Basic points of APP operation promotion strategy

According to Social Bonus, social bonus (income)=information link Interaction can be regarded as the constituent elements of social interaction are content, relationship and interaction, of which social relationship is the core. A basic form of sharing is required to establish various play methods and interaction logic of App social relations. First, let's take a look at the mainstream forms of social sharing on the App, mainly combining the analysis of sharing forms on WeChat.

1、 The form of app social sharing

1. Text: Taobao and Tmall can only spread in WeChat in the form of password. Users can copy this text, open it in the App, and enter the relevant product page. However, WeChat has banned the external chain form of password code and identification code in the circle of friends. Therefore, the spread of password code sharing is limited, and can be spread in the circle of friends in the form of picture QR code instead.

 two thousand and twenty-one trillion and twenty-two billion one hundred and three million seventy-five thousand seven hundred and forty-six

one , Get Users( Acquisition ): It is the process of promoting and bringing in new products. It is the process of users from cognition to understanding to becoming product users. At this stage, it is necessary to know where the target user group of the product is and how to attract users, so as to maximize the transformation of those potential groups into users of the product and start using the product.

two . Stimulate activity( Activation ): Does the acquired user have a further understanding of the product? At this time, we can guide users to "specify operations", so that new users can quickly understand the product and become active users of the product / Copy optimization, novice guidance, preferential incentives and other means to improve the conversion rate of user activation.

three Improve retention( Retention ): After solving the problem of active users, we also need to solve the problem of how to retain users. If a product lacks stickiness, it will lead to serious loss of users, and the number of users will gradually decrease. User retention rate is a very important data indicator, which is mainly aimed at the problem of "user churn", improving users' stickiness to products, and measuring whether a product is developing healthily.

four , Value mining( Revenue ): Profit is the whole user operate The core objectives of APP Development is for profit, even if it is free APP , also has its profit model. APP There are three main sources of income: paid applications, in app consumption, and advertising. The acceptance of paid applications is relatively low in China, so almost all of them are free applications in China; In app consumption and advertising are the majority in China APP Profit model. However, no matter which way it is, the way of making profits ultimately comes from users directly or indirectly. Therefore, the above mentioned acquisition of users, activation of users, and improvement of user retention are necessary foundations for increasing revenue. Only when the user base is large can the revenue increase.

five Communication and recommendation( Referral ): It can also be called self propagation or virus propagation, which means using the social influence of existing users to spread the product information like a virus. Today, with the highly developed social network, we can spread the product in various novel ways: such as "old bring new activities" in the user invitation link, community operation in the vertical field, H5 Marketing Communication, etc. Let old users promote our products and attract more potential users. Good products must have their own transmission genes, otherwise they will not survive for a long time.

II APP Five levels of operation promotion

APP Operations are divided according to the division of labor and types, and can be divided into five basic levels: product operations, user operations, content operations, activity operations, and channel operations. Here is a brief introduction:

one Product operation

Product operation is the fundamental part of the whole operation work and cannot be ignored. The work includes clarifying the positioning of the product, knowing the target user type of the product, and whether the product is normal. This aspect of operation is based on user experience. No matter how many times the product is updated, its purpose is to optimize User experience

two User operation

User operation is to maintain users, so as to expand the number of users, improve the retention of users and enhance the activity of users. In a nutshell, it is necessary to know the target users of the product, where they are, why they use the product, how they use it, and the feedback of users after using the product. On the one hand, it is mainly to optimize the product and adjust the promotion strategy according to the user's use of the product.

three Content operation

The main work of content operation is to plan, edit, optimize and release the product content. The purpose of this aspect is to introduce high-quality content related to the product to users, so that users can find the value and role of the product, and increase users' trust in the product. It is better to continuously update the content for content operation. The unchanged content operation will disgust users and is not conducive to APP Development of.

four Activity operation

There are many activities APP It is an operation promotion method that will be used by all products. The current popular activity operation is "invitation activity", which is to encourage existing users to invite other potential users through activity rewards. There is a certain probability of forming a "viral communication effect" (using traceinstall The "no invitation code" function of can maximize the effect of the invitation activity). The purpose of this operation is to promote products, attract more users, improve user participation, etc APP The most effective method of data indicators.

five Channel operation

APP Operation promotion can not be separated from channel promotion, which is the main means to promote products through business cooperation, product cooperation, channel cooperation and other ways, so as to achieve product exposure, as well as access to traffic and users. The main work includes channel excavation, channel evaluation, channel maintenance, etc.

3、 User research and Data analysis

one User research is generally divided into two types:

One is indirect research, that is, not directly contacting users, but looking for rules from the track of users' use, such as the number of times users use products, online use duration, jumping nodes between different pages, characteristics of lost users, etc.

The other is direct research, direct communication with users, including questionnaires, interviews and other forms, to directly obtain users' use and user feedback.

two Data source

Before we do data analysis, we must have data to provide for our analysis, so we should get the data first.

There are two main sources of data:

Built in data statistics system—— APP The company's own data is the most reliable and suitable method for data statistics. Generally speaking, this internal data is the basis for data analysis when conditions permit BI High labor cost and management cost;

Third party data statistics and analysis tool - this is a way to obtain data by using external tools SDK And directly access to third-party statistical tools;

common APP Data statistics tools include:

Overseas: adjust AppsFlyer etc.

Domestic: Baidu Statistics TalkingData traceinstall etc.

three Data analysis

stay APP Data analysis is a very important link in the process of operation promotion, which is a skill that every operation promotion personnel needs to master. In the Internet era, everything is said by data, and data is the most intuitive reflection APP The favorable basis for the actual effect of operation promotion, for example, according to the data of new users, user retention, user activity and so on, we can understand the effect of various channel promotion; User behavior data, such as the number of times users open the product and the length of time they use it, can show users' dependence on the product, and analyze the reasons for user churn.


Want to do well APP Operation promotion must combine products, operation promotion and users.

one First of all, the quality of the product must be qualified to give users a good use experience;

two , select APP The operation and promotion methods must be combined with the needs of the product and users APP Carry out operation promotion;

three Adjust according to the conclusions of user research and data analysis APP Operation promotion strategy, and product optimization.

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 Head of Traceinstall Traceinstall Contributors
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