[Looking for operating partners] A practical opportunity for an online community to start operation from cold start (remote cooperation)

subhill two thousand and forty-five

[Looking for an operating partner] My partner and I have just won the opportunity to implement the scheme in the community design competition of Zhiqun. The theme of the community is the direction of design tools. Now we are looking for an operating partner

[Introduction to Zhiqun] It was founded by Ma Li (the founder of the most beautiful application). It can listen to lessons live and is a learning group of Internet people. (Baidu Zhihu can understand by yourself)

If you

– Experienced in community user operation (preferably with community operation experience)

– Have a hot pillow for operation, want to accumulate experience and develop towards operation

– Understand the direction of Internet design

If you meet the above conditions, do not hesitate! Please tell us!

[We will provide]

– An online community, a practical opportunity to start operation from cold start

– Deeply understand and understand a group of aspiring future Internet designers

– Have the opportunity to share the income generated by community operation

However, please note that we are not bosses, not recruiters, we do not provide salaries, we are just Internet learners, and remote collaboration operates an online community. If you are interested, please email me subhill@126.com , your letter must be answered!


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  •  subhill
    Learn operation, love operation! Rich operational knowledge helps you grow faster.


    Six years ago 0 comments
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