2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

two thousand and eighteen World Cup Towards the end, this World Cup has attracted many fans' attention. How are the fans participating in the World Cup? Compared with the previous World Cup, what are the differences and changes in user participation behavior of this World Cup? Future football events operate What are the opportunities? Kue User Research Institute (WeChat ID: kueclub), together with Tencent Index, carried out a series of studies on the World Cup. This issue is Phase II 2018 World Cup User behavior Research on New Trends To interpret the viewing situation, hot topics, participation and experience of surrounding activities of users participating in the World Cup, and comprehensively present the new trend of user behavior of the 2018 World Cup.

Questionnaire survey and public opinion are adopted in this study Data analysis Combined with other methods.

Source of survey samples: A total of 15848 valid samples were collected by launching questionnaires through multiple channels such as user community and public account of Ku'e User Research Institute, covering PC and mobile users respectively, and launching users of different genders, ages and regions according to the structure of Chinese Internet users.

Source of public opinion data: It is provided by Tencent Index and adopts the whole network public scene data, including WeChat public account platform/QQ space/Tencent News/Daily Express/mainstream microblog platform/game forum/mainstream video website, etc. The data extraction cycle is from June 14 to July 7.

Copyright description: The content published in the report is the independent data and research analysis of Ku'e User Research Institute as a third-party research platform, which does not represent the position of any enterprise. Please indicate the source of the report if it is reproduced.

Core insights of Cool Goose

  • The World Cup has attracted many edge users to focus on football matches

More than half of the users paid attention to football matches through the World Cup for the first time. This World Cup has attracted 46% of edge users. Among these users, women and young people are prominent, and they pay more attention to gossip and entertainment content around them.

  • Social platform is an important channel to attract new users and spread new play methods

76% of users will communicate with others about the World Cup, and social networking is the core channel; Social platforms have become an important channel to attract new users because of their high communication and interaction, and also an important way to play around the World Cup and spread World Cup related content, such as new games and original expression packs.

  • High participation in winning contests, entertainment, technology and fashion play are most popular with young users

Among the activities around the World Cup, the participation of users in the quiz and prize winning activities is the highest. For young users, the play method with the characteristics of "entertainment, technology, fashion, and fun" is more popular, and has a high participation in VR games, AI quiz and prediction programs, fan ball games, ball star birthday celebrations and other projects.

  • Watching the ball on the spot is the expansion direction of the play around sports events

Users have a high demand and satisfaction for watching the World Cup live, and the actual participation rate is low. Especially young users have a high demand for watching the game live, which will become the development direction of peripheral play in the future.

The following is the full report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

 2018 World Cup user behavior new trend insight report

Originated from WeChat official account: Cool Goose Club

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This article was submitted by Love Operation, which does not represent the position of Love Operation. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: https://www.iyunying.org/seo/dataanalysis/141988.html

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Previous 8:49 PM, August 1, 2018
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