dried food! From the perspective of senior operations, how to improve the conversion rate of live streaming goods

After the live video with goods has become a new outlet, every enterprise wants to make a profit. But can businesses just lie down and make money? Of course not. This article will start from operate I hope it will be helpful to you to analyze how to improve the conversion rate of live broadcast goods from five perspectives.

There are many talks about live video with goods everywhere, and live video with goods has been out of circulation. During 618, hundreds of stars put down their postures and joined the army of live broadcast cargo, which became increasingly fierce. The feeling is that there is a lot of money here. As long as they are connected with the live broadcast goods, whether they are selling equipment, doing courses, doing live broadcast, or providing products, they can earn a lot.

As a product provider, I also joined in the wave of live broadcast with goods. After a quick operation, I found that the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny. After a live broadcast, dozens of deals were made, which is far from the myth that tens of thousands of deals can be made without moving, and the number of deals can break the hundred million mark. Why is the result so different when we also do live broadcast with goods? The answer is that the details are not well done. Surprise, I didn't think the answer was so simple.

The greatest value of operation is to optimize each link in the work and improve the conversion rate of products, such as download conversion rate, payment conversion rate, repurchase rate, etc. The effect of live broadcast with goods belongs to the paid conversion rate, and also belongs to the work of our operators. Next, from the perspective of operation, I will analyze the method of improving the conversion rate of live delivery by 300% through artificial optimization from the whole process of live delivery.

The layman who watches the live broadcast with goods wants to leave the products to the anchor, tell him the selling points of the products, prepare the goods, and wait for the products to be broadcast. The sales have soared. In fact, there are too many things to focus on. The whole process of live broadcast with goods includes: anchor dictation, product exposure, up link, product homepage browsing, details page browsing, order placing, goods receiving and praise. At this point, the whole process will be completed.

1、 Spoken by the anchor

When almost every boss entered the market of live broadcast with goods, his first reaction was to find a well-known anchor. It seems that if the anchor finds the right one, he will get up with the goods. Admittedly, the weight of anchors in the whole process of live broadcast delivery is very high, but it is not as high as expected. According to my calculation, if the anchor is found correctly, it can only ensure 50% of the effect, and the rest is determined by other links.

Whether the product is well-known, whether the price has advantages, whether the anchor matches the tone of the product, whether the anchor's fan group and the product fit closely, each of these issues affects the effect of goods delivery. Take our product for example, an unknown snack with no obvious highlights. When I went to find the anchor, he would not dump me if he was a little angry. The product was unknown, and the anchor's eloquence would not have much effect.

It is very similar to the proverb widely spread in the operation. If the third class product is made by the top operation team, the second class product can be made at most. The product is not good, everything is useless. Later, we developed a snack product with high face value and high cost performance. We also went to the anchor who had refused to listen to me before. The answer was that we could try it. This is indeed an age of looking at face value.

When we communicate with the anchor about the selling points of the product, we must find out the unique selling points, because this is the only thing that the anchor can get when broadcasting live. If we don't talk about the selling points of the product, the anchor will have nothing to say, just like a nag, saying that the product is good, I like it, let's buy it! Guicai went to buy it. If the selling points are clearly communicated, such as snacks with multiple nutrients, which can improve immunity, help sleep, and even prevent ultraviolet radiation, users will be moved by the selling points and naturally place an order.

Remember, it is critical to communicate with the anchor before the live broadcast, so that the anchor can have a deep understanding of the product, and it is better to use it in depth, so that the anchor will not suddenly see the product during the live broadcast. Why do you think highly of Liu Yidao? Because he is dedicated, he uses every product first, and then recommends it. No dedicated anchor can go far.

Before the live broadcast, the anchor can choose one of the "random coupon reduction", "full coupon reduction", and "discount coupon" according to the event details. Based on the atmosphere of promoting live broadcast, the discount range should be appropriately increased to improve the user's consumption probability.

2、 Product exposure

Product exposure means that the anchor shows the product in front of the camera. Compared with TV shopping, the disadvantage of live video shopping is that the visual range is narrow. Under the big screen, the anchor's size accounts for half, leaving a small scope for product display. When you watch the anchor recommend snacks, you will deliberately hold snacks in front of the camera to give a close-up, which is also a selling skill.

Our snacks are biscuits, which are laid on the back. Such products suffer a lot during live broadcast. Lie down and put down, the front of the biscuit will become blurred in front of the camera, because the focus is on the face of the right anchor, in addition, the content will become blurred. Fortunately, the color of our biscuits is too heavy, which can form a visual hammer. Even if we can't see the logo, as long as we see red, blue and white, we will know that it is our product.

Later, in order to solve the problem of the product's front emptiness, we will provide something similar to a mobile phone bracket, and let the product stand on it side by side, like a window display, clearly exposing the product, so that the live broadcast with goods can be valuable. Even if there is no transformation, at least there is brand exposure.

3、 Up link

There are two ways to link. One is to link after introducing the product and see the anchor with a large number of fans. One is to first link all the products and tell the user which link the product is. I prefer the second one, because when listening to the anchor's explanation, the user will browse all the products of the market when bored. If the link is hung up in advance, if there are 1 million users browsing the shopping cart, there will be 1 million exposures when there is no explanation, which is more cost-effective.

4、 Product homepage browsing

This refers to the live broadcast of dithering. We found a talent of dithering with millions of fans, and the live broadcast effect is really inexplicable. Later, during the re offering, we first looked for problems in our own products based on the principle of three self examinations every day. Dithering live broadcast is different from Taobao live broadcast. Click Purchase to enter the home page first, and then click to enter the details page. If these home page pictures are not attractive, users will quit decisively and will not give you the opportunity to display the details page. Our home page pictures, ahem, are really a bit too funny.

Later, according to the whole region Data analysis In combination with the MVP super user feedback system, using the S2C2B2C hyperlink business model, in a word, let Artists re create a beautiful home page map and put it on. Not to mention, the next live broadcast will more than double the conversion rate. It is really necessary to optimize every link.

5、 Details page browsing

Before the live broadcast with goods, I always thought that as long as the anchor said it was in place, the product sales would be OK. I really went there and found a new mode of live broadcast with goods. In fact, it was the old way of advertising. The anchor was essentially a human flesh advertising space.

The role of advertising space is to lead users to the product details page by spitting lotus at the mouth. At this time, the user found that your product had no transaction and only a few comments. If it is not a well-known product, how is it possible to transform it on such a detailed page?

Don't look at Li Jiaqi and Weiya, just push a new product and it will sell well. Such a head anchor can count the number with his fingers. If a product wants to expand its scale through live broadcast, it depends on a large number of waist anchors. The waist anchor's appeal is not so strong. To improve the conversion rate, we must work hard on various links such as product details. The merchant wants to be a shopkeeper, but he doesn't do anything. He lies down and makes money. Sorry, most of the anchors also think so. When cutting leeks, life is geometric.

6、 Provide live broadcast playback and continuous conversion

After the live broadcast, brand operators can publish the live broadcast playback to the community, so that users can seize the last wave of preferential opportunities to rush to buy, so as to improve user conversion and achieve sustained growth in product sales.

 dried food! From the perspective of senior operations, how to improve the conversion rate of live streaming goods

(Picture source: Feigua Zhitou)

Every live broadcast activity of brand merchants is a process of brand culture exposure, which has accumulated value. The video portal of Noyun platform can present all the videos in the past in a hierarchical manner, which can be exposed for many times as a platform for long-term external display of businesses.

7、 Finally

The effect of live broadcast with goods is not good. Don't rush to dump the pot. Think about what you didn't do well first.

There are too many factors that affect the delivery effect, as well as the time period of the live broadcast. We have a live broadcast at 8:00 on Tuesday morning, which is unexpected. It was also because I had no experience in live broadcasting at the beginning. Later, I moved to the weekend evening, and the number of online people increased several times, and the turnover also increased several times.

It is true that details determine success or failure.

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This article was submitted by Feigua Zhitou, which does not represent the love operation position. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: https://www.iyunying.org/social/douyin/332925.html

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