However, Internet operation can achieve the most efficient marketing!

Sophia two thousand one hundred and forty-two

Internet operation may be a very general concept for many operators, even they don't know how to operate Internet operation. Although many enterprises know the importance of Internet e-commerce, some enterprise websites only focus on publishing product information and enterprise profiles, which does not really bring practical benefits to enterprises, Forget that Internet operation is an important means of network marketing.

Enterprise websites want to have a foothold in the Internet and not be submerged in massive information. The initial operation optimization work is very important. In particular, the newly built website has just been launched and is still in the assessment period. We can't just update the website content, but also need to do some search engine optimization work. However, attention should be paid to optimization techniques and excessive optimization should be avoided.

So where should Internet operations start?


1. Regularly update the website

Don't only focus on building websites, but also ignore the maintenance and update of websites. If you want to run a good website, you need to update it regularly, not only the content, but also the products, friendship links and other updates. Let users and search engines know that your website is operated by someone, not a "zombie" website.

2. Reasonably arrange keywords

The keywords of each page are not imaginary. To ensure the accuracy of the keywords, the keywords of each page should be accurate and consistent with the basic information of the website. Also, the frequency of keywords should not be too high. Do not stack keywords. The density should be well controlled. Generally, it should be maintained at 3% - 8%, and should never exceed 10%.

3. Construction of internal and external chains

A website can never ignore the construction of internal and external chains. Without the construction of internal and external chains, the website is isolated and cannot operate. The internal chain construction of the website is a means to reflect the interconnection of the website itself, ensuring a high degree of connection between the home page and the internal page; External chain construction is an important part of optimization, which can improve the inclusion and ranking of websites in a short time.

4. Plan

This simple advice is often ignored. Before starting to build a website, you should make a plan and form a text. It will help you to consider the decision more thoroughly and estimate the cost better. At the same time, it also ensures that every member of the team knows what he is actually doing.

5. Overall collaboration

Every successful website is the result of effective collaboration, because it needs people with different division of labor - design, development, marketing, and work together. However, they think differently, work differently, and even speak different languages. So they need some help.

6. Observe the traffic status of the website

By observing the visitors' movements - where they came from, what they browsed, how long they stayed, and when they left, we can know which part of the website is working or not working.

7. Keep developing your website

After the launch of the website, the real work has just begun. You should pay attention to its use and gradually modify it to better meet the needs of users. This is a dynamic maintenance process, which also better reflects our operational thinking.

8. Ensure website usability

The easier your website is to operate, the more people will use it. So, if you want to get more motivation, make sure your website is simpler and more direct, with obvious choices, clear names, and user habits.

With the continuous development of the Internet and the continuous upgrading of technology, we should also constantly develop our thinking. With the guiding ideology of the entire Internet, we should keep pace with the society and stay ahead in technology.

The above is the basic idea of the overall Internet operation. How to attract more customers to your online sales requires not only the means to attract users to visit the website, but also the promotion of website marketing turnover in the later stage. In these points, a company with overall Internet strategy planning is needed to bring customers the latest Internet thinking ideas. Chongqing Weiyi Network Technology From the planning of project structure, UI design, UX (user experience), integrated program development, data building to maintenance services, we strive to achieve perfection, and have formulated good strategic plans for domestic well-known brands in many industries.


3 replies in total I'll reply
  •  Head of Xiaohaihai
    Learn operation, love operation! Rich operational knowledge helps you grow faster.

    Yes, website operation is very necessary, and the Internet is now efficient.

    5 years ago 0 comments
  •  Head of Operation Cat
    The operation department shares network operation and network marketing promotion skills.

    Network operation Our knowledge is very extensive.

    5 years ago 0 comments
  •  Head of Xiaohaihai
    Learn operation, love operation! Rich operational knowledge helps you grow faster.

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    5 years ago 0 comments
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