Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

Young people in the workplace are wearing the shell of "migrant workers" and constantly seeking identity through self mockery. Based on this, from the perspective of "migrant workers", understanding the hidden consumer psychology and emotional appeal of young people may become a breakthrough in brand marketing.

In recent years“ Migrant worker ”The term is frequently used in content scenarios. According to the data from the Little Red Book, the volume of notes related to "migrant workers and workplaces" has increased by 440%+in the past year, and the total number of interactions is estimated to increase by 128%+, with high popularity.

Young people in the workplace are wearing the shell of "migrant workers" and constantly seeking identity through self mockery. Based on this, from the perspective of "migrant workers", to understand the hidden consumer psychology and emotional appeal of young people, may become a brand Marketing The breakthrough of.

-Trend research

How do migrant workers balance work and life? What are the hot and emerging content in 2024? What is the user's focus? How to plant grass?

In this issue, Qiangua launched the 2024 "Migrant Workers" Life Insight Report (Little Red Book Platform) to further investigate the multi track segmentation trends of food, clothing, home decoration, medicine and health care, sports and outdoor from the perspective of "migrant workers", and summarize four major life trends: minimalism, new life after work, high-quality rest, and independent choice, Help the brand truly enter the new generation of young people in the workplace.

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

Figure 1 Thousand melon data

Report summary:


Interpretation of wind direction:

Advocate simple life, return to the essence of life, and focus your energy/financial resources/time and other resources on more important things. By reducing the burden of life and moving forward with light clothes, you can make your life lighter.

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

New life after work

Interpretation of wind direction:

The daily work mode of migrant workers should not be the only one. After work, Gap Night takes the initiative to start a new day, regain the control of time, and become the operator of the "own" company.

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

High quality recuperation

Interpretation of wind direction:

Clarify the boundary between work and rest, escape from the workplace in a short time, calm the brain, pay attention to the slight changes in the body, avoid "getting tired with more rest", and maximize the recovery of physical and mental energy.

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

Autonomous choice

Interpretation of wind direction:

Regardless of external choice, career planning and life goals, the young people in this workplace have jumped out of the single and popular value judgment system, had their own thinking and judgment, and chose to listen to their inner voice.

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

 Little Red Book "Migrant Workers" Living Record

Commercial promotion suggestions

In this survey, based on the research on the characteristics of "migrant workers" and grass planting content in the Little Red Book in the past year, Qiangua summarized the following suggestions:

Minimalism: new definition of popular track, richer content. In the field of home furnishing and food, "roadrunner", "white rice" and other simplism are prevalent. The brand can tap the demand behind "simple life", focusing on how to improve the quality of life and happiness of users at a minimum cost.

New life after work: "Start a new day after work" is the common aspiration of contemporary workers. By empowering "creative activities", brands can give migrant workers with empty spirit an opportunity to take action and fill the internal cultural world. On the other hand, migrant workers redefine the "weekend", take back time sovereignty, and advocate that the off work day is the weekend. Based on this, the brand may consider enriching the off duty consumption scene in working days, creating a marketing activity that more caters to the social habits of migrant workers, and generating a real and effective resonance connection with them.

High quality recuperation: the discussion on the platform is hot, and many scenes such as health care and outdoor activities are involved. At the level of physical health, we should observe users' minor physical changes to match product functions; In terms of emotional health, we can use the healing power of nature (outdoor) and time to develop more "high-quality rest" scenarios, empty our minds, and really switch from work to life mode.

Independent choice: choose to follow the subjective initiative and dare to jump out of the shackles of a single mass value system. In terms of external choice, the elite culture is disenchanted, no longer pursuing external refinement, and embracing a more comfortable self-expression style; In terms of growth choices, migrant workers realize that "lying flat" is just a psychological relief, and they are still eager to "invest in themselves" to enhance their competitiveness. The brand can keenly capture the mentality of migrant workers in the delicate tension between "funeral culture" and "positive energy", make a voice for them, or awaken more potential people to plant grass.

Not only that, but also the broader inner world of migrant workers outside of business. Through the four major trends, we can see the humble and huge group of migrant workers, turning the scattered users' aspirations into clear and practical links with the brand, making the "workplace" more warm.

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