In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

in recent years, Marketing The mode is rapidly iterative, and "grass planting" has become a more popular and popular marketing form from an innovative marketing, Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong It is the leader in this mode.

The latest data shows that At present, Xiaohongshu has more than 200 million monthly active users and 43 million+shares, It deserves to be the "consumption decision-making" platform in the minds of many young users.

More and more businesses and individuals have started to settle in Little Red Book, but they want to operate To be a good little red book, you must master the rules and skills. Today, I will collate and share 10 pieces about the operation of the little red book Model , to help you open up the idea of operation.

Model Catalog

1. Traffic distribution model

2. Explosion test funnel model

3. IDEA methodology

4. Product matrix model

5. KFS model

6. Selection logic model

7. 10-3-1 Red Book Selection Model

8. KOC value evaluation model

9. Selection model

10. Pyramid delivery model


Traffic distribution model

After you publish your notes, you will first review them to see if there is any violation, and then classify the tags to recommend matching to users with the same tags. Then the notes will be put into a primary flow pool for exposure. Whether you can enter the flow pool depends largely on your note score.

There is a CES scoring standard in Little Red Book: CES score=likes × 1 point+collections × 1 point+comments × 4 points+forwards × 4 points+concerns × 8 points

So what we need to do is to find ways to guide fans to follow, forward, score, collect and like.


Explosion test funnel model

 In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

For brands and businesses, how to launch notes and allocate channels? You can refer to the "531" model. The core is to constantly filter high-quality notes and continue to invest.

At the initial stage, with the goal of enriching the types of notes, we screened out high-quality notes of various types (5+are recommended) under natural flow for information flow testing.

In the next stage, select more high-quality notes (top 30%) from the information flow test notes, and match the appropriate heating tool volume. Select notes with high interaction level and high reference rate of the product in the comment area to search first, match creative materials and corresponding search terms, and focus on sales at important promotion nodes.

In the sprint stage, high-quality notes will be continuously screened, the goal of explosive articles will be flexibly adjusted, and the potential explosive articles notes (top 10%) will be created into the ultimate explosive articles through diversified advertising tools.


IDEA methodology

 In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

IDEA methodology is a marketing tool proposed by Little Red Book in 2021. It provides brand owners with practical marketing management Solution.

It is mainly divided into four key marketing link nodes : Insight insight into product opportunities, Define definition of product strategy, Expand breakdown category track, Advocate precipitation of brand assets.


Product matrix model

 In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

What products should Xiaohongshu promote when the brand just settled in? How much does it cost? It is suggested to give priority to fully sort out the status quo of brands and products, refer to the product matrix model, and split "popular products", "potential products", and "long tail products": comprehensively judge the stage of brand products, and conduct product marketing planning in combination with the brand's own needs.

For the brand of non explosive products, it is suggested that the budget should be invested in a single product at the initial stage; For existing explosive products and multi SKU parallel brands, build a marketing matrix according to the product status, formulate corresponding marketing goals, and match the budget.


KFS model

 In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

KFS content marketing mix strategy was put forward by Little Red Book official to help brands complete new product marketing from 0 to 1, and improve consumers' "motivation" and "ability" to purchase.

K (Kol).

F (Feeds): Accurately reach people, scale up benefits, improve operating efficiency, and help brands reduce costs and increase efficiency.

S (Search).


Selection logic model

 In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

How to quickly promote brand products, establish product selection logic through category trends, products, SEM scoring (search engine marketing) and other dimensions, and preliminarily screen out categories/products with higher total scores through grading at different levels.

adopt Data analysis Step by step, select potential products from top to bottom, and then deepen the mental influence of the whole brand/product from bottom to top, creating a visual and traceable explosive model for the brand.


10-3-1 Focusing method

If you are not clear about your own position and the direction of the topic, you can refer to the 3-10-1 model proposed by Mr. Lv Bai to determine your own position by means of divergence focus re divergence re focus.

10: Dig out the 3 areas you are good at first. In these three fields, we will try 10 popular topics respectively, and try 30 daily changes in total.

3: Compare the data and analyze which field's market data is good. Select the three most popular notes from the 30 notes, focus on the fields they belong to, dig deeply into the subdivided keywords and try further.

1: Finally, through data analysis, determine the topic of the most popular note. Constantly excavate subdivision keywords, focus on topics in this field, vertically create content in this area, and constantly imitate the best money to make the best money.


KOC value evaluation model

 In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

Through the KOC value evaluation model, the commercial value of KOC (a simple blogger with 1-5k fans) is comprehensively evaluated from three perspectives of excess interaction, grass planting effect and transformation effect.

Excessive interaction: The reason for launching KOC brand cannot be separated from the low price, but the most important thing is the cost performance ratio. It is more worthwhile to launch KOC brand if it can obtain the talents with excessive interaction.

Grass planting effect: KOC has a more authentic and grounded identity, but lacks professionalism. Selecting KOC's main creative fields for grass planting can be more sincere, professional and precise.

Conversion effect: the intention of users in the comment area is a key indicator to evaluate the effect of note conversion.


Selection model

 In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

Through a comprehensive evaluation of the basic data, business quality and grass planting quality of talent, help the brand solve the problem of uneven interaction of talent notes and the difficulty in ensuring the launch effect, and create a feasible talent selection scheme.

Basic data: average fans' likes of Tibet, median likes, fans' activeness&water fans' proportion, update frequency, data authenticity

Commercial quality: tonal fit, fan portrait, brand promotion, CPE

Grass planting quality: popularity rate, cover&text, KOL public opinion, long tail flow


Pyramid delivery model

 In 2023, 10 models are necessary for small red book (attached with small red book report)

The most classic and effective launch strategy of Little Red Book. Through multi-level pyramidal launch, KOL can conduct efficient layered drainage with its own value, make full use of the long tail flow of the Little Red Book, and promote the transformation of product efficiency step by step.

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