Axure Template Library (1) - Common Websites


Author: Axure Master WeChat official account: axure123 Original address: Jab here

Send a set of Axure templates, which can be copied and pasted directly when making prototypes in the future. The download address of the source file is at the end of the article.

The template includes 9 common website layouts, many buttons and icons. Below is a picture preview.

1. Emphasize the layout of registered accounts. On the left is the product introduction, and on the right is the button for login and "quick registration". It is suitable for new products with more new users.


2. The main space introduces the product in the form of a carousel chart, which is suitable for guiding users to download apps or try the product.

 640.webp (1)

3. The bottom shows the switch buttons at different ends, suitable for products that can be synchronized at different ends.

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4. It still focuses on introducing products, which is suitable for websites with videos.

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5. At the bottom is the screenshot of Mac products, which is suitable for PC and Mac products.

 640.webp (3)

6. The "E-mail address" input box is added, which is suitable for guiding users to register or subscribe.

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7. The middle of the page is a search box, which is suitable for search oriented products.

 640.webp (5)

8. Display a large number of text, suitable for platform and technology products with less UI interfaces.

 640.webp (6)

9. In the middle is the input box, which is suitable for guiding users to directly start using web services.

 640.webp (7)

Source file download address: Poke me Poke me

Author: Master Axure, WeChat official account: axure123, want to see more templates case You can follow the author's official account.

 QQ Picture 20160524173339

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