Why is dithering broadcast banned? You need to know these live broadcast rules

Many anchors saw the atmosphere in their live broadcast room gradually promoted, and the products were going to be sold, but they suddenly received the notice of live broadcast ban... Many anchors saw the atmosphere in their live broadcast room gradually promoted, and the products were going to be sold, but they suddenly received the notice of live broadcast ban.

Why is this? Dithering live broadcast What are the rules? What behaviors will be banned? Quite simply, when we open the live broadcast, we will see the live broadcast, title, settings, live broadcast, cover settings, and the agreement for the entry of the dithering anchor. It is obvious that we must first ensure that our live broadcast title and live broadcast cover content do not violate the rules, and the title cannot contain advertising, soliciting, edging, or teasing content, nor can it contain cause of strife or prohibited words.

Therefore, when we do live broadcast, we need to understand the rules of live broadcast, so as to avoid being banned.

So, what are the rules of live broadcasting?

1、 Live broadcast room title

1. Feeling exaggerated

In order to attract users to click, deliberately exaggerate their feelings, such as "shock, jaw dropping, dizzy crying, heartbroken", etc

Negative example: high-end silk, mulberry silk! First hand supply! The manufacturer cries dizzy price!

2. Exaggeration

When selling goods, there are exaggerated sales promotion words such as "giving away, selling and grabbing"

When there is promotional information such as activities, use words such as "clearance", "big sale", "jump price" and "clearance" to exaggerate the promotion strength

Negative example: crazy delivery at the end of the season!!! Spring bottom skirt 79.9!

3. The result is exaggerated

To express the attributes, efficacy and functions of a commodity to the extreme, violate the facts and public cognition, and over promise to do something can achieve a certain effect

Negative example: thousands of catties of selenium rich rye whole wheat flour are sold at the jumping price, which can reduce the weight loss and three high effects!

4. Sell badly and exaggerate

The title exaggerates and overemphasizes the tragic situation of the characters, so as to induce users to buy goods, with words such as "unsalable, bankrupt, and dead end"

Negative example: the price of high-end "white peach" of 10000 mu in Jiangsu has dropped greatly, which is too difficult for fruit growers!

5. Abuse of suspense

Headlines abuse turns, hide key information, create suspense, steal concepts, and mystify.

Negative example: Thailand slaps on Tomani Durian, two of them only need 99. What's the matter? Let's see

6. Aggression and coercion

The title uses provocative threats, forced suggestions, and other methods to induce users to click in the imperative tone. Common words include "come quickly", "must enter", "slow hands", "regret missing", and so on

Negative example: What do you eat for lunch in rural Gansu? You must have never eaten before. Come in and have a look

7. Lottery drawing

The title deliberately highlights the lottery and gift giving in the live broadcast room to induce click, and there is no other information except

Negative example: high designer brand, just need cabbage price, fast forward, crazy lottery free!

8. Abuse of punctuation

Continuous use and abuse of exclamation mark attract people's attention and cheat click

Negative example: quarter end clearance! Silk, silk T-shirt dress special!!!

9. Hard goods

The title of selling goods directly points to the sale and promotion of specific goods, highlights the information such as product name, price and place of origin, and overemphasizes the advantages of products or promotional information

Negative example: 800 thousand jin imperial concubines cut the price in a few seconds, and 12.8 boxes were sent directly by mail from the place of origin

10. The title is meaningless

The title has no amount of information and is mostly in the form of "anchor nickname+live broadcast"

Negative example 1: Sweetie is broadcasting

2、 Cover of live broadcast room

1. Text violation

Put the content of the violation title on the cover in the form of text

2. Deliberate fraud

Use software such as PS to deliberately modify the size or expand the quantity of goods sold to induce users to click on the live broadcast room, which is commonly used in the live broadcast room of agricultural products with goods

3. Serious ambiguity

The picture quality of the cover is seriously blurred and unclear, which is easy to make users dislike

The pictures should clearly show the main body of the goods and be easy to identify (it is prohibited to cover a large number of words)

3、 Content of live broadcast room

1. On hook recording

There is no real person appearing on the live broadcast screen, and goods are shared only in the form of recording or hanging broadcast (for example, the live broadcast content only shows a piece of paper/whiteboard/computer screen/some real object, etc.)

No black screen of live video is allowed, and only the recorded audio is played circularly/the content is in the form of audio novels, music, radio dramas, etc. for commodity sharing

2. Diversion outside the station

The dithering platform is incompatible with the WeChat platform, so WeChat QR code cannot be added to short videos.

In addition, you cannot add mobile phone number, Q number and other drainage information unrelated to the dithering platform.

The same is true in the live streaming studio. If you want to build private domain traffic, channel your fans to your WeChat account and put your Erwei code, Weiwei number, Q number, mobile phone number, etc. in the live streaming studio, even if it is just a hint of guidance, it will not work.

Once detected by the platform, the live broadcast room will be either limited or blocked. After the title was sealed, your live studio was basically abandoned.

The same is true for short videos with WeChat signals. The videos will not pass the review, and even face the risk of being blocked in serious cases.

3. Tipping live broadcast of prohibited words

A large number of friends who received the notice of banning live broadcast did not know it because they were involved in the illegal words of dithering live broadcast.

So what are the forbidden words of live broadcast?

1. Timed diction

2. Limiting term

3. Authoritative language

4. Superstitious language

5. False advertising terms of cosmetics

6. Suspected medical terms

 Why is dithering broadcast banned? You need to know these live broadcast rules

 Why is dithering broadcast banned? You need to know these live broadcast rules

(Picture source: Feigua Zhitou)

4. Live broadcast of contraband

When selecting products, we should pay attention to the illegal products of the audio live broadcast e-commerce. If the illegal products are added during the live broadcast, the account may be downgraded or blocked.

Clothing: animal fur, high imitation brand clothing, shoes;

Food: diet pills, deer antler, ginseng and other medical and health care medicinal materials, insect feast, self-made food; Jade and cultural relics: uncut original stones, antiques and cultural relics;

Medical: medical devices, medical and aesthetic devices, any drug related products (including health care drugs and alcohol); High imitation products: high imitation famous brand watches, jewelry, gold jewelry, bags;

Cosmetics: cosmetics produced live by the anchor, purchase on behalf of others, and high imitation cosmetics; Adult product advertising;

Information: marriage introduction (domestic and transnational), public examination courses, driving test regulations, financial investment, legal science popularization, recruitment information, WeChat business part-time and other information

5. Live broadcast of illegal actions

In addition to the illegal regulations and prohibited words of the dithering live broadcast, some other actions are also prohibited in the dithering live broadcast room. The specific points are as follows:

Illegal politics: including but not limited to live broadcast of anti party and anti government behaviors or insulting and slandering behaviors of the party and the country, and live broadcast of contents that violate national laws and regulations.

Improper clothing: including but not limited to bare upper body, exposed upper clothes, large area bare tattoos, etc.

Pornographic and vulgar: including but not limited to all pornographic, large-scale, sexually suggestive live content, other vulgar, and acts against public order and good customs.

Abuse and provocation: including but not limited to all kinds of words and deeds that damage the community atmosphere.

Feudal superstition: including but not limited to propaganda of feudal superstition ideas, live broadcast of superstition activities, etc.

Infringement: including but not limited to live broadcast of live activities without broadcasting rights, screen recording and live broadcast of audio-visual content without copyright, etc.

Behaviors harmful to minors: including but not limited to minors' individual live broadcast, minors' consumption or recharge, etc. Never induce minors to brush gifts, and also actively promote "Please don't give gifts to minors" in the live broadcast room

Other behaviors that are not suitable for live broadcast: live broadcast of accident scenes such as car accidents and mine accidents, and live broadcast of people with mental illness who have no full civil capacity.

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This article was submitted by Feigua Zhitou, which does not represent the love operation position. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: https://www.iyunying.org/social/douyin/332787.html

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