ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

The search matching mechanism in Apple Search Ads can be divided into exact exact matching, extensive matching and search matching. This time, we will share their corresponding advertising big data with all cicadas to provide macro reference for users' advertising.

We recommend that users use most of their budgets for precise keyword matching, carefully use extensive matching and search matching, and use the function of negative keywords to limit the keywords with poor quality. We will introduce their advertising data from the perspective of their corresponding keyword number and consumption amount, exposure percentage, click through rate (TTR), conversion rate (CVR), cost per click (CPT), and cost per download (CPA).

The following keyword research is based on the statistical data of advertising consumption of some users in the industry within half a year. It does not necessarily represent the whole market. This report is based on the following Marketing Data:
  • 422 million exposures;

  • 25 million hits;

  • 12 million downloads;

  • 1 million keywords;

  • 13 Store data (including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy and Spain.)

1、 Keyword quantity and consumption amount: It is recommended to give priority to budget for precise matching

The average number of keywords per application (including all 13 stores) is 8099. In the following chart, you can see that the number of completely matched keywords is 3278, while the number of widely matched keywords is 4821.

 ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

Obviously, distribution is unequal. Exact matching accounts for 40.5% of keywords, while fuzzy matching accounts for 59.5%.

 ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

However, when it comes to cost allocation, the consumption of accurate matching accounts for 73.1%, because accurate matching keywords can manage the relevance between you and users' search queries. They help attract interested users, who are more likely to convert and generate revenue over a period of time. Exact matching of keywords is intended to attract users who only search for these specific keywords or their approximate variants. Although they can produce fewer presentations, TTR and conversion rate will be higher than fuzzy matching keywords. Such keywords cost more, but promoters are more willing to allocate about 80% of the budget for accurate matching.

Fuzzy matching and search matching are more aggressive types of matching, which can show your ads in the plural form of bidding words, spelling errors, related searches, synonyms, partial words, etc. It is suggested that after running fuzzy matching and searching for matching advertising series for a period of time, you can browse the report and transfer the keywords with good results to the accurate matching group. Users can adopt this method by ASM Advertisements constantly tap high-quality keywords.

 ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

In general, the proportion of consumption of fuzzy matching and search matching is slightly higher than 20%, and that of accurate matching is about 80%. The two eight rule also applies to the budget allocation of ASM advertising.

2、 Proportion of exposure times: Accurate matching gives the highest display

According to the chart, 59.4% of the display times have been triggered by precise matching keywords, exceeding fuzzy matching (23.4%) or search matching (17.2%)

 ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

This distribution can explain that most promoters allocate more budget for accurate matching, while fuzzy matching or search matching allocate less budget.

3、 Click through rate (TTR): The click rate of accurate matching is higher than that of the other two matching methods

Compared with fuzzy matching keywords, precise matching keywords show higher TTR, corresponding to 6.34% and 4.41% respectively. However, please note that search matching performs better than fuzzy matching. Facts have proved that Apple's algorithm can better automatically locate ads to keywords rather than manually selecting keywords.

 ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

4、 Conversion rate (CVR): The CVR with accurate matching performs best

Similar to TTR, as far as CVR is concerned, fuzzy matching is the worst matching type among the three, only 35.92%. This poor performance is related to the fact that fuzzy matching makes you have less control over the matching of user search queries. Your ads may be displayed for highly unrelated queries. Therefore, they will leave your application page without downloading.

 ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

The difference between accurate keyword matching and fuzzy matching is that it can help you control the relevance, so it can bring more CVR than fuzzy matching. They are 54.73% and 35.92% respectively. In addition, the conversion rate of search matching is 42.06%, which is better than fuzzy matching again.

5、 Cost per click (CPT): Accurate matching costs are high but returns are better

The average CPT of precise matching keywords is the highest among all matching types, reaching $1.09. In fact, these keywords will cost you more, but they are highly relevant and have stronger TTR and conversion rate indicators. They have great potential to bring high-quality, high LTV users, so the costs you bear will be rewarded in a period of time.

 ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

Although precise matching keywords are expensive, they have high ROI/ROI. Promoters with adequate budgets should be ready to bear such costs.

6、 Cost per download (CPA): Accurate matching download unit price is in the middle

Another indicator that promotion personnel pay most attention to is the cost per conversion (CPA). Each conversion fee represents the amount you pay for each "Get" click, and is calculated as total expenses divided by conversion times. The overall situation of CPA by matching type is as follows: the fully matched CPA is US $1.99, the widely matched CPA is US $2.28, and the searched matched CPA is US $1.66.

 ASM advertising optimization tips that other optimizers refuse to say

Search matching takes the lead here. It has been proved that the keywords selected manually (fuzzy matching and precise matching) may perform worse than the keywords selected by the algorithm. Apple can match your ads to related search terms. It is meaningless to ignore the default function of this search advertisement when managing the advertisement account.

As for fuzzy matching, CPA seems to be the highest. Due to poor control over the relevance of search queries, this type of matching may generate fewer downloads, thus increasing the cost of each acquisition. If your budget and time are limited, we recommend that you use fuzzy matching very carefully, and use the negative word function to limit it if necessary.

The above is the corresponding advertising big data of complete matching, extensive matching and search matching. If there is anything you don't understand, please feel free to communicate with us.

Cicada Master is a great provider of global applications Data analysis And distribution channel optimization. adopt Master Cicada obtained Multiple application distribution channels, including Apple, cooperate to accumulate massive data every day, analyze and mine user discovery and access to app models, so as to guide app developers to promote their own applications and games and improve ROI.

Originated from WeChat official account (Master Cicada)

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