I have been working on Taobao for 7 years and found that users

The website packs WeChat applet and asks me for it one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five

During the seven years of Taobao, how bitter and bitter was it? Do you remember the excitement of the first two orders in the first day of the new year? Do you remember cursing the buyers for poor reviews.

In the past 7 years, my Crown Shop has also had a group of loyal fans, and Taobao Group is also active every day.

One day, a customer asked me. Boss, can we pay by WeChat? I also opened a Taobao shop before, and was permanently closed due to violations.

A brainwave came to me. At first thought, we should not give up the WeChat market! So we are going to find someone to make a WeChat app store. A layman can't avoid being punished. As soon as the other side spoke, they said that they would add tens of thousands of JJBB fees. The fire is high.

Finally, it saved more than 2000 yuan to find a program called Li (hxgshop. com), which was built in three days.

I was informed in Taobao group that my applet activity rose sharply that day.

Many new Taobao users, after trading, I also recommend them to follow my WeChat applet, and the other side is also happy.

Slowly, the sales of WeChat apps are increasing, which are particularly sticky! I am very happy!

Just want to ask: Who else is better than me!

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