Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Earlier, we introduced the matching logic of the people and goods yard in the live broadcast room, respectively from the anchor capacity, the method of goods selection, the layout of goods, the scene design of the live broadcast room, as well as the live broadcast room targeting and tools and Data analysis The next step is the growth of the traffic in the dithering live broadcast room.

In the previous content, we introduced the methods of obtaining natural traffic in the live broadcast room: recommendation mechanism, cold start practice, numbering method, recommended feed stream, short video streaming and search SEO traffic. This article begins to introduce how to obtain paid traffic. This article will operate Let's share Massive Qianchuan's cognition and basic operation.

1、 A huge number of login entries

Giant Qianchuan is an e-commerce advertising platform under Giant Engine , providing e-commerce integration for businesses and creators Marketing The solution is to build an integrated advertising platform for small stores to support live broadcast and commodity promotion. Support mobile end and PC end launch, based on the degree of launch automation.

Massive engine is the advertising platform under Tiaoyin Juliang Engine is the official marketing service brand under the Diaoyin Group. It is an advertising platform integrating marketing resources such as Toutiao, Diaoyin, watermelon video, etc., to learn about today's Toutiao promotion, Diaoyin advertising, Diaoyin promotion, Diaoyin advertising, Diaoyin promotion platform, and to help you achieve your marketing goals efficiently.

Official entrance of huge engine:
Only enterprises can launch promotion. Massive engine advertising platform can promote: Brand building, e-commerce marketing, e-commerce diversion, local life, clue retention, download and activation. Common promotion methods include: DOU+、 Huge amount of advertising, huge amount of thousands of rivers, huge amount of local push, enterprise number, huge amount of star maps, huge amount of arithmetic.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

The dithering platform focuses on live broadcast and e-commerce, so a huge number of engines have set up special entrances for live broadcast and e-commerce. The entrance address of thousands of rivers:
The merchant account can directly log in to a huge number of Qianchuan, and the talent must open a window to log in.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Of course, you can also enter the massive Qianchuan promotion platform through the massive Baiying. There are two entrances. One is to log in to Juliang Baiying - live broadcast management - live broadcast center console - select live broadcast tools - live broadcast promotion.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Another entrance: log in to the huge amount of Baiying - live broadcast management - huge amount of Qianchuan - live broadcast promotion.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Entrance to the massive Qianchuan mobile version: Shops push at will , can give Promotion of live broadcast room with goods You can also give Short video, short video and graphic promotion including shopping carts of small stores

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

2、 Registration requirements for huge Qianchuan accounts

Ordinary talent: As long as the real name authentication+ID card upload.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

E-commerce experts: Just open the window.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Businesses (enterprises or individual businesses):

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

3、 Huge amount of Qianchuan is bound to the Douyin account

I'm a small store merchant, and I want to launch it to the expert who will bring goods for me. How do I operate? The company has multiple live broadcast rooms. How can the launch accounts be used separately and managed uniformly?

Three relationships between the huge Qianchuan account and the dithering number: Official, self operation and partner

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Log in to the Qianchuan Ditto account, and then you can add authorization.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Add an authorized account.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Get the cooperation code and log in.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

4、 Massive Qianchuan launch function module

After logging into Qianchuan, we can see the main Promotion commodity and live broadcast room Function of.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

At the same time, a large number of Qianchuan can also carry out brand promotion: Information flow advertising, grass planting advertising, mall advertising.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Click Auction Promotion: an overview of the live broadcast data. There are two types of advertising: general investment advertising and search advertising. You can create new advertising groups, promotion plans, and ideas. If it is a multi account and multi plan merchant, it will be troublesome to watch the data switching in the background. It is recommended to use the third-party real-time monitoring platform - Feigua Smart Investment, which can make real-time statistics of cumulative and time-sharing multi account and multi plan data.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

(Picture source: Feigua Zhitou)

You can click Data - Bidding Data to see the data effect of promotion.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

You can also see the population data in the data analysis.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

You can also upload short videos for monitoring creativity by using the video library, which is one of the tools in thousands of streams.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

Finally, to summarize, there are two types of paid promotion: one is DOU+, which can heat short videos or live broadcast rooms without goods. The other is the huge amount of Qianchuan. The PC version of the huge amount of Qianchuan has more powerful functions. The mobile version of the huge amount of Qianchuan can be pushed by small stores at will, and can promote the live broadcast room with goods or short videos with goods.

 Dithering live broadcast operation, huge amount of knowledge and basic operation of thousands of rivers

The stronger content attributes of the dithering platform can realize the all-round integration and coordination of advertising and e-commerce, and promote the sustainable growth of advertising revenue of content e-commerce.

Well, we have introduced the basic knowledge and the main function modules of the giant Qianchuan. You can open your own Qianchuan account, and first know the giant Qianchuan and the basic function modules of the giant Qianchuan.

This is the end of today's sharing. If you have other ideas and suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area.

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This article was submitted by Feigua Zhitou, which does not represent the love operation position. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: https://www.iyunying.org/social/douyin/333603.html

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