Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

As an unfailing creative direction, the food track has differentiated into tutorials, evaluation, shop exploration and other vertical contents

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

In recent years, pan entertainment content has become popular on various We Media platforms. With the maturity of the platform ecology, the head traffic is more difficult to shake. In order to obtain better communication data, we need to find more space for development.

At this time, the advantages of vertical accounts will be revealed, not only to avoid fierce competition, but also to obtain more accurate traffic.

As an unfailing creative direction, the food track, Differentiate into tutorials, evaluation and shop exploration Content of the vertical category, according to Xinhong "Red Man Search" It shows that many excellent creators have emerged in various subdivisions. Today, we will select several typical accounts and analyze their content creation skills.

You can go to the official website of New Red Data if you want to get more ideas on notes of popular funds see.

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

Huang Daxian's Convenience Diary

Seeking opportunities at the fine track

from @Huang Daxian's Convenience Diary It can be seen from her name that she is a blogger dedicated to making bento, which has accumulated so far 60.91w fans , observe operate Data, account number in recent 30 days A total of 6 videos were released and 1.78w likes were obtained Estimated number of readings exceeds 40w

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

▲ New Red - Red Person Search - Data Overview

As a vertical account, this account is targeted precisely, Mainly young women aged 18-24 They choose "hot and sour shredded potatoes, green pepper stuffed meat" Easy to operate and affordable dishes , in line with the expectations of the target population.

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

▲ New Red - Red Person Search - Note List

The "cost 8.9" with the best short-term effect 💰| Adhere to the 134th day of taking food to work ", present the cooking steps of" green pepper fermented meat and sweet and sour crispy tofu ", accompanied by simple and straightforward oral explanations, Clearly show the cooking points , so that the video can be copied More than 1w+likes, 5305 collections

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?   Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?   Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong Blogger Page

In fact, this kind of video does not need too much creativity and video language, and it is loved by many professionals by relying on accurate positioning.

One of the reasons why accounts can continue to attract attention is that Provide solid dry goods , target users get useful content for themselves; On the other hand, bloggers have rich and detailed video tutorials, which are easy to attract users to collect.

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

Snack Girl Crisps

Sincerely share and get high attention

Close up of the original picture on the cover, without too many filters and fancy words, can attract a large number of users to watch when taking photos, and the blogger of Xiaohongshu snacks @Snack Girl Crisps Published in recent 30 days 31 video notes , with high update frequency, notes Estimated number of reading is 69.38w

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

▲ New Red - Red Person Search - Data Overview

Look back @Snack Girl Crisps In the past, we can find that bloggers often use slightly exaggerated words such as "too successful", "super delicious", and "blowing", Mobilize users' emotions again Close up of matching product details To achieve strong grass planting effect.

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

▲ New Red - Red Person Search - Note List

In fact, the main reason why these contents become popular It makes users feel the atmosphere of true sharing

Taking "This online candy shopping is really successful, The main idea is to be authentic and conform to the tone of Xiaohongshu platform.

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?   Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?   Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

▲ Xiaohong Bookblog main page

It is relatively difficult to establish fan stickiness for such unseen and invisible snack bloggers, but Low cost, fast start, large audience base As long as you carefully select products, operate your account for a long time, and maintain sincere feedback, there is still a possibility of development in Xiaohongshu Food District.

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

Liang Tianzi's daily life

Extremely strong human creativity

I believe that everyone's childhood will have a complex of small shops. We envy the variety of snacks and toys, @Liang Tianzi's daily life With the theme of "what is the experience of opening a supermarket at home", we have created many popular notes in the past 30 days.

When observing his works, the important factors that can explode fire are Strong creation of account positioning and staffing , giving users a fresh sense of experience.

Every video, @Liang Tianzi's daily life They will sneak into the snack bar at home at night after their parents fall asleep, load a tray full of food, and take it back to the room, where there are instant noodles, snacks and drinks.

She will take all kinds of raw materials and seasonings to make fried string, seafood platter and other foods, and show her cooking skills to everyone; After the food is put on the plate, Liang Tianzi starts the late night poisoning mode, Crisp and delicious food , many people cried.

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?   Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?   Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

▲ Xiaohong Bookblog main page

This account has only been published in the past 30 days 3 works Estimated number of readings exceeds 200w "What is the experience of keeping a thief at home" released on March 31 Like 6.21w The two commercial videos cooperated with "Master Kang" and "Joy" also obtained good data.

 Looking for opportunities at the fine track, what should Xiao Hongshu do to take notes of the blockbusters?

▲ New Red - Red Person Search - Note List

As a head food blogger, @Liang Tianzi's daily life The business content is very mature and good at passing Food innovation to display brand goods For content creators, the threshold for Xiaohongshu to realize is relatively low, and they want to get more opportunities, Need to continuously polish the content to attract traffic

Vertical racetracks can give more traffic space to creators, but account operation inevitably faces problems such as content homogenization and user visual fatigue, Although there are clear and predictable realization paths, there are also many content scenarios However, it is still worth thinking about which track to enter.

If you want to Has Understand the creative trend of the industry, and learn the creative skills of hot money , please click to go to the official website of New Red Data to experience.

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