Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?

Modern young people: "They can't earn money, but they like to spend money on it Sense of ritual ”。 At the moment of prudent consumption, "ritual consumption" has increased rather than decreased, Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong The platform related content is more popular and has become the key word of brand circle fans.
 Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?

Users of this Little Red Book are enthusiastic about "sense of ceremony"

"XX's first cup of milk tea", "eating for one", "feeling of going home/going out ceremony"... The content on the little red book has been constantly popular, and the notes related to the platform's "sense of ceremony" have exceeded 10 million. Through Little Red Book Data analysis The tool query keywords show that in the past year, the "sense of ritual" related content has topped 100 million, the number of collections, comments and shares has reached 10 million, and the average monthly interaction has exceeded 500000.
 Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?
Figure | Thousand melon data
Travel stamp/postcard and wedding newspaper shared by Xiaohongshu users last year
(On the day when Shenzhen Evening News opened its reservation last year, the reservation volume was directly scheduled to the next year)
. Obtaining a license/following a divorce photo... It was a hot discussion on the Internet, and the comment area shouted: "How ritualistic!"
In addition, platform users have launched a series of topics around "sense of life ceremony" and "sense of festival ceremony", with a browsing volume of 10 billion. "sense of ceremony" has become an effective way for brand link users.
 Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?
Figure | Screenshot of Little Red Book&Thousand Melons Data
The hot posts on the Little Red Book have made many brands famous with a "sense of ceremony": McDonald's promoted new products and held a retirement ceremony for coffee; KFC held a funeral for French fries, and the church broadcast live all over the world with standardized procedures, focusing on a true feeling, and then launched a new model.
 Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?
Figure | Screenshot of Little Red Book
The "sense of ritual" is the expression of consumers' inner feelings, reflects their yearning for a better life, pursues cultural values/cultural atmosphere, and is an effective way to establish communication and enhance interaction between brands and consumers:
1. Ritualizing daily behavior to give it meaning is not only the external expression of emotion, but also participates in the reconstruction of life space and way;
2. The concept of "all-in-one oil" of social platform is properly used and suitable for embedding various products;
3. The subjective construction at the psychological level can be stimulated and coordinated by external factors to establish a connection between the outside world and the inside world;
4. The willingness to pay for the sense of ritual is a life expression of "traceable" and "memory".

How to ignite "ritual consumption" when planting grass?

What "sense of ceremony" on the Little Red Book can impress consumers? Query the popular words in Xiaohongshu through Qiangua data, and the results show that "node ritual, seasonal trend ritual, sense of home ritual, sense of going out ritual, sense of eating ritual..." are all popular content types. Therefore, the author summarized four "ritual sense" grass planting ways:
 Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?
Figure | Thousand melon data

Clock in - memory creation/memory symbols

The "clocking" that the whole network is playing is a typical behavior of ritual sense. Through the clocking scene, we can leave the mark of life, the road we have traveled, the scenery we have seen, and the feelings we have felt. Each time of clocking in is like a small but important ceremony in life, creating a unique memory symbol.

Home and outdoor life - emotional fulcrum/meaning giving

In home life, the sense of ritual is the embodiment of emotional fulcrum. The well prepared dinner and warm celebration are all expressions of love and cherish for home. The creation of the sense of ritual not only strengthens the emotional ties of the family, but also gives profound meaning to the family life.
In outdoor life, the sense of ritual is the pursuit and bestowal of the meaning of life. Whether it is the climbing ceremony in hiking or the bonfire party in camping, these moments with a sense of ritual make people deeply feel the beauty and preciousness of life.
The brand notes of Kaile Stone's cooperation with Daren put forward the idea of "making a perfect summary of my busy year with a highly ceremonial sunshine Jinshan". The note review data showed that "good-looking, trench coat, hiking, clothes" ranked top 10, realizing the effective grass planting of brand products.
 Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?
Figure | Screenshot of Little Red Book&Thousand Melons Data

Exclusive node - emotional maintenance/order maintenance

The sense of ritual exclusive to nodes has become an indispensable part of modern people's life. The solemnity and sanctity of the graduation ceremony, bearing in mind the hardships and gains of study; The joy and romance at the wedding witnessed the sweetness and commitment of love and the moment of self enjoyment of living alone... These exclusive ritual feelings are not only the respect and value of nodes, but also the maintenance and sublimation of emotions.
The notes released by the expert imayu shared the exclusive feeling of living alone at the Christmas node. The data shows that the spread effect of notes is far higher than the daily level of talent, and the praise is 502.38% higher. The notes cover hot words: "Christmas, atmosphere, good things at home, happiness, sense of ceremony, healing", etc.
 Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?
Figure | Screenshot of Little Red Book&Thousand Melons Data

Flow experience - associative behavior/imagination space

The ritual sense of flow experience, such as DIY and self-control, originates from the love and devotion to what you do. Through the expansion of associative behavior and imagination space, not only can we improve our cognitive ability and creativity, but also can we find more fun and meaning in life.
The DIY self-made content that McDonald's cooperates with Darren makes the product packaging into a retro pictorial wind magnetic perpetual calendar. The review area is full of users who hand in their homework. With "giving every day a sense of ritual", it opens the user's imagination of the product and conveys the fun of the brand and young people playing together.
 Data analysis of Xiaohongshu hot words! Why does the enduring "sense of ritual" become a necessity for consumption?
Figure | Screenshot of Little Red Book

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