Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

During the May Day holiday, the short video content ecology was very lively, and all kinds of popular videos came out one after another, and the nodes let Fasthand gather a lot of traffic.

The content ecology of short videos during the May Day holiday is very lively, and various popular videos have emerged repeatedly, and the nodes Quick hand Gathered a lot of traffic.

Taking photos, special food, and taking advantage of hot spots have become the traffic codes of fast creative talents, and we will see how they get on this wave of traffic express?

Shooting video breaks 3000 w, and the 1-second release skill reaches its peak

During the May Day travel season, various scenic spots of all sizes have started the mode of "two people and many companies", and taking photos and clocking in has become the standard feature of travel. However, if you want to take a big picture, you don't need the blessing of the scenic spot.

On May 1, @ Delireba won 3455.5w broadcasts and 160.7w likes by challenging the 10s home atmosphere blockbuster.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

△ Guoji · Feiguakuai - video data

The simple background is matched with a simple photography formula, and the film can be released in one second without leaving the house.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

▲ Image source - @ video screenshot of Delireba

On May 2, @ Li Chen recorded a group of blockbusters shot on the exterior wall of the outdoor toilet, and received 3296.3w broadcast and 138.2w praise.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

△ Guoji · Feiguakuai - video data

In a plain scene, using good light source, simple photographing posture can also have a large sense of both vision.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

▲ Image source - @ video screenshot of Li Chen

As a national short video content platform, the star aura has undoubtedly brought a lot of traffic and strengthened social interaction, and star content is also one of the common content in fast hand short videos.

2021 Fast Hand Entertainment Marketing Data Report shows that at the beginning of 2021, the total number of fast hand stars has reached 1500+, and half of the users have paid attention to stars and entertainment accounts. It can be seen that Fasthand has been in the star ecology for a long time.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

▲ Picture source - 2021 Fast Play Entertainment Marketing Data Report

The strong user base also contributes to the continuous popularity. # Spring Star Tour has a high degree of topics, and has accumulated 1.72 billion times of play.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

▲ Picture source - quick topic

In addition, taking advantage of the hot spot of the May Day holiday, plus the visual feast of stars shooting blockbusters every minute, the film making tips naturally won the favor of the public and successfully went out of business.

Countryside+Food Helps Local Themes Break the Circle Again

The competition in the food track has always been particularly fierce, and many talented people try to explore more possibilities under the category of food.

Food expert @ Carpenter Liu's Nostalgic Time 🏠 (Hereinafter referred to as carpenter Liu) recorded the production process of baked toad and gained 2579w playback.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

△ Guoji · Feiguakuai - video data

At the beginning of the video, the two nests of toads quickly attracted the curiosity of users. The novelty of the baked toad in the small crowd retained users to a large extent and improved the completion rate of the video.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

▲ Picture source - @ Carpenter Liu's Nostalgic Time 🏠 Video capture

By analyzing the video content of carpenter Liu, it is found that the account is based on rural life in the 1970s and 1980s. Through the form of "food+story", it records every bit of simple life in rural areas, and various special foods are also loved by the audience.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

△ Guoji · Flying Melons - Video Word Cloud

At the same time, the video released by carpenter Liu has a standardized and unified style in terms of cover and content. With rural life as the keynote, combined with special human settings, create strong memory points.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

▲ Picture source - @ Carpenter Liu's Nostalgic Time 🏠 Video capture

With the support of the platform and the attention of users, rural short videos have developed very rapidly in recent years. The recognized traffic password of "rural+food" has also enabled waves of rural talent to successfully break the circle.

The talent @ A Fei and Cuihua brothers and sisters recorded the process of food selection and production. With the help of A Fei's favorite sister, as well as new food materials such as leeches, bamboo insects and dragon lice, they gradually increased the amount of video playback, up to 6000w+at present.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

△ Guoji · Feiguakuai - video data

Novelty food always catches the curiosity of users. "Farming+beautiful scenery+home-made food+family love" has always been a popular formula for rural themes. The simple and true taste of rural life has aroused strong resonance and also improved the fan stickiness.

"Dig, Dig, Dig" Devil nursery rhymes set off another creation craze

This May Day holiday, compared with the popular offline attractions, the online short video platform is also very lively.

"Digging and digging in a small garden..." During the May Day holiday, everyone was brainwashed by this magical BGM, and tens of millions of people "went to kindergarten" in the live broadcast room. This new brainwashing song has become a recent traffic password.

Miss Huang's sweet appearance and crisp voice attracted many netizens. All friends, big and small, said they would go back to kindergarten.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

▲ Picture source - @ screenshot of music teacher's rich and prosperous video

This catchy melody will automatically play in your mind once you hear it, so this magical nursery rhyme has set off a wave of imitation and creation on the whole network.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

△ Guoji · Feiguakuai - video data

Various versions of the second creation videos have also been popular on the Internet. The same music and rhythm, different jobs and backgrounds of excavator drivers, road workers, dentists, college students... have been brainwashed by this nursery rhyme.

At the same time, for people under pressure, this nursery rhyme also cured them.

Only 52.3w fans have created three versions of college students, migrant workers and licking dogs with their own efforts. Among them, the video "College Students Digging" has exceeded 10 million.

 Play 3000w for many times, and break the logic of the recent quick hit on the short video platform!

▲ Image source - @ Silly Collapse • ᷄ ࡇ • ᷅ Video screenshots

Talent @ Silly Collapse • ᷄ࡇ• ᷅᷅᷅ Since taking advantage of the hot spot of "digging and digging", the number of videos played has risen in a straight line, and the number of likes has also increased by about 40 times compared with the previous videos.

In a word, netizens have caught the current hot spots and caught up with this wave of traffic express. With this brainwashing BGM, it attracts the eyes and also wins a good communication effect.

Statement: All pictures used in the text are annotated.

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