness

When doing enterprise analysis, I will make value analysis tables to analyze its business model. The most important point is the core competitiveness of the enterprise. For individuals, it is also crucial to establish core competitiveness in the workplace.

I know a freelancer who was a senior HR before, but now he has quit his job to start his own business, mainly to coach college students for on-the-job interviews.

In his work, he had an understanding that the wage gap would be large if the value provided to the company was different. In the work, we should constantly seek new value points and create greater value for the company, so that we can grow faster and get returns.

When he was working, he found that the company was in a growth period and there was a great demand for talents, but some of the employees who had been recruited could not keep up with the company's development speed, so he took the initiative to take the job to provide greater value to the enterprise if he wanted to carry out employee training.

Therefore, for individuals, in addition to building their own core competitiveness, they should learn to judge where the value needs of enterprises are, and then cultivate their own core competitiveness in that direction.

 The height of cognition determines the height of your life

cognition height Decide on the gap with Niuren

Sometimes, I think there is a big gap between my thinking and that of others. I forget who said that the biggest gap between people is their cognitive level.

It may be because of Buffett's value investment theory that he knows a big investment man. In addition to reading the company's annual report, he will also analyze the company's business model to determine whether it has investment value.

During the conversation with him, I also learned some of his growth experience. After all, everyone grows up little by little. He used to work in an Internet finance company product manager Yes, when he was working, he analyzed the business model of the company. Because he would be exposed to all aspects of the project, he knew how the business model worked.

 The height of cognition determines the height of your life

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He identified one of the entry points. While working, he also used this business model to do sideline work. When the sideline income exceeded his job, he resigned to start a freelance job, and then expanded the scale to start his own business. When the company develops to a certain scale, it will hire people to take care of the company for itself, rather than doing it personally.

At this stage, the money income brought by entrepreneurship is large enough, but how can he manage this money to obtain higher income? So he studied the business model of other companies to judge their investment value. The realized profit rate of return reached 300%. He bought some stocks of not very well-known companies, but because its business model was verified to have value attributes and profit attributes, the company's stocks rose significantly.

From their experience, they can try to find their own core competitiveness from their current work, and the core competitiveness matching the development needs of the company. This is really a very important point. Because of the expansion of the company, many new colleagues have come recently, and I feel that my existing knowledge and skills can not keep up with the overall level. Therefore, it is more necessary to improve, but we should find the right direction for improvement. For example, the company needs talents who can bring user growth, and the work we do is only to achieve this goal indirectly. Then we should be closer to the demand and become the person who can directly provide value.

Also speaking of sidelines, I may not consider this at this stage, because the first few years of work was a period of rapid accumulation. If you do your job well first, the return will be the highest.

While doing your job well, you can make value analysis tables and analyze the business model of some enterprises in the industries you are interested in. If you are going to do your own business in the future, where do you want to start? Do an MVP (minimize feasible products), and verify it from the value hypothesis and profit hypothesis.

One of the ways to become excellent is to be closer to your idol, and develop towards them who you want to be. They must have some characteristics you want to find out and develop them gradually.

I have to say that my idols all have their own careers. They are really beautiful and confident, and their hearts are strong enough to not be ignored. The kind that can be seen in the crowd at a glance, I feel that their bodies will really shine.

If they are ordinary employees, although they are also creating value for the society, then their shining points will disappear and disappear in the crowd, which is no different from most of us. However, with a career that they are proud of, it will infinitely magnify the nature of their body.

I feel that after writing this article, I will end my recent state of mourning, and think about the person I want to be, and it will be full of blood again.

Originated from a simple book: less envy

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