A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Before starting today's article, we must reach a consensus that face is justice.
No one has the obligation to dig out your good heart through your ugly appearance. Similarly, no one has the obligation to pay attention to your public account through hot eye typesetting.
It is said that "content is king". Is typesetting important?
Content itself is always the most important factor in the creation process, but how to make people have a better reading experience is also a problem that we media people in the era of electronic reading must consider.
1. Good reading experience
Good presentation can make readers more focused on the content, and the content is easier to be accepted and understood; The poor presentation will drive away many potential readers, resulting in a waste of information.
2. Create brand image
Image and text content is the core product of the public account, and also the first vision of the public account to users. The visual experience presented by the image and text typesetting has a great impact on the user's perception of the public account brand image.
3. Give people a hint of "excellent content"
A beautiful layout can give users a hint of "excellent content", while a bad layout will make users bored.
The following two groups of comparison pictures let you feel that silence is better than sound:

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Figure 1: Hot Eyes Collection

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Figure 2: Eyewash Collection
Common typographical errors
In the process of typesetting, novice editors often fall into these misunderstandings:
written words
1. Line spacing is too crowded or sparse

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

2. The font size is too large or too small

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

3. The style is too complicated or monotonous

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

1. Use high saturation color to stimulate eyes

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

2. Multiple color fonts or formats appear in an article

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

1. The title is too long, blocking the head map, or folded into multiple lines

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

2. There are strange symbols or spaces in the title

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Basic norms and skills of text typesetting of public accounts
written words
● The line spacing should be 1.5 or 1.75
The font size of the text shall not be less than 14 and generally not more than 16
The first line of text does not need to be indented (2 spaces are not needed)
A space between paragraphs, paragraphs and pictures
The parts that need to be highlighted can be appropriately thickened or distinguished with other colors
If it is not a long text, you can try to break the paragraph and center it
Drafting of attention abstract of single graphic message
Be sure to preview articles before they are officially pushed

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Watermelon King case Demonstration (correct case!)
Use the same color system, or the same color system+black, white and gray to make the color transition natural
There should be no more than 5 main colors in an article, and try to control them within 3

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

The number of words in the head map title should be controlled within 1 line as far as possible, about 13-15 words. If it exceeds the limit, the line will be changed, blocking the head map and affecting the aesthetic feeling.
The title should be as concise as possible and the addition of special characters should be reduced.

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

How to improve the design of articles through pictures
First level cover: 900 * 500; Secondary cover: 640 * 640
Cover Page Theme
Clean and concise, consistent with the content of the article; The overall style should be consistent as far as possible with pictures and texts

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Text with pictures
Try to use horizontal pictures, try to unify the theme and color of the pictures, and adjust the width of the pictures to be consistent
If comments need to be added at the bottom of the picture, it is recommended to be 1 size smaller than the text font size
Be careful with facial expression packs

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Aids to enhance the visual experience of content
Maker post
Maker Post is a simple and easy-to-use online graphic design tool. The platform provides a wealth of pictures, templates and other materials. Through simple drag and drop operations, you can easily design beautiful posters, PPTs, public account covers, and other pictures.

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Xiumi Editor
The page is simple and beautiful, free from advertisements, and the layout style is diverse

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Idea Editor
Exquisite and generous design, providing copyrighted picture materials, rich styles and exquisite templates

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

135 Editor

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

I Typography

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Watermelon Advanced Editor
Developed by the technical team of Watermelon King, it is applicable to users of "Watermelon Official Account Assistant". It supports online editing of multiple images and texts, and synchronization to the WeChat background with one key.

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Forage QR code generator
The two-dimensional code generator for forage is a software that can generate two-dimensional codes quickly and easily. It can directly generate two-dimensional codes from texts, websites, business cards, pictures, etc.

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Creative QR code of Workshop 9  
The QR code generator with the most sense of design needs to be used for a fee

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

HD exquisite picture website
Stokpic image material library provides a wide range of high-definition image resources, mainly classified into abstract, animal, architecture, background, black and white, fashion, food, landscape, life, nature, objects, people, sports, technology, aestheticism and other rich categories.

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Gratisography: The free high-resolution photography picture library is a distribution center that provides free high-quality photography pictures. All pictures can be used for personal or commercial purposes. Pictures are updated every week.

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Petal net

 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan


 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan


 A full introduction to the layout of the public account that can raise the salary of the new media editor by 1000 yuan

Author: He Shisan

Source: Watermelon King

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Original article, author: Love Operation, if reproduced, please indicate the source: https://www.iyunying.org/social/wxyy/80795.html

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