Public accounts are constantly changing, where should content creators go?

Are you still doing public accounts in 2023?

WeChat Public account Recently, there have been a lot of updates, such as the upgrade of the image and text messages on the public account, the changes of the display image of the subscription account, etc. These changes have had a lot of impact on the content creators of WeChat. What should the content creators do in the future? Follow Xiao Bian to have a look.
1. The public account changes constantly
Have you noticed the three changes of the public account before starting? Is the traffic affected by these? 1) Upgrade of public account picture message function 2) Subscription number display large image becomes small image

3) Public account articles add public domain traffic recommendation

On February 16, the official WeChat account "WeChat faction" released a tweet: "Today, meet in another way". The new way of sending image and text messages is refreshing. Nine pictures can slide left and right on the mobile phone, but can't slide left and right on the computer. The title and text content are below the pictures, and messages can be left in the lower left corner to interact with the caller.


Image source: WeChat official account

After the upgrade, there can be up to 9 pictures uploaded at a time, with a picture display ratio of 3:4; The copy is expanded from 140 words to 1000 words; You can fill in the title, but you cannot mark the original or add the author. At present, this function has been fully launched on the PC side, and the subscription number assistant app is still under development.

Image source: screenshot of WeChat official account

The detailed operation process of image and text message push can be viewed by looking up the watermelon data video number.

Previously, at the beginning of February, the large picture of subscription number display quietly turned into a small picture, which also surprised the content creators.

All subscription numbers are [Large picture of header+small picture of secondary picture] After the revision, all subscription numbers without stars will be displayed in small pictures, even messages received after subscription will be displayed in small pictures.

In this regard, WeChat officials have not released specific criteria. According to the reader's feedback, the subscription number that was opened this week was also judged as a small picture display. It can be seen that the new standard is not only about "recently opened", but also about "reading frequency". The only sure thing is After the star sign subscription number, the headline will display a large picture


Image source: WeChat

The large picture of the public account has the effect of attracting users' attention. After the revision, each public account frantically asks users to star their own public account in order to maintain their reading. This gives the public account operate Add difficulty. In the past, most of the public account article traffic came from the private domain. Recently, it was found that many small and medium-sized accounts saw a surge in reading, most of which came from the public domain recommendation of the public account. Users can also see the articles recommending the public account without paying attention to the public account. There are 2 recommendation positions in the public domain of public account articles: "Take a look" under the article and "Take a look" under the subscription number.

The system will recommend three related articles after the user likes or reads any article, which is generally the public account article that he or she does not pay attention to. The user opens the subscription account to view the articles of his/her following account, and then "take a look" will appear. What is recommended is the articles of the account that are not followed.


Image source: WeChat official account

This change has increased the public domain traffic portal of public account articles, which is no longer the previously closed private domain. What are the impacts of the upgrade of WeChat official account image and text messages, the revision of subscription account version, and the increase of public account article traffic sources on content creators?
2. More opportunities or more difficulties?
These changes in WeChat public accounts have caused extensive discussion. Some people believe that these changes have brought more opportunities to content creators, while others believe that these changes have made the situation of content creators more difficult.
As soon as the picture message of WeChat official account was upgraded, some netizens said: "What's the difference between this and the small red book? Is this the [small green book]?" And whether WeChat short content developed based on social networking can catch up with the small red book developed based on content is unknown now. After making up short lessons, not only the small red books but also the creators of long content were "injured". Picture messages can directly display large pictures on the subscription number message page, so the recent change in the display mode of subscription number header can also be understood as WeChat's tilt to short content. The subscription number message display will weaken the traffic of the head account and is unfriendly to accounts that attract users with the head account.
Of course, these changes have also brought a lot of good effects. The short content of WeChat and the added recommendation function are friendly to the new account. Now we can still seize the opportunity of WeChat changes to enter the public account. Content creators are only a small group in the entire WeChat ecosystem. The change of the public account may be more about the experience of ordinary users. For the entire platform, improving the overall reading efficiency may be the purpose of the revision. The traffic of the entire public account is no longer focused on long content push and private domain traffic. The recommendation of public domain traffic and the growing proportion of short content have lowered the creation threshold for content creators, increased the channels to increase the number of readers and fans, and also helped to obtain stream revenue.

It is not easy for content creators to compete for the internal attention of public accounts and the traffic of the whole network. The constant change of public accounts may be a challenge or an opportunity for content creators.

3. Where to go for content creators
The constant change of WeChat public account is an established fact, which cannot change the platform rules. Maybe we can only embrace change and do what we can within the rules. Here are some tips for content creators~
1) Content is king, and it is still not outdated
For content creators, no matter which platform they are on, good content will never be outdated, and forging iron requires their own hard work. No matter what changes the platform has, this cannot be overemphasized.
2) Accumulate and summarize practical experience
After the revision of the public account, we found that in the public domain traffic recommendation of the public account, the more original the account, the easier it is to enter the recommendation pool. Of course, recommendation is also related to the account registration time. Old accounts are not easy to be recommended, but new accounts are easier. Therefore, if an old account wants to be recommended, it needs to maintain the originality of the entire account and observe the effect after a period of operation. Reprint accounts are hard to be recommended and can only be cashed out by their own fans. In the recommendation related articles, you can capture keywords according to your own field and then use them in the articles, which is also helpful to improve the recommendation of articles.
3) Both popular and popular content
If you want to rely on the public account for cash, only the popular money may bring traffic but not necessarily retain fans. If you want to have more ways of realization, such as receiving advertisements, bringing goods, paying for knowledge, etc., you need to have iron powder and be willing to read every article of yours. In the layout of push articles, it is necessary to attract users with good content and retain the content of users.
4. Conclusion
In the face of the change of public accounts, content creators conform to the rules of the platform on the premise of ensuring the content. In the process of seeking change, they are also reshaping themselves, constantly going out of the comfort zone, and striving for perfection. Only in this way can they keep up with the pace of development, and may be eliminated if they do not change. The above is the whole content of this issue~Welcome to the watermelon data discussion~

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