How will the Qixi WeChat voting activity be held? Is there a free WeChat voting tool?

Xiaohaihai two thousand one hundred and twenty-six

August 17 is the Chinese traditional Tanabata Valentine's Day, also known as Qiqiao Day, Qiqiao Day or the Seventh Sister's Birthday. According to legend, Tanabata is the day when the cowherd and the weaver girl meet at the magpie bridge. It is the most romantic festival in China's traditional festivals, and is considered as "China's Lover's Day". How will the Qixi WeChat voting activity be held? Is there a free WeChat voting tool?


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  •  Head of Prince Sunshine
    Prince of Sunshine
    Learn operation, love operation! Rich operational knowledge helps you grow faster.
    When doing daily activities, usually the boss or boss will want our activity budget to be minimized and the effect of the activity to be maximized. In this case, we will try our best to train some tools available for free in the market to help us do activities
    1. Tools for user portrait
    Sometimes to do an activity, we need to do a sample survey of the user groups of our products first, and we can have a target only after we understand the user needs and user profiles. Not doing user surveys is irresponsible.
    1) Questionnaire Star
    You can conduct online questionnaires, simple votes, etc. It is a good free tool to do sample surveys. Of course, if you use advanced functions, you still need to pay for them. For example, for an activity about games, we can collect the characteristics of a game when users are more active and willing to pay through a questionnaire survey. Of course, in the design of questions, the initiator of the activity must design closely. If the initiator has some research on user psychology, it would be great.
    Similar tools:
    Activity Box
    Investigative faction
    Tencent Questionnaire
    2) Baidu Index
    Baidu Index is a statistical analysis tool for Internet trends. You can check the search volume of a keyword in Baidu through Baidu Index, and focus on the geographical distribution of the users of the keyword. It can also be used to focus on some hot spots in the near future. It is possible to use this good tool when doing activities related to products and services. When using, we must combine the trend research, demand mapping, information attention, and crowd portraits provided by Baidu Index.
    Similar tools:
    Microblog index
    Headline index

    2. Tools to be used when creating activities
    Event planning needs strong creativity, and sometimes brainstorming is needed when inspiration cannot be found. At this time, creativity needs to be collected and generated together with the help of the team. Mind mapping flow chart software clearly expresses our creativity in the form of pictures and texts, showing the upper and lower subordination of creative themes, It can help us express divergent thinking more directly and effectively.
    1) Mindjet
    One of the most widely used software now, it can be seamlessly connected with Microsoft Word, PPT and other office software, and is a software with high usage rate in daily work. The creativity of the activity, the attention points in the process of the activity, the resources needed, the activity stages, etc. can be intuitively expressed by software
    Similar tools:
    Baidu Brain Map
    2) Visio: official Microsoft draw flow chart And schematic tool
    draw flow chart One of the most frequently used software, it is very important to do an activity and develop an executable activity process that needs the cooperation of the upstream and downstream within the department or the company, which can ensure that the activity is carried out in an orderly manner. If the activity is done at will, and no plan is made for which department or position to participate at which time, the effect of the activity will be greatly reduced.
    Similar tools:
    3. Tools used in activities
    1) QR code generator
    When the activity page is ready and wants to spread quickly through friends circle and other channels, we need to generate a QR code, The forage is simple and convenient, and the logo can also be displayed in the QR code, which is very good.
    Similar tools:
    2) Voting Activity Tools
    Come on
    When it is necessary to attract a large number of fans for the product or public account, the voting activity may be one of the more direct and fast activities. Plan a good theme and set up attractive awards. Awards can be single or multiple. As long as the awards are attractive, the number can be unlimited. Graphic and text forms, audio forms, etc., and even a focus vote can be held. Invite friends to vote by sharing. A viral marketing campaign is a good choice.
    Similar tool: rubbing box
    3) H5 Page Creation Tool
    At present, most domestic H5 page production tools provide some free functions, and more advanced functions are basically charged. The biggest difference between tools and tools is that more or less free templates are provided. Common H5 page creation tools are as follows:
    Baidu H5
    Maker post
    Yi Qixiu

    5 years ago 1 comment
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