A relatively complete App promotion plan has been sorted out, hoping to help everyone

The design and development of App is only the first step, and the promotion and operation are obviously more important market pioneers. Without a successful operation promotion strategy, the development of App will be impossible. To put it bluntly, it is to find ways to let users come and stay.

The design and development of the app is only the first step, promotion and operate It is obviously a more important market pioneer. Without a successful operation promotion strategy, the development of App will be impossible. To put it bluntly, it is to find ways to let users come and stay.

At present, there is no perfect app promotion method in the market. In addition to conventional neutral app marketing, other promotion channels and methods need to be planned according to different official resources. I specially compiled a relatively complete App promotion plan for you, hoping to bring some help.

1、 Analyze competitive products and define positioning

The first step in formulating a promotion plan is to understand the market pattern and formulate a special plan by referring to the market model of competing products. How to obtain competitive products?

(1) Baidu searches for related product keywords, and the most influential competitors are generally ranked high. Baidu index, Baidu promotion and other data index products also have comprehensive market analysis reports.

(2) Professional data reports: iResearch, DCCI Internet Data Center, Alexa and other websites.

(3) Zhihu, Huxiao, 36kr and other professional information platforms in the venture capital industry, as well as industry related websites.

(4) Search relevant keywords in the major mobile application markets, and you can quickly find the top ranked competitors.

The market analysis channels of competitive products can be analyzed from their channel management, such as application market status, post bar forum, WeChat official account/microblog and other social media, market activities, soft articles/advertising, etc. The main competitive product analysis dimensions include:

(1) Market scale and development trend

(2) Corporate culture, product positioning, target users

(3) Market related data

(4) Core functions, interaction design, product features

(5) Operation and promotion strategy

Of course, not all competing products are worth analyzing. We can select competing products for analysis according to demand, and selection is often more important than listing.

After analyzing the competitive products and markets, we need to clarify the development orientation of our own products, starting from the following points:

(1) Identify target users: You can try to preliminarily determine user attributes in the form of labels, such as age, gender, income, occupation, residence, hobbies, etc., and then further screen them in combination with product features, user skills, etc.

(2) Find product positioning: The common value of all apps lies in what problems can you solve for users? If this problem is solved, the core values and function points of the product can be found more quickly.

(3) Product usage scenarios: Combining the usage habits of target users and the analysis of the core uses of the product, we can learn the general usage scenarios and operation habits of users, so as to improve the experience points and find the promotion methods.

2、 Focus on data

In the promotion, we need to pay special attention to the data indicators and their statistical methods, which are not only the criteria for assessing the promotion performance, but also the means to measure the channel quality.

1. Promotion statistics method

There are many channels for app promotion, but how many users can be brought by each channel, how about the quality of these users, and which channel is worthy of investment, all of which must be well known in the promotion, especially when it comes to the evaluation of promotion performance, which requires extremely detailed basis for each person, each advertisement, and each channel. Be sure to make preparations before the official promotion.

At present, openinstall is a tool that can simultaneously conduct source statistics for hundreds of millions of channels. It can automatically generate statistical links/QR codes for each channel. Each channel, promoter, advertisement, and user can use the corresponding channel links to promote, and then statistics of the corresponding channel promotion and subsequent behavior data can be obtained. Whether it is application store diversion, user invitation development, promotion of local promotion personnel, or advertising in exchange for buying, it can be flexibly expanded.

2. Data indicators to be concerned

What data indicators can better guide our work in App promotion? At different stages of the product, the focus of data needs to be different. In the early stage, it may be the number of downloads and users. When the product is stable, more attention will be paid to the active volume, retention rate and other data. Analysis of relevant indicators:

(1) Retained users and retention rate

After large-scale promotion, the app will generally gain a large number of users in a short period of time, but will continue to lose some non target users over time. Generally, it will become stable after 4-5 months. It is normal for the user retention rate to reach 10-20%.

    • Retained for 1 day: Due to the low stickiness of new users, it is necessary to combine the user transformation path and novice guidance design to observe the loss points, and adjust the product strategy by constantly adjusting the key loss points.
    • Retained for 7 days: These users have already had a relatively complete experience cycle of the product, and the remaining users at this stage deserve to increase transformation efforts, such as coupons, member trials, etc.
    • Retained for 30 days: A one month experience period is enough to reflect the iteration of the product. You can judge the optimization space of the product through questionnaires, observation of user behavior data, etc.
    • Channel retention: Because each user is promoted through different channels, we need to count the ROI invested by each channel and the subsequent performance settlement. Here we can use openinstall.

(2) Active Users

Most products need to be interpreted in combination with the life cycle of the entire app. If a product's activity level can be stabilized at 5-10% in a long life cycle, it is quite good.

(3) Payment rate

It refers to the proportion of one app paying user to the total user. That is, the payment rate of registered users=total registration/APA.

There are many other dimensions, such as online payment rate, active user payment rate, etc., which can be applied.

A good promotion plan should start from the product, first clarify the market situation, user groups, product positioning, retain users through reasonable promotion and operation, and finally verify the promotion effect through data statistics.

3、 Promotion scheme

Multi point attack is the most suitable early promotion practice in the Internet industry. Through low-cost investment, we can cover all conceivable channels, constantly optimize and test the most appropriate promotion method, and then achieve resource integration to maximize the promotion efficiency. The main channels are as follows:

1. Application marketing

The major app stores and download stations are the main sites for users to download apps. In addition to downloading installation packages, almost all downloads come from these distribution channels. Regardless of the size of the channels, these stores and download stations should first be fully deployed. There are also some free resources that can be won. Most of them also rely on spending money to optimize ASO.

    • Android mobile phone manufacturer's app store: Now, like Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, Meizu and other mobile phone manufacturers have their own app stores. The stores of these mobile phone brands are industry-leading, both in terms of the number of users and the recommendation mechanism of the app. They can be used as the main promotion channel. You need to pay attention to the download frequency every day. When the funds are sufficient, you can put some advertising spaces and recommendation spaces, and you should give priority to getting the first recommendation space when you go online.
    • Third party application market: For example, App Treasure, Pea pod, Baidu mobile assistant, 360 mobile assistant, etc. The third-party market exists in major mobile phone brands and has a relatively high market share, which can be used as a secondary channel for app promotion and customer acquisition. Among them, Tencent App Treasure, Baidu mobile assistant, which have large platform drainage, can also be used as the main promotion channel.
    • Mobile software download station: For example, PC6 download station, Hike software station, friendship mobile phone station, etc. can be used as a general channel for app promotion and customer acquisition. Users only need to search here. Since the number of visits to these websites is relatively low, it is not necessary to spend too much effort on management, but it is better to spread them all.
    • Quick application: If your product is application oriented, you can consider the quick application of Android. Although the fast application jointly created by nine domestic manufacturers last year failed to hit the ground, as long as mobile phone manufacturers continue to make efforts, there is still potential in the future.
    • IOS version release channel: AppStore, 91 assistant, pp assistant, Netease application center, synchronous push, quick use Apple assistant, itools, limited time free Daquan.

2. ASO application market optimization

ASO refers to the process of improving the ranking of apps in various app stores and search results, similar to the SEO optimization of mobile apps. Through the optimization of the title, keyword and description of an app in the app store, the app will have a higher representation in terms of search, related search, ranking and conversion rate. Each app store has its own rules. Promoters can try to set the density of different keywords to observe the change of ranking and summarize the ASO rules of various markets by themselves. promote Ranking and exposure of keywords covered by our app. Common third-party optimization methods include:

(1) Integral wall promotion

The "scorewall" is a page that displays various credit tasks (download and install recommended high-quality applications, register, fill in forms, etc.) in an application, so that users can complete the task to obtain credit, and download products through real users' search keywords. For example, search for "wealth management" to find the location of the product "xx wealth management", download and try to improve the keyword ranking.

The integral wall rises quickly and has obvious effect, most of which are in the form of CPA. However, considering the comprehensive cost of active users, the cost is relatively high and the user retention rate is relatively low.

The effect of optimizing keywords and rankings by the scorewall is the safest and most stable in the current Apple algorithm. Industry companies include Tapjoy, WeCloud, Youmi, Wanpu, etc.

(2) Scrolling promotion

Including protocol brush, real machine brush, meat brush and other forms.

The weight of the real users of the scorewall is much higher than that of the machine brushes. For example, the magnitude of the scorewall is two to three hundred, and the machine brushes may use tens of thousands of quantities. The final effect is that the ranking of the scorewall is higher. In addition, the machine brush is relatively harmful, because as long as your product has done machine brush, it will greatly increase the risk of being punished by Apple, and will seriously reduce the weight of iOS packages. In addition, the supervision of Apple Store is becoming more and more strict, so the cost of this method is rising, which is not recommended.

(3) List and comment optimization

The promotion of ranking is based on the algorithm of the application market, which is based on the daily downloads. You can optimize the ranking effect by optimizing the surrounding words related to keywords.

Key words shall be covered before optimization: core industry words and competitive products words shall be covered (brand words>industry words>competitive products words>irrelevant words). For example, brand related words: Taobao, Taobao, Taobao. For example, industry related words: education, learning, K12, coaching.

Every time the app is updated, the original comment will be overwritten and the corresponding comment will be added to the app. The number of comments will affect the ranking (proportion weight) of app applications in the general list and category list, and the optimization of comments is also to enhance users' desire to download when they see the software introduction.

3. Screen insert advertisement

It is also called spot advertising. When using an app or applet, the action triggers a full screen/half screen pop-up or embedding. Generally, when an app is opened, paused, or exited, it pops up in the form of half screen or full screen. This form of advertising is often used in the mobile game field, and the click rate, conversion rate, and user activity performance are all good.

4. Purchase volume of NetUnion and DSP

Both of them are precise ways of advertising. Netalliance gathers small and medium-sized websites and places advertising space on the website; DSP is to push the right advertising information to the right users in the right place.

Because of its massive media resources, NetLeague can display advertisements to a large extent. It can be targeted according to keywords, interests and websites. And DSP can also access Baidu Netcom, Google Netcom, tanx, etc., through cookie tracking, RTB (real-time bidding) to display appropriate advertising materials to users. For advertisers, it is real-time buying users, and for users, it is also the information users want to see.

5、 Volume exchange and drainage

It can exchange resources with apps with the same scale and similar user quality, such as the application market, WeChat official account, App and other platforms. The main forms of cooperation are information sharing, activity cooperation, focus map recommendation, content cooperation, etc., but pay attention to careful research in advance and try not to collide with your competitors.

6. Promotion of new media platform

The new media platform includes WeChat official account, Sohu account, Toutiao account, Baijia account and other mobile applications. It has a relatively mature recommendation mechanism and brand exposure. It writes some soft articles to guide users to download. It should pay attention to selecting entry points and embedding the information such as products, services, functions and corporate image that need to be publicized into the article content, A good entry point can make the whole article look integrated and leave a deep impression on users.

7. Search channel

Apart from ASO, search engine promotion is also keyword auction advertising. If you buy keywords, users will give priority to display your ads when searching for keywords. It is mainly divided into SEM and SEO. By spending money on information and studying the ranking and recommendation rules of search engines, we try our best to make our web pages conform to the rules of search engines and make ranking display higher. If done well, the display will be high, and the traffic visited will be relatively accurate potential users with demand, which will have a great effect on brand promotion.

8. Forum and post bar promotion

Give priority to the search for vertical industry resources, and carry out targeted and precise operations according to their own industries. You can go to Ctrip Travel, Auto Home, Anjuke, Laba and other forum websites or Baidu Post Bar related to their brand positioning. These vertical platforms are characterized by high user quality, Marketing High value, but also the most picky. It is best to write some original experience posts and interactive marketing posts, and flexibly use posting, top posting, top posting and other ways to bring topics and traffic. You can also cooperate with the owner and administrator of the post bar to obtain some privileges or resources for publicity.

9. Social platform promotion

QQ、 Social platforms such as WeChat and Weibo can tell stories, interact, push each other, and forward activities for exposure. The most common ones, such as fission marketing, invitation assistance, likes voting, etc., use users' social traffic for fission promotion, and eventually lead to their own apps. At the same time, it can create WeChat groups, discussion groups, develop service numbers, applets and other ways to accumulate user groups for operation, and provide value-added services.

10. KOL Marketing

It refers to key opinion leaders, generally referring to people with voice in the industry, such as experts, online celebrities, stars, etc. KOL is regarded as a relatively new marketing method, which gives play to the advantages of social media in coverage and influence. KOL fans have strong stickiness, and they are recognized by all aspects of their values. Therefore, KOL's recommendation, sharing, forwarding, etc. are haloed, but we should also pay attention to control the scale. Now users are smart. It is suitable for media platforms such as microblog, WeChat and Tiaoyin, as well as emerging modes such as live broadcast with goods.

11、 Information flow advertisement

Tencent advertising, today's headlines, Netease News, Sina Fuyi, etc. Information stream advertisement is an advertisement located in social media users' social news, or information media and audio-visual media content stream. The forms of information stream advertisements include pictures, images and texts, videos, etc. It is characterized by algorithm recommendation, native experience, and can be targeted through tags. Billing methods include CPM - billing by thousand exposures, CPC - billing by click, CPA - billing by action, and CPS - billing by sales.

12. Online media advertising

Portal media include Sina, Tencent, Sohu, Netease, etc; Vertical media include Huxiao, 36 krypton, Chuangye State, etc; Video media include Youku, iQiyi, Sohu, etc. The videos, articles or advertisements published or reported by these platforms are more likely to have an impact on the network platform, which is a good means for SMEs to promote their brand strength.

13、 Geopush promotion

Traditional local promotion forms such as stall setting, leaflet distribution and door-to-door sales are still effective. With the rise of O2O, many local promotion forms combined with the Internet have become popular. In recent years, emerging forms such as flash, online celebrity live broadcast and road shows have also achieved good results. Now the cost of online promotion is getting higher and higher, and the number of fake products is also increasing. It is also a good choice to return to the original local promotion, which is characterized by the relatively high quality of users obtained and suitable for early cultivation of seed users. The key point is to do a good job in statistics and assessment of local promotion personnel.

14. Outdoor advertising

Subway, bus, bus station, elevator, city billboard, etc. The advantages are high exposure, large flow of people, and strong crowd effect. For example, the elevator ads in office buildings can well cover white-collar workers; The airport can cover high-end business people or travel enthusiasts.

15. Encyclopedia Q&A

Establishing encyclopedias or brand entries in Baidu, 360, Sogou and other search channels is the earliest and best way to build a brand image. Then, establish Q&A on Baidu Knows, Sousou Q&A, Sina Love, Zhihu and other Q&A platforms to enhance brand popularity.

4、 Setting goals

1. Seed stage

The main purpose is to collect user behavior data, compare it with the user model during product design, and optimize it purposefully.

The main data to focus on are: page path conversion, button click, startup times, startup time period, dwell time, etc.

At this stage, the amount of data is not large, but real. If users come from, they can first do free channels. If there are some initial resources, it would be better.

2. Promotion period

The main purpose is to expand the influence and absorb users.

The main focus data are: new, active, retained and channel data.

At this stage, if we can cooperate with all kinds of resources and take multiple measures, it is best that the number of users can explode.

3. Revenue period

The main purpose is to create revenue through various activities and value-added services.

The main focus of the search data are: number of paying users, payment amount, payment path conversion, ARPU, etc.

The above are the main links involved in the conventional app promotion scheme. Of course, the specific situation should be analyzed in combination with different app use products, target groups, etc., and promotion should be carried out on this basis, combined with statistics Data analysis effect. I hope this plan can help more marketing personnel.


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This article was contributed by Luo Xueting Mei, which does not represent the love operation position. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: https://www.iyunying.org/social/app/182034.html

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