How to get more traffic in live streaming?

This article mainly shares how to get more traffic in live broadcast. As a novice account, it is very difficult to obtain traffic. This article mainly shares how to obtain more traffic in live broadcast.

  • How to optimize channels to better obtain traffic?

Where does our traffic come from? Generally, there are the following channels:

 How to get more traffic in live streaming?

(Picture source: Feigua Zhitou)

  • Follow fans

It's about paying attention to people who like us. You can make others pay attention by sending more high-quality works and live broadcasts. You can also let others know you through a multi-channel publicity and promotion, such as our WeChat, community, and our fan groups, customer groups, including some fans from other platforms.

2. Natural flow

As the name implies, it is the traffic naturally allocated by the platform. How to improve natural flow? The first point is that you can broadcast high-quality and frequent healthy live broadcasts, and you can also send more high-quality content to boost popularity. The second point is to focus on the online reservation transformation in our live broadcast, and improve the live broadcast weight.

3. It's paid traffic

You can choose an appropriate payment method to obtain better traffic. For example, you can use promotional tools such as DOU+and Qianchuan to channel traffic.

So the above three ways are all ways we can get more traffic. We may encounter various problems in the live broadcast process, such as live broadcast traffic, more fans and less online people. There is also a small number of fans. Can we broadcast live. There are many problems such as the specific reason of the traffic that suddenly comes in the live broadcast room.

  • What factors will affect our live broadcast traffic, and where does the live broadcast room traffic come from?

Let's first understand the five main traffic entrances of the live broadcast room:

① Live broadcast square

The live broadcast square is a public recommended square and a natural flow entrance to our platform.

② Intra city traffic: refers to the location of account opening address, and the system will push local traffic here.

③ Follow: The account itself has followed users.

④ Live broadcast recommendation: that is, if the account has a high weight, the system will give a recommended traffic portal.

⑤ Short video entrance: It is a relatively intuitive and direct entrance to our live broadcast room.

 How to get more traffic in live streaming?

Image source: dithering

The figure above shows that after each live broadcast, there will be a data background, which can analyze where the traffic of live broadcast comes from. For example, in this picture, 61.79% of the live video recommendations, 15.34% of the attention, 10.16% of the short video leads, and 7.11% of the others. It can be seen that the traffic of this live broadcast is basically from live broadcast recommendation and attention.

Through the data, we can better understand why there is no traffic in some other channels, and whether it is not good enough in a certain sector, so we did not get more traffic. What will affect the next data? This data is what we call the weight of the live broadcast room, which mainly includes the following three assessment indicators:

① Online: how many users stay in the live broadcast room.

② Retention: The retention in the live broadcast room is the time for your fans to stay in the live broadcast room. For example, if the user stays in the live broadcast room for three seconds, the weight of the two is very different.

③ Conversion: In terms of revenue in the live broadcast room, such as reward revenue in the live broadcast room, our order receipt is also a conversion. These data will directly affect whether the platform gives more traffic.

In terms of dithering, more attention will be paid to real-time data, such as the performance of the current period of time, such as the hour list. If the data is particularly good within this hour, the platform may immediately give more traffic, rather than wait until the next day, which is such a logic. Even if there are few fans, as long as they can master these real-time data, it can also leverage a larger flow. There are five indicators of live broadcast real-time data:

① Number of people online in the live broadcast room: that is, how many people are there in your live broadcast room.

② Number of people in the live broadcast room: how many people are willing to stay in your live broadcast room to watch your live broadcast.

③ Reward of live broadcast revenue: how much revenue can be received during this period is a data that will affect our live broadcast room.

④ Order conversion in the live broadcast room: how many things you buy in the same time period.

⑤ Interactive data in the live broadcast room: for example, our likes, comments and interactions, the better the data, the greater the traffic.

 How to get more traffic in live streaming?

Self made picture source

The figure above summarizes the eight main contents of improving our live broadcast weight. We can use these small techniques to improve the live broadcast weight and obtain more traffic.

3、 How to operate free traffic and paid traffic in the live broadcast room?

 How to get more traffic in live streaming?

First of all, let's share the free drainage of the live broadcast room. The live broadcast room is divided into the free drainage before and during the live broadcast:

① To release our preview short video on our platform, we usually release a short video 3-5 days in advance to warm up and attract attention in advance.

② For example, we can generate a QR code or make a very beautiful poster, send it to our friends circle or public account, and arrive at our private domain to activate traffic.

③ Optimize the live cover title and our copy.

④ Opening the same city positioning can attract a lot of traffic from the same city.

These are mainly for the drainage before the live broadcast, and then share the drainage during the live broadcast.

 How to get more traffic in live streaming?

Image source: self-made

① High quality live content, such as the anchor in good condition, beautiful live pictures, and comfortable display and background, can attract more fans to stay in the live room.

② The prize setting of the live broadcast room, such as lottery, red packet, etc., is a very useful way to attract fans, stay in our live broadcast room, and guide some fans to share our live broadcast room.

③ The way of pk connected to the Internet can not only make the whole live content very interesting, but also obtain traffic.

④ Actively interacting with fans, such as some praise and comments, can make our whole live broadcast process more interesting. Short video preview drainage is also a very important way. The next thing to note is that when you send a preview, you must do some interesting content to drain, and you should not be too straightforward, otherwise you will not get more traffic.

③ Paid traffic

In terms of dithering platform, the mainstream paid traffic promotion is mainly divided into two ways: DOU+and huge amount of Qianchuan.

DOU+is more suitable for personal accounts and personal anchors. The way of launching is simple. You can choose to launch before and after the live broadcast. The background can make intelligent recommendations according to the system, or can customize the targeted release. For example, you can choose an appropriate budget amount and the purpose of the launch, such as increasing the popularity of the live broadcast room, increasing fans, audience rewards or interaction.

Next, we will share another mainstream way of Tiaoyin, which is a huge amount of Qianchuan. In a simple understanding, it is an advertising platform for Tiaoyin to pay for traffic, which is currently available to both individuals and businesses. There are two main types Marketing Target: short video with pictures and texts, and live broadcast with goods. At present, a large number of Qianchuan are mainly divided into three versions to meet the promotion demands of different users, which are common in the same account:

⑴ Rapid promotion of PC

⑵ Professional promotion of PC

⑶ Mobile end stores push at will

1. Rapid promotion of PC

The main features are low threshold, intelligence and efficiency. It is suitable for novices without launch experience. As long as key elements such as bid and budget are set, the system will be optimized intelligently to save time and labor operation costs.

2. PC professional promotion

The main features are professionalism and stronger sense of operation. It is suitable for head and waist businesses and live broadcast teams. It has strong demands on cost and volume speed. It is a long-term launch plan scenario. More launch and creative settings can be customized, which is only applicable to computer end operations.

3. Mobile end stores push at will

The main feature is that it is convenient and fast, and it can be easily operated with the mobile phone beep APP. Select a live broadcast room with goods to deliver directly, or select a short video with a small yellow car, so that the traffic accuracy will be higher.

This article is the end of sharing. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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